Chereads / Is it wrong to be a badass in the dungeon? / Chapter 32 - Cute samurai girl

Chapter 32 - Cute samurai girl

Maja wulf kien and some goons are outside thr village of where keum got

Beat kien wanted to recruit the person who beat wulf.


(Should i rewrite this with better writting quality?

Im too lazy :)


The villager who saw this recognize wulf and they quickly panic

They knew the wolf gang would be back for revenge sooner or later.

and they brought more people this time.


"What should we do?" A villager asked his friend.


"We should call akane she might be able to scare them off"

A fatman said.


"And what if she cant beat them all?" A skinny woman asked.


"Then were dead meat" the brownhaired guy shaked to his boots.


Kien and the others entered the village and wulf imedietly grabbed

One of the villagers askimg to wheres the girl who beat him up

Last time.


Kien only watch him knowing that person would show up

Anytime now. Just then a black figure jumped out of nowhere

Attacking wulf fortunetly wulf was able tl block it in time but

The kick was powerful sending him flying back.


"Fuck its you!" Wulf said with blood shot eyes.


The girl that attacked wulf was obviously akane

"Dind i told you to leave and never come back?"


"Fuck you you cant tell me what to do! Even my mom cant!

So who the fuck do you think you are?! You fuckin bitch".


Wulf was cursing and was ready to attack akane at anytime

He resembles bakugo allot but imagine bakugo has purple hair.


"Shut the fuck up." Kien said he dind even raise his voice

But it was at the volume where everyone can hear it

But hes words were cold and has a glint of killing intent

Sending chilling vibes to wulf spine.


Wulf was left no choice but to shut up knowing that

This person is far stronger than him he can only grit

His teeth.


"This wierd clothing.. clould it be? I should try test it."

He thought.


"My name is kien and im here to apologize to what my

Subbordinate did last time." Kien said sincercly even bowing

His head.


Everyone was shocked especially the villagers akane however

Was weary of this person and that little girl with wierd horns

She can tell thier not to be messed with

("He must have an ultirior motive") she thought.


"Your apology is accepted please take your leave." Akane said


"Allright" kien handsigned indicating that thier going home

The goons obidienly did and walked to the exit.


"Are they really just gonna leave?" Akane thought not only

Her but everyone in sight was thinking the same thing.


(However kien was still lost in thought.

Base on that kick of her she must be a level 3 or lower

Its not common to be a level 3 in this world. )




Somebody shouted breaking kiens thoughts. It was wulf

He thought they came here to get revenge but insted they

Aplogize to them. His respect for kien was originaly 70 but now

He has none.


Not just wulf some of his goons also thought of the same

Thing. "Wulf is right i think the leader is just scared!"

Fat goon said.


"Here i am thinkingtthe leader was hot shit turns out he

Was just a pussy" shouted one of his goons.


Wulf was looking at akane and was about to dash at her but suddenly

Felt a gathering of mana behind him.


He saw kien lifting up the goon that said shit about him.

"Wa-" but before he could finish hes head was crushed by kiens

Hands. The people who saw this was horrified some lost conciousness

Some puked and some even pissed thier pants.


Kien them turned and looked at the fat shit goon earlier.

The fatman imedietly kneeled and beg for forgiveness.

"P..le..ase i..m so. So-r..ry." fatman said crying burying his

Face to the ground.


Kien walked up to him and put his hand on his head touching his hair.

Givimg him a pat. "Its okay." Kien said.


Fatman was relieved to hear that he was beaing spared

He wanted to say thank you but just before that he felt something warm

On his head.


Kien grabbed his head like a mini ball and used his lightning bolt electrifying him

To death. Everybody was in horror except for akane who saw worst casses but was

A little bit shock to how creative this guy killed his people.


Kien realeased fatmans head who man now burn and the smell of burned flesh

Entered thier nose.


Kien turned his head to see wulf who was in total horror his face was

So pale and his feet were shaking.


"Lets go wulf" kien said not sparring him a glance.


Wulf snapped out of it amd just obdiently followed

Not wanting to end up like thos goons.

"Is he not gonna kill me?"


Before the group reached to exit of the village kien stopped

His tracks and said something without even looking back.


"Whats your name?" Kien said. He almost forgot to ask

Her name.


"Akane.." akane replied.


"Are you perhaps someone like me?" Kien turned his head

To look at the beatiful girl who was looking at him confusely.


"Nevermind" he said leaving the village with his goons.






"What did he meant someone like him..? Is he an assasin like me?"

Akane stared at the now emty space which kien was once standing on







im bak lol