Chereads / Life is too easy - Let's try a game? / Chapter 15 - New Day, New Adventure

Chapter 15 - New Day, New Adventure


Kaito quickly switched the alarm off and turned over in bed, he gently rubbed his eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

"Right, i live alone in my own apartment now" he muttered, looking around.

The morning sun shone into the room, past the blinds and onto Kaito's silhouette as he stood up from his bed and stretched his back.

The memories of yesterday filled his mind, everything that happened in the game. He wanted to go back.

Kaito remembered the thing about the scoreboard, how had he been rank 2? there must be millions of players playing this famous game.

'well, i'm probably no longer on the scoreboard right now, all the pro players have probably played non-stop the whole night' Kaito shrugged as he stepped into the shower.

After showering he made himself breakfast and sat down in the kitchen in front of his laptop.

'might as well check the forums before returning to the game' Kaito though as he booted up the laptop.

He opened the game forums and looked the the top posts -






Kaito scanned all the top threads and he shook his head as he still saw that the female NPC love thread still was popular.

But the two first threads caught his attention, he clicked on one of them


Kaito clicked on the post and just like last time he saw a small text appear, under it was a whole thread of comments filling the whole screen.



"Me and my mates thought we could hunt at night time, get some more experience, so we grabbed a few torches and headed out.

This was a mistake.

The whole forest was against us, all the creatures had become stronger. i only saw a glimpse of the creature name before i died along with my group.

The normal beginner rabbits had become a different kind of creature, the level 1 rabbit had become a level 4 nightmare rabbit.

I'm telling the truth, heed my warning; Those that venture out into the night don't come back."


xEnergyDrinker69: Same happened to me! why does the nighttime make the monsters stronger?! i was ready to play all night!!

NIghtHunterManGuy: I'm sure the DEVS will fix it soon, there's no way this is the way the game is supposed to work, it's ridiculous

CupcakeFind3r: My friend told me he saw wolfs with red eyes roam around in the forest, that's creepy as hell.

'That's interesting' Kaito though as he read through some of the comments,

"So monsters become stronger during the night time?" he muttered while slowly eating his breakfast, he scrolled down, checking the other threads.

One of the top threads made him curious but also wary-


He understood that the thread was about him.

Part of him wanted to check it out, but the rest of him wanted to just ignore it.

He had enjoyed the first day of the game, he didn't want to stress over it.

Kaito closed his laptop and finished his breakfast, then he quickly washed up and went into his bedroom and laid down on the bed, putting the helmet on.

〖Welcome user〗

the system greeted him before he quickly launched PARACOSM: Online

Kaito closed his eyes, and then gently opened them again. He was staring up at the wooden beams stretching across the ceiling.

'Right, i went to the local inn to rent a room' Kaito though as he sat up on the bed

〈Well Rested bonus active! 7 hours 59 minutes remaining!〉

'What?' Kaito looked at the notification in front of him before a new one popped up

〈Well Rested bonus: You've had a comfortable sleep, you will receive added health and mana regeneration when out of combat!〉

'Oh that's quite handy, it was a good idea to sleep at an Inn then' Kaito made his way to the door.

That's when he suddenly heard his stomach growling, he felt an intense hunger

'I need to eat in the game as well? i guess it makes sense, well if i remember correctly they offered breakfast at the Inn'

Kaito walked down to the ground level and was met by the smell of freshly baked break and some kind of stew bubbling away over the fireplace.

The chairs that were last night filled with laughter and ruckus were now mostly empty. A few Npc's or players sat down, talking about various things while enjoying some food.

The barkeeper spotted Kaito as he came down the stairs-

"Good morning sir, hope you've had a good night's rest, there's bread and stew for breakfast, take as much as you'd like"

Kaito made a slight nod with his head -

"Thank you"

He grabbed a piece of bread from a basket next to the fireplace and helped himself to some stew, he then found a seat close to the window overlooking the town square and started eating.

He could see players moving about, busy to finish the quests that they had accepted yesterday. A few players just stood around, chatting and enjoying the morning sun.

Kaito finished his meal and walked out of the Inn, waving at the barkeeper as he passed. The barkeeper gave him a simple nod back.

The soft bustle of the town hit his ears as he exited, he looked around and finally looked down at himself.

'Oh i still haven't put my new armor on' Kaito thought as he looked around, most of the players still had their starting gear, 'it might look weird if i put on a full set of armor right here'

He made his way to the Huntsman, maybe Baldrum had some quest for him, either way he could put on his new gear in the backyard.

Kaito opened the door to the Huntsman and the small bell rang as he thunderous voice greeted him-

"Good morning laddie! How are ye' on this fine day!?" Baldrum had a big smile spread across his face.

Kaito smiled back at him and replied -

"Good morning Baldrum, i'm fine, had a good sleep at the local inn, how are you?"

Kaito looked around the shop, it looked much cleaner than yesterday, the cobwebs were gone and he could see rabbit hides and wolf meat being put up on display for sale.

"Oh, glad to hear you've had a good sleep, i'm fine, i feel reinvigorated!" Baldrum flexed his arms upwards, which were quite bulging.

"Looks like you've cleaned the shop" Kaito answered, smiling

Baldrum scratched his nose and looked to the side-

"Oh, you noticed did you? Well, ain't gonna get many costumers if it's dirty eyy?"

