Chapter 17 - Bone Dust

Kaito had seen movement, and now he saw the creature step out of the tree's shadow, sniffing the air, looking for pray.

〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 HP: 350/350〛

Kaito kept complete silent 'shit, this isn't going to be easy'. He tried to think up some sort of plan, this wolf was most likely much quicker than the young wolves, and stronger at that.

He had killed young wolfs for a few hours now, he looked at his experience

Level: 2 Experience: 371/600

Dying and losing his progress would be real bad, he pondered for a moment.

'Well, you lose some and you win some, i'm not a pro player after all, nobody will get angry with me if i die, except myself that is' Kaito shrugged and got ready for battle.

The wolf had put it's body low to the ground, ready to pounce