Chapter 38 - Sigma rule

Meanwhile in orario




People started gathering it seems thier something going

On as we can see in a newly burned casle a group of

Adventurers are gathered.


"What happened here?" Siesta asked while inspecting

The sorroundings.


"Ice princess." Finn greeted.


"Mr.finn" she responded.


"Try asking that guy" pointing at kien.


However kien and orikie were staring intensely

On siesta. They started to suspect that this woman

Was a transmigrator and either had a skil to make

Guns or got her gun from death himself.




On others persfective kien and orikie looked like

They were drooling for siesta.


"So thats your taste huh? Not bad" tione said.


Maja akane and the others however was surprise

To see kien and orikie act like this.




"Mr. Is this your doing? why dont i see any some members?"

Siesta asked kien.


Kien however was still looking at that shotgun lost in

Thoughts just then he felt a kick in his feet.


"You bastard you dare look another woman?! When you

Already have my sister?!" Kien looked what hit him just

To see korume with a pouty face.


"Ill explain everthing ice princess" hestia said seemingly

Spawning out of nowhere.






"Not long ago soma tortured some of out members so we

Only payed them back." Hestia explained.


"I see hestia familia?" Siesta.


Orikie gave kien a light tap on the shoulder. They looked

At each other and nodded it looks like they thinking

Of the same thing.


"My name is kien riefs and you?" Kien wanted to be polite

As possible. In this world the most powerful beings would

Be transmigrators getting a powerful ability from g.o.d

Gives them step ahead of everybody not to mention

They probably won the 100 people deathmatch.


So befreinding them is so much better than making

An enemy.


The others were shock again seeing him introduce himself

Which he never done before. (Did kien fall inlove at first sight?)

Everyone thought.


"My name is siesta" she replied politely as well she thought

This guy was trying to score at her.


"My name is orikie" orikie said siesta then looked at him and

Imideatly recognizes his uniform.


"(Hes a Transmigator!)" She screamed internally.


She quickly hid her reaction she did not want to rush

And quickly tell them that she also was a transmigrator.

She cant trust them yet as she dind know if they were

Friendly or hostile considiring they just destroyed

A famillia with over 300 members.


"Can we talk privitely" kien asked. He wanted

To make an alliance with her as this woman

Seemed to be a powerul level 5.


On the other persfective kien was asking

Her out. (Disgusting!) Kurome yelled internaly

She already accepted kien as his brother in law


"All ri-" before siesta could agree another group of people

Arrived but this time they were riding rhinoes instead

Of riding a normal horse.


"Hohoho is it fate miss siesta?" Hercules said. He was a topless

A man in his mid 30 level 7 adventurer in orario.


(This old creep again) siesta thought.


Hercule looked at the entire place and suspected it was

A human fight instead of a monster breakout.

He also heard that guy wanting to talk to siesta

Which pissed him off as that guy was really good looking.


"Its you uncle hercule" siesta said with a fake smile.

(This geezer such a bother!).


"Oh dont be like that im not that old" hercules said.


"If you say so" she replied.


"Um ya know what happened here?" Hercules asked.


"Hey geezer cant you see im talking to her?

Kien yelled irritated.


Viens began to pop from hercules face never in his

Life anyone talk to him liked that before.

"What did you say?!" He asked in a shaky tone.


"What a fuckin geezer cant even hear properly"

Kien said pissing hercule more.


"HAHAHAHA!" Hercule suddenly laugh out of knowhere

Since siesta was here he cant afford to shame himself

And wanted to act cool. ( i swear ill beat the shit out of

This guy if she was not here.)


"What an arrogant guy dont he know who you are boss?"

An monke looking man said.


"Hehehe i guess not take care of him i dont wanna get my hands

Messy since seista is here" hercules said.


Monke man then stepped forward to kien and pulled

Out his weapon. He was pretty confident as a level 5



"My name is sun and i challen-" before he can even

Finish his words kien and gave him a powerul jab

Breaking his nose.


"You fucker!" But kien steped on his face.


Monke was defeated in 3 seconds which shocked

Everyone especially hades famillia members

That guy defeated one of thier top members in

Just 3 seconds.


Hercules however was beyond angry his eyes were blood

Shot never in his life was he disrespected like this.


"Hey geezer fuck off before i make you" kien coldly



This shocked and amazed everyone this kien guy actualy

Disrespecting one of the strongest in orario.


"You damn bastard you wanna go?!" Hercules yelled.


"Anytime" kien coldly said. He dind like the guts of this

Guy he gives him the prick arrogant vibes.


Just then siesta decided to stop the commotion.

"Stop" she yelled summoning ice spike from both

Sides who seems about to collide.


"Lets try to not make a scene and ruin our reputation."

Siesta said with a cold voice at hercule.


"Lets go" kien said as the rest of his group followed him.


"Lets meet sometime siesta." Kien said while hes back









That night kien allowed direk to celebrate and have fun

While he on the other hand tried to learn about his ability

Together with orikie in a secret location outside orario.







Romours also started to appear in orario about

A unafiliated adventurer who is strong enough

To destroy a well known famillia.


This young man became famous overnight

People were praising him for getting rid of

Soma famillia which abused and mistreated

Allot of people.


Hestia famillia also gained recogniztion for

Participating in destroying soma. Currenly

The hot topic is kien disrespecting hercule.