Kaito looked at the piles of wolf meat that were put up for sale, '2 silver a piece and nobody had bought it yet?'

Kaito shrugged and looked at Baldrum-

"is it okay if i just use your backyard for a second?"

Baldrums chuckled-

"Anytime laddie, no need to even ask"

Kaito walked past Baldrum -

"Thank you"

Then he entered the backyard and instantly looked at his new equipment.

〈Dark West Hunter Boots (Common)〉﹀


﹝Require minimum 10 agility to wear﹞

﹝+1 agility ﹞

﹝+1 intelligence﹞

﹝Defense: 1﹞

He first put on the boots, he had used 2 of his points to get 10 agility

〈Basic Dark Leather Gloves(common)〉﹀


﹝Defense: 1﹞

﹝+1 Agility﹞

The gloves didn't even have any requirements, so he just put them on. They looked quite nice though.

Now the final piece of armor.

〈Mystic Black Leather Armor (Uncommon)〉﹀

﹝Upper Body Armor﹞

﹝Require minimum 16 intelligence to wear﹞

﹝+4 Intelligence ﹞

﹝Defense: 4﹞

It looked really nice, it had black leather at the places that needed protection and was held together by a dark blue velvet fabric.

'It needs 16 in intelligence, might as well put my last 8 points into intelligence i guess, my raise undead ability is supposed to get stronger with intelligence, haven't really noticed that though, so maybe i need to put in more'

He put his last 8 points into intelligence, raising his base stat to 18. He got 19 points with the +1 the boots gave him.

He then put on upper body armor and looked at his new stats

⤜Character: Insane⤛

Level: 2 Experience: 91/600

Title: New Player

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Faction: None


Health: 120 (Gets raised by 25 for each level)

Mana: 115

Strength: 5

Vitality: 7

Agility: 12 (2 from gear)

Intelligence: 23 (5 from gear)

Defense: 6 (all from gear)

Unassigned points: 0


Raise Undead Lvl.2 (becomes stronger with intelligence) ﹀

Cost: 25 Mana to create 1 undead

Current limit: 2 undead

»Passive Abilites«﹙3﹚

〈passive Ability: Sense Killing Intent〉(from gear)﹀

You are able to sense the killing intent of any creature, living or dead. If they mean you harm, you'll know it before they strike.

〈passive ability: The Link〉﹀

You are connected to your summons, Your mind and feelings are the driving force of their actions.

〈passive ability: Meditation〉﹀

You have sat down to regain energy multiple times, this has further allowed your body to draw more energy from your surroundings when meditating. (Increase in mana regeneration)

Kaito saw that a new stat had been added, "Defense", he didn't really know what it did but didn't really pay it much attention ' i guess i'll figure it out'

He was surprised by a notification that popped up in front of him -

〈20 Intelligence threshold reached! Weapon Category has been added to Raise Undead!〉

'What?' Kaito was taken aback but quickly looked at his ability-

Raise Undead Lvl.2 (becomes stronger with intelligence) ﹀

Weapon category:

Bone Knife





Cost: 25 Mana to create 1 undead

Current limit: 2 undead

'Bone knife?' Kaito pondered for a while but then shook his head

"better to just try it, right?" he said out loud as a purple mist left his hands and flowed upwards and bone shards swirled around him

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 50 > 25〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

Kaito looked at the skeleton before him, and walked a full circle around the undead being.

"Where's your knife?" he asked, knowing fully well he wouldn't get a response

But just as he asked that question he could see a knife materializing in one of hands of the skeleton.

Kaito smiled, he felt excited. he wanted to venture out into the forest once more and try out his newfound power.

He quickly waved his hand, dismissing the skeleton and walked back into the shop.

"Oy, you bought yourself some new gear i see, it really suits you!" Baldrum exclaimed as he saw Kaito come inside once more.

Kaito smiled at him and answered-

"Yeah, thank you. by the way i'm going back into the forest now, anything you need help with?"

Baldrum pondered and looked over his wares-

"Well, if you can bring more wolf meat, that'd be great, and i can probably award you, just need to sell these first, nobody has entered my shop yet besides you this morning."

That's when Kaito's eyes lit up-

"Baldrum, good friend, change the price to 3 silvers for each wolf meat instead of 2"

Baldrum's eyes widened in surprise and then in doubt-

"i haven't even sold any for 2 silver, 3 silver is far too expensive, why would i do that?"

Kaito smiled mischievously-

"Trust me"

Baldrum started rubbing his chin and looked at Kaito, his eyes then moved to the necklace that Kaito was wearing and his stern eyes mellowed

"if you say so laddie, i'll trust you" he muttered

Kaito smiled and opened the door to the shop, he kept the door open with one arm and then took a deep breath before loudly shouting-


Baldrum just stared at Kaito, dumbfounded.

Kaito winked at Baldrum and then closed the door.

Baldrum sat at his desk, not knowing what to think, 'was that boy stupid or what?'

That's when Bladrum saw shadows outside of the store window and suddenly the door was opened and players started entering the store.

"Yooo, this place looks cleaner than it was last time i entered, and this time it sells things as well" one player uttered

"Store owner, is it true that you're selling wolf meat for 3 silver!?" another asked

"I'll take 2 pieces of wolf meat, please!" one shouted.

Baldrum's confused expression quickly disappeared as he put on a friendly smile and started selling meat to the players.

'or maybe the boy is just a genius'.