"So... I meant to ask you about this for some time now. But why did you decide to become a herbalist? And why do you decide to journey far from your home?"
Desia ask Chamnan, who replies
"My father used to be a village herbalist. He is beloved by the village folks. I have always looked up to him since I was a child.".
Desia leans his head. Then he says
"Used to?".
Chamnan went quiet and replies
"Then..... out of nowhere, an unknown plague strikes. It infects almost the entire village and kills people very quickly. My father forced me to leave the village for my safety. So my mother and I moved in with my aunt, who lives in the city.".
Chamnan then says
"After a week, My uncle goes to check the village. He found the entire village dead, including my father. He died trying to save everyone, but at least the disease died with them. He sacrifices himself to make sure that no other people have to face this disease.".
Desia remark
"I'm sorry to hear that. Your father seems like a good man.".
Chamnan nods and replies
"He's the best. After his death, I swore to become the best doctor ever. I want to cure all diseases in the world and make sure no one else suffers tragedy like this. That is why I became a herbalist.".
Desia ask
"So, why do you travel so far from home?".
They continue exploring the area while Chamnan says
"The knowledge I currently have is not enough. There are many diseases that I can't cure. I look into the Northmen tome and books, I research local herbalist knowledge, and I even get my hands on some Westerner time, But all of that is not enough.".
Chamnan kneel to inspect a cluster of mushrooms around a termite mound, saying
"Then I heard about a Guru in the west, which people claim to be capable of curing all known diseases. I left my home without telling anyone. I ran out of money when I reached Sriliya city. I offer my medical service to the local people to make money, but I can't raise the price too high since I feel bad for those poor people.".
Chamnan gently picks up one of the mushrooms to inspect it closer. He then says
"Then I learned that the Stormbreaker crew needed a new doctor. Captain Harta is willing to pay a lot of money, and he agrees to drop me off in the Arayan land after this trip. And you know the rest of the story.".
Desia smiles and replies
"I think it is admirable that you want to be able to help as many people as you can. I leave my home and go with captain Harta crew because I want to go on an adventure. I wanted to see what the world was like outside my home island.".
Chamnan stand up and says
"You want to know about the rest of the world, and I think that is great. Not everyone can admit that they don't know something and wish to learn more. By the way, These are Kone mushrooms. They are edible, very delicious when boiled. Let us leave this mushroom alone for now since we can't boil them yet.".
Desia then remark
"That's great! I would have no idea if this mushroom is edible or not, if not for you. I'm glad that you are with us."
Chamnan chuckle, then he replies
"Yeah, I'm glad I'm not alone on this island. But I would prefer not to be stuck on a deserted island at all. But this is not the time to worry about escaping, we have to make sure we stay alive long enough to consider that.".
They continue exploring the jungles further. But then, Desia remark
"Did you hear that...? Follow me!".
Desia starts to lead them, so Chamnan quickly follows. They arrive at a clearing with a water stream that flows into a small pond.
"Water! We are saved!"
Chamnan remarked. The two quickly approach the pond. Chamnan is careful, but Desia starts to drink from it right away.
"Hey! what are you doing? We don't know if this water is safe!"
Chamnan said to Desia. Who stops and says
"Oh, come on! I drank water directly from the source many times, and I never got sick.".
Chamnan then remark
"That is even worse! We have no idea how bad it would be if you happen to be unlucky and get sick, please be more careful next time, so We don't want to take care of you while you have terrible diarrhoea.".
Chamnan then looks into the pond to see his reflection on the water. The water is clear enough for him to see some tadpoles swimming at the bottom of the pond.
"Hmmm... The water is clear, and I don't see any muck floating around. This one is probably safe to drink.".
Desia raise his brow and says
"If the water is safe, then why do you even scold me!? I used to live on a jungle island like this. I know what I'm doing.".
Chamnan take a sip from the pond, then he says
"No, the problem is that you rush to drink from it without checking it first. I get it, we are both thirsty, but we have to be careful. If any of us get diarrhoea, we might die from dehydration. It's going to be very ironic how you die of dehydration because you drink tainted water.".
Desia raises his hands. Then he replies
"Fine! Fine! I get it! I will be more careful next time. Please stop speaking about diarrhoea, and start drinking already.".
The two start to drink as much as they can. Then Chamnan says
"I'm just doing my part to watch out for you. You protect us from wild beast we can see, I protect us from the disease you can't see. Adrin can be the one to make sure we are safe and organized.".
Desia nod and remark
"Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I almost freak out when I wake up at the beach. But Adrin calmness helps me stay calm too.".
Chamnan then says
"Speaking of Adrin, We should get him here to drink some water.".
Desia nod and stand up to shout Adrin name into jungles. Meanwhile, Chamnan looks around the area. He notices some bright green colour standing from a dense bush. He approaches the bush and peers it open, revealing some bright green berries that he has never seen before.
He inspects the berries carefully and even picks one up to sniff it.
"Hey, Desia. Can you come here for a bit? I think I found some berries we might be able to eat.".
Desia raise his brows and says
"That's great! We have found water, and now we have some food.".
Chamnan gives the berry to Desia who immediately eat it. Chamnan then ask him
"How does it taste? Do you feel anything? Are there any burning sensation or bitterness?".
Desia finish chewing and spit out the seed, then he says
"It's taste good, Very sweet and meaty. You haven't tried it yet?".
Chamnan smirks and replies
"Well, I need you to test it first before I give it a try. If I get sick, you can't take care of me. But if you got sick, at least you know that I'm here to keep you alive. Now, let us wait for a minute and see if this berry is poisonous.".
Desia smile and says
"Ummmm... No? Aside from the sweet aftertaste, everything seems normal here. I think want to eat more.".
Desia carefreely reach to grab more berries and put them in his mouth. Chamnan continues to observe him. After a minute, Desia is still doing fine. So Chamnan picks one of the berries up and eats it.
"Huh, It's very sweet. I never tasted anything like this before. I guess this is safe to eat. I'm going to gather some of these berries for Adrin. The juicy berry should be enough to hydrate him.".
So Chamnan starts to pick the berry while Desia stands up to look around. Suddenly Desia notices a movement in the bush.
"shush, stay quiet and lay low. I think we are not alone here.".
Chamnan quietly lay low. While Desia arms himself with a rock and investigates the movement. Everything went quiet aside from the constant stream of water nearby. Desia can hear the soggy leaves on every step that he takes.
But before he arrives at the bush, A large silhouette jumps out of the bushes and plunges at him.....