Chereads / Reincarnated Into A Hero / Chapter 3 - A New World

Chapter 3 - A New World

After that night I left the cave, I was on my own again, The hard part about this new world was that, one I had magic powers, and two I was much younger than I was mentally. I didn't see anyone for a long time and for a moment I realized I've never left the cave much, I was a shut-in for real. I never saw the other races in this world, it was very exciting for me to find what everyone has to offer.

I had a sword on my back made from Calay's claw and it was very sharp, I could cut a rock in half like soft butter. I had a smile on my face when I was walking down the road, I just wanted to meet new people and fight something.

After a moment of my mind wondering, I noticed I was being followed by something, It was dark and mean looking. I guess it was an Orc or something from the way it smelled, I had a ball of fire in my hand and throw it at the creature. I hit it right in the chest and saw it wasn't a monster it was a bandit. He looked pissed that I did that and came at me with a sword, I dodged it easily and slammed him to the ground with my hand. His buddies came out of the woods and I had to take them all out. After I beat them up, I tied them up and left them for dead as I headed to a town.

The people around me stood in silence after I entered the town, It was very small and smelled old like a boot. I was not dressed like them apparently, I was wearing light armor from Calay's collection. It was all black except the cloak which was red and went down to my knees, my appearance was the same as my old world. I walked to the inn in the town and got a room for the night. Calay gave me the gold coins she had saved for me, people use to come to fight her and when they died from their injuries she would save the coins and armor. It was just the world was here, people of all types fought each other.

Everyone in the bar area of the inn watched me like a hawk, till the Barkeep came over I ordered a bunch of food. I ate in peace and took out a small notebook I had in my pocket. It had a list of all the races of this world written in it. I wanted to meet every one of them, so I crossed out what I saw. The Cat-like Beast woman Barkeep saw this and she smiled, "what is that may I ask." I smiled at her and I said, " I want to meet every race of this world, I love learning about cultures, I was a bit of a shut-in growing up. " I told the cat about how I grew up and she was surprised Calay kept me as her own child.

Most dragons won't deal with humankind, since the humans almost whipped them out. I smiled when I heard this, "Yeah, mother told me about them and I agree with her, most of humankind are selfish creatures. " The Cat stepped back to give her patrons their orders then we continued our conversation. After an hour of talking to her, I was surrounded by everyone listening about my training with Calay. I made some friends at the bar, I was getting tired though, and head to my room and slept a bit till the morning.

That morning I left before everyone got up and head west of the country, towards the Dark Elven Kingdom of Magiena which was one of six Kingdoms from this continent. There are only three as far as I could see from being taught by Calay. I walked to the Elvian Kingdom because they had an adventures guild where I can work at.

I was on my way to the main road when I heard a bunch of screams to the left of me towards the forest. I took off towards the forest at the fastest sprint of my life, when I came up to the source of the noise I saw a group of kids my age being attacked by a huge troll. I heard a bunch of soldiers coming but they wouldn't be able to help in time. My mind rushed to when I died for the first time and I rushed in to save them. I caught the troll's club and scared it for a moment, I heard it say it wanted to eat the elven Princess behind me. The one I saved from the club attack, I turned around and shot an arrow of pure fire in its face.

It stood back and then I drew my sword to charge at the monster, I cut its head right off and let it roll for a bit. Then when I was putting my sword on my back the soldiers were there and had swords pointing at me. Every one of the kids tried to tell them to stop but they wouldn't listen. They put cuffs on me and I didn't struggle yet knowing I would be set free when I got to the Kingdom. I was thrown into a wagon with the rest of the kids and the Princess started to talk to me.

" What is a human-like you doing near our city of Newal, we haven't seen your kind here in a long time. " I smiled a bit then I looked to the ground, " I was on my way to sign up as an adventurer in the city. I lived in a village near the old town east of here, I wanted to explore the area since I was a child. " The girl looked curies about my odd way of talking and saw the sword again on my back, It was very obviously made from a dragon claw.

She pointed at it and then I knew my story was a kind of a lie, " I can't tell you why I have this till I know I am safe from prying ears. " I said to her and she understood from what I meant by that, she then cast a telepath sleep she would be the only one to hear my story. " I was raised by an ancient Dragon named Calay and she made me this sword from her own claw. She also trained me ever since I was little so I might be stronger than the average human." The girl was shocked by the dragon story but my face showed it was true for the most part.

I hid the fact I was from another world, we traveled for an hour or so till we came through the city right to the center. I was not scared but I freed my hands and began to mark off the people I scene in my notebook of creatures. The Princess next to me watched me do this and wondered why I was crossing off names. " oh sorry, I want to mark down all of the different races that I see, I want to know more about the world. " I said not trying to say " In this World" to attract attention.

The princess motioned for me to put my cuffs back on but I broke them on accident, So I had just put my hands behind my back to pretend they were still there. We walked for a bit to the main castle where I was going to be integrated. The Princess had enough of the mistreatment and spoke up. " Leave John alone, he's done nothing wrong, he in fact saved us from that monster in the woods. " She said when a tall elf walked out to meet us, he had long white hair and black skin, his eyes were as red as blood and he smelled of sweets. This man was one of the Princess's brother and heir to the throne.

The man looked at me and he seemed angry that I was here, "Why is there a human peasant here in our home? " I stood up as the princess stopped me from doing something, " He saved us from a troll who would have killed us. It came out of nowhere and hurt our teacher, John here charged in and killed the troll with his amazing magic and Sword. " The princess looked over to me who was right behind her. I smiled then said, " I am here to protect those who can't defend themselves. " The prince looked annoyed by that comment.

Then he changed tones and smiled at me, "Thank you for your services John, why were you on your way here? " He asked me then he asked for my age, I told him what he needed to know. The fact I was looking to join the adventures guild and I was taught and lived with my mother. He took all this in and accepted it, then an old elf came to me with a beautiful woman next to him. Everyone bowed their heads and greeted them with proper speech.

"My Queen Rosa and King Boros, This is John, he saved the group of students from a monster. They say he wants to join the guild and he has tremendous power. " The Prince said to his parents telling them about me and why I was different than normal humankind. I didn't bow and I was very cautious about them. The Queen looked at me then at the King, " I think we should offer him a chance to join the school of the magically gifted. What say, you Boros? " She said to the king and he agreed with her, " Loriz can you get him his own place for the time being and get him into the school in a week's time? " The Prince turned to them and then he took me to a house, I was given new clothes but I didn't wear them.

Mother Calay's clothes were special to me and they felt comfortable than the normal clothes of a school kid's uniform. When I got to the house it had a family already living in it, they were to host me till I got into the school. They were a family of beastmen, more specifically they were Wolf beastmen. They looked at me and I brought out my notebook as I did on the wagon, I crossed their kind out and put it back in my pocket. The daughter of the family saw this and asked me why I had names of races in a book.

I told her it was so I can see what and who I've met in my travels, and how I wanted to meet every race in the world. The father was curious about this too but he didn't see a problem with it. Then they smelled my order and sensed I was near a dragon, they didn't say anything till the Prince left. I told them "I was raised by a Dragon and she was more of a mother than my real parents who left me for dead. "

They offered me to sit and I told my new family of the week a story of me being raised by Calay. They all laughed and cried with me when I told them the fun times I had with her, " She was a very kind person who always told me to live a good life. I love her as my mother but she was more of a guardian angel. " I teared up a bit and some of my old life began to fade but for my real name. That was going to be mine to hold on to.

My world was going to be more of mine with every passing experience of what's in front of me.