Chapter 14
~Sixty Five Years Later~
Oleg came home after an intense fight session. He wiped the sweat off his face and looked up to see me gawking at his sweaty yet handsome features. He gave me a smirk as he pecked me on the cheek and walked off to take a shower. Soon the chatter outside intensified as the radio announced the arrival of the Pretorian guards. These guys are sworn to protect the emperor or this case empress. Oleg came out wearing an outfit worn by the Rus Viking. As for me I wore a Japanese kimono style ensemble. Keira arrived with an entourage as well.
The guards told me that there is a new zombie apocalypse going on. A few troublemakers are saying that I had done to align it with my ascension to the throne. So the council members came up with a bluff that I am asleep. So they gave me a sarcophagus to climb into. I said that I will do it when we are close by. Soon we took off and a request came asking if I was on board. The guards didn't respond to the call. One of them said that this could be trap set by Aldridge. So they kept their mouths shut till we got close. I can change my looks to resemble anything so I made myself look like a decaying mummy. I told Oleg to look away since I look particular disgusting. He kissed my forehead and carried me into the sarcophagus. They locked the damned thing when they were sure that I can hold my breath.
Moments later the stone coffin was moved to the front courtyard and there were rounds of applause. One of either side used a key to 'unlock' the sarcophagus and some people moaned to distress. A few said that they were sure the coffin would be empty. The coffin was closed and moved indoors. A camera crew came barging in. The guards threw them out saying the waking ceremony is not witnessed by mortals. The door to the back patio was opened. The stone coffin was moved towards the back courtyard and the top was lifted. I could sense a drone watching as the council gave their speech and a young attendant delicately opened my mouth. Moments later a vampire and werewolf cut their palm to let blood drip down to my mouth. I got to see the problems up ahead. The first is obviously the zombie issue. The next problem was a few humans trying to eradicate us. The rest were minor.
I pretend to gasp for air and then open my eyes. I extended my hand and was scooped up like a baby and put on my feet. I slowly hobbled towards the podium. I said in a somber tone, "My lords and ladies I am pleased to be awakened to see my family in one piece and under one roof. May we stand united in all conditions and be grateful as we make every second count." The nocturnals gave a round of applause as I lowered myself to say I was their humble servant. The Pretorian guards and my own guards stood in a row in front of me. They dropped to their knees and declared their allegiance to me. I raised my hand to say I accepted their pledge. After which I quietly walked off to the old emperor and bowed to him and he did the same. He took my hand and escorted me indoors towards the throne room.
To go from mummified to unmummified takes half a day so I had to look as frail as possible. I raised my boney finger to push the elevator buttons. The moment we got in the elevator and the doors shut to block the drone from recording anything else. After the legal documents were signed. The werewolf took his seat in the council. An idea that I came up with that is enforced to ensure that the werewolves get equal opportunity. Soren was already in the bowels of this castle fast asleep with his spouse.
By sunset I boarded a bullet train and was escorted to review the new borders. Apparently the new machine was toppled by one of the scientists looking to eradicate the nocturnals. The tracks abruptly stopped somewhere in the middle of Eventide. People stood on the platform staring tiredly as we were escorted to the edge. Crepuscule was rubble while the Pearl resembled Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the Atomic bomb was dropped on them. The place looked absolutely unhabitable. Fortress Umbrella seems intact but after a moment using echolocation I sensed that the place was empty.
I realized that I was standing on the edge of a cliff. It was at least a five hundred meter drop. Oleg pretended to be unsure as he asked me to raise my shield. The soldier next to me asked Oleg what he meant. Oleg chuckled as he asked the guy to stare at the ditch full of crawling zombies. Soon they saw an invisible force push these things as far as possible. One even said that an invisible bench scraper was pushing these guys away. I pushed these things aside but a subtle whisper from Oleg convinced me to retract my shield. The soldier asked me very politely to raise the shield. To which Oleg replied that I am still recovering from deep sleep so my gift is still on snooze.
The Pretorian guards arrived with blood bags and I drank till my skin looked normal. People gasped as they stared at a young empress. I turned around and hobbled back to the ledge and slid down and hacked these things to death. As always these things kept a healthy distance from me so I had to retract the shield even more to fight them. The guards laughed as the zombies dwindled to none. The head of security of Eventide law enforcement Sargent Dalton requested that I be given a quarters nearby to deal with these things. My head of security Adrian advised me to head back to the train since it is not safe from me. He had been advised by the council to escort me back to Central. The people present asked if I could remain in Coleman ridge for a few more days to which one of the Pretorian guards snarled that I was the empress not a servant. The council demanded that I go home. I walked with the air of fragility. I even used a cane for added effect. Oleg felt bored so he picked me and carried me to the train. The thing took off like a bullet. It took me back to the palace. I spent the rest of the day 'recuperating'.
Several calls came from the front requesting my presence. The council said that a formal apology must be sent before I am allowed to go anywhere. Apologies arrived in their dozens. I promised to go when the person responsible for the zombie apocalypse is gunned down. I made the declaration that I wanted his head delivered. It arrived a few hours later. Along with three men in military uniform. I walked out and they were shocked to see a little girl. The men were in a state of refusal till they saw the respect these guys gave me. The men asked me nicely if I could move to one of the other cities. I will be guarded with my life. But the law is absolute. The term of my rule my official residence is Central. But I am allowed to inspect the land on which I rule. So I requested that the guards get my helix prepped.
We first arrived at Piedra de la Luna. The zombies stopped by a huge wall. But the intelligent ones were trying to work their way around the obstacle. As always I picked a machete and hacked the lot in a blink of an eye. Then I took a fighting pose as their heads rolled off to the floor and died. The soldiers were surprised as they only saw me pick up the machete and not use it. The guards laughed with glee as the others introduced me to the public. I asked everyone to stay calm as I try to assess the situation and soon got the rest of the zombies. Then we hopped on the bullet train and reached Moonstone. Where the residents seemed to remember me well. I was greeted warmly. The zombies were eradicated with ease and then we took the helix to Pearl. The entire time my husband was snarling with rage. The moment we landed I hopped off to extend my senses. The others weren't far behind. Roland said he got hives coming back here. Oleg let out a menacing growl that had the soldiers reach for their weapons. The sooner I am done the happier he is going to be. Thankfully we found the underground laboratory and had the army blast it to oblivion. Then I made my rounds in the Umbrella and Excalibur before I was escorted back to Central.
The coronation ball was particularly interesting since I met Cain and his band of werewolves. They were pleased to see me. I was more surprised when I saw Cain's significant other not far away. I took a knee and said the words of pledge before I rose. The others kneeled to show respect and I told them they are my family so they bow only to God himself. The werewolves were surprised to hear me say that but said nothing of it. The vampires reminded me it was protocol. The night raiders came to pledge their allegiance and I was told that some jealous humans spread false stories about nocturnals going rogue. The council wanted to dissolve them. I still felt the night raiders work would be a necessity in the near future so they were ordered to remain on duty till further notice. A curious member of the werewolves asked me politely and I said that there are a few humans who were being a problem and the night raiders stern investigation could solve the issue swiftly. The werewolf asked politely who I was referring to. So I pressed my hand against his forehead and showed him. I said that should things get ugly I will move everyone in Nocturna to my home the Citadel. He gave me a look of absolute shock but decided not to stay mute. He gave me a curt nod before he proceeded to tell the entire hall what I had told him.