Chereads / Is it wrong to be a badass in the dungeon? / Chapter 36 - A nice day to die.

Chapter 36 - A nice day to die.

It was 3am in the morning as people in orario are

Preparing to start selling thier products and open thier

Own buissneses. A group of drunk men were walking

To thier base these people were from soma famillia.


One of the drunk men happen to dumped into a

Purple haired young man who was minding his

Own buissness.


"Oi you bastard what were your goin!" The drunk man said.


The young man however did not respond but instead

Scanned the man head to toes.


"The fuck you lookin at?! You better apologize and give

Me money as compesation before you end up like those

Guys not long ago!" Drunk man shouted.


His drunk friends also saw this and grined. after bell and

Gary got tortured by ogre soma famillia became a fear'd

Famillia in orario.


"Oi just give us the money i wanna sleep now" One of the

Drunk man said.


"Is that so?" Purple haired man asked.


The drunk men only looked at him thier gaze were as if

You were a garbage in the street.


"I dont have all da-" one of the drunk man dind even

Finished his words as the purple haired man snapped

His head 360.


"Riko!" One of them yelled.


"So you wanna sleep? Then sleep forever." The purple haired

Man said with a cold voice and his eyes filled with killing



In a dark alley near the som famillias base screams of terrified

Mens can be heard as soon those screams stopped revealing

A handsome man with purple hair with blood alover his body

To some girls who likes psychoes well this is thier cup of tea.


Kien saw how brutaly wulf murdered those men and thought

To him self "damn thats pretty brutual".


Not long later the group was all set to execute thier first step


inside orario there was a old casle like structure that was crowded with adventurers. ( soma famillias man base )

Allot of men were drinking talking and laughing all of these

People were members of soma famillia.


Just as they were laughing they saw a flying bottle. At first

They dind mind it beacause it was normal to see thier members

Fighting and throwing bottles wt each other. Or so they thought

This bottle had a fire on top of.


They were hit by the realzation but it was too late to dodge as

One of the people got hit and was set on fire.


"AGHHHH!" the dude who was on fire yelled.


"Which bastard did it?!" A guy with horse legs and human

Body stood up. He was very tall and had 8 pack abs but hes

Face is similar to a humanoid horse.


Before anyone could answer more bottles were being throwed at them. Soon enough almost everything was set on fire some tried to

Exit only to be blocked by a group of people.


"Hehehe you monkes aint goin any where!" Direk said.


"You?!" Donke said as he run inside the casle. Donke was now

Panicking he wanted to find shrek and farkwad as the current situstion was too much for hid brain to handle.


Donke was soo dumb and stupid always he depends on

Farkwad and ogre when it comes to thinking solutions.


Donke ran to a long hall way and finally entered a room that

Belonged to his friend.


"farkwad were under at-" before donke could finish hes words

He only saw a beatiful woman holding a samurai sword

And his headless farkwad laying on the floor.


"You..YOU FUCKIN BITCH!" donke yelled in anger him and

Farkwad had been together for 15 years and they see eachother

As brothers and seeing him headless and dead made him very



Level 5 adventurer donke used  his special skill which is

Called god speed. He started to move in a speed only inferior

To the speed of sound. He was jumping dashing all over the room

Hes plan was to overwhelm her with his speed.


Unfortunetly for him a little girl with horns appeard out of nowhere and gave him a powerful blow in the face.


Booom* he was blasted away into the hall donke was in shock

He count believe someone actually catch up with his speed and

Pucnhed him in the face.


Donke tried to get up as fast as he could but he was hit with a

Powerful fire ball that burned him leaving in a half dead



"Ugh.." donke groaned as he cannt feel any of his limbs


"Heh your fast but im way faster!" Maja arrogantly said.

This is not true she had a skill called dragon eyes that allowed

Her to see through donkes movements in slowmotion.


Meanwhile in the dining hall allot of burned corpses can be

Seen but there was still a few strunggling to escape. It was hopeless even if they tried to climb the walls chains will pop

Out of nowhwere and wil pull them back.


Inside the casle people who were fortunet enough to not get burned and the ones who were sleeping was panicking.


"What the hell is happening" one of them asked.


"Were underattack! Get your weapons now!" A level 4

Adventurer said.


They imediatly geared up and grabbed thier weapon

But suddenly a white haired kid came crashing through the window which was followed by two more people.


The guy was a blonde who had an average face and average height while the other one had blood allover him he was wearing black clothes and was tall and had a purple hair.


"Who the fuck are you?!" One of soma said.


"Its those kids of course they came for revenge!" Level 4 adventurer said.


The three only snickerd as the launched to the group of men.


Meanwhile ogre was woken to the smell of burned flesh and screams from his own comrades. He got up and imediatly

Looked through the window. What he saw was his own

Men was bein burned alive they tried to escape but chains

Were stopping them. The cocktails were raining endlessly at them and they came through outside the walls.


Not long everyone was dead and a group of people entered the dining hall finishing off the last of somas members.


Looks like thier leader was that red haired guy and the chains

Was that guy with black hair wearing a wierd outift.

(School uniform).
