Roland was yelling over the comms and he made it clear that 'He' should be found quickly. I asked who Roland was talking to. He said that he is talking to his cousin named Victoria Kahn. She worked as a Hyperion guard. She said that humans broke into Central and tried to steal a few of the vials in the lab. Thinking it would make them into some sort of superhuman. They were chased all over the place. Finally they landed in the throne room of all places. They loaded one of the vials into the tranquilizer gun and fired. It hit a metal vase and ricocheted. People ducked or ran for cover as they were afraid of what was inside. They heard a scream.
Link got shot up with the vial that immediately made him human. The others demanded that the intruders are sent to jail. But Neil had the humans forget what happened and were sent away to civilization. Oleg was so happy that he won't be a bother when I am queen since he is most likely to be dead by then. I asked why Roland was yelling. Roland responded that Link was furious that he was no longer a werewolf. He demanded that he be made a nocturnal again. He treated the Hyperion guard and the council members like they were a bunch of slaves. In fact his exact words were worth less than the dirt underneath his boots.
In their anger they declared that they don't recognize him as the emperor. He was evicted from Central but he promised to return with all sorts of problems. He hopped on board a train that took him to Luna. He disappeared somewhere between Central and Luna. No one knew how he had vanished. People even searched Eventide in the hopes to apprehend him. They are searching for him and so far he is missing.
Azula is a member of the council of eternal night. She is from the werewolf clan on the southern front. She was sending additional security to ensure that I am unharmed. Sam was declared the new Emperor. So far he has handled everything with ease. He was insulted when Link tried to enforce his will on him. Link wasn't pleased that he was replaced so easily and quickly. He was sure that he could get back in but he had burned a lot of bridges.
I advised them to search Central since it is the one place no one will think of looking for him. He is likely to be there. The Hyperion guard and the Magna guards spread out and found him in the basement. He was trying to enter the safety bunker but he didn't have the password. It changes every few minutes and it requires the emperor or empress's fingerprint and retinal scan to ensure total safety. He wasn't informed so he expressed his frustrations by kicking the door as hard as he could. Roland heard the satisfactory sound of Link yelling in pain as he was tased. They dragged him away to the dungeons where he won't be a problem anymore.
Oleg called Azula and she turned around to go back to her station. Oleg partied to celebrate the defeat of a menace who was harassing me. I am what he calls his birthright. Roland didn't argue with that. Oleg asked me what I wanted. I told him that I wanted to go to the beach and swim around or maybe even snorkel. Hardy and the others had cleared the path to the beach so we drove to Arcadia beach and found crumbled buildings. So before we enjoyed the place we had to clean up the place. I spent forty minutes cleaning the place of dismembered zombies and then digging a pit to burn them. It took three weeks to clean up the place. The buildings were demolished and the place was a level ground. People had to move the rubble. We built a decent beach house with tinted windows.
We had to spend another week repairing the boats and jet skis. Then the fun began. The others tied a line to boats and jet skis. They drove off and did all sorts of stunts. I spent my time diving and made sure to avoid sharks. I found shipwrecks and pulled out all sorts of stuff from medical equipment to treasures. The others had breath holding competition and tried to find the fastest swimmer. Some tried to hold on to a line towed by speed boats. They tried to hold on the longest. I had a splash battle with the kids. Using echolocation underwater is surreal. The images felt more real than the faded ghostly illusions I am used to.
I spent my time holding my breath as well as swimming around the cold waters. I did some surfing and also took my turn holding on to the rope. I was the one that held on the longest. I helped the people. Soon I got bored so I left for the Svalbard archipelago. No one is allowed to be born there and no one is allowed to die there. The place is beautiful and empty so me and mine settled there temporarily.
The building materials were sent there and construction began. Luxury two storey villas were built. Blood bags and meat were transported on a monthly basis. Soon both vampires and werewolves alike moved there. They made it their world. I was given a villa in the middle for protection. I did say that the zombies will be back. There were those that were saying similar things. We agreed to move from place to place according to the season so we will be safe and sound. Also it will give the guards a chance to sharpen their senses. To be alert for any sort of trouble.
We stayed for the polar nights and left the night before the last polar night. We arrived at the village and I had tree houses built for the guards so that they could be close by. The tree houses had four rooms but it had no windows whatsoever. I made sure that the sun didn't shine through the cracks either. The vampires had the night shift and werewolves had the daylight shift each gets three days off to do whatever they want. Humans would venture into the forest to see us. They took it upon themselves to keep our existence a secret in order to protect us since we help defend them as well.
Moira and Vargas were made members of the eclipse (the newly restored eastern front). These vampires were highly respected and they worked very hard to uphold the peace. Soren moved his family to Ridge mountain. He and his family is contact with the council. He occasionally gives them advice. I am called as a last resort to be the deciding vote. Cirian and Lyra were made council members of the eternal night. There was a team of renegade nocturnals. They called themselves the endless night. They lived in caves and in the underground tunnels. The leader calls himself the blood king. Fearfully that these people will convince the humans to hunt us. The council had no choice but to enforce hardcore nocturnals. The night raiders were reinstated. The warrior class were warned of the possibility of war so they kept an eye out for possible threats.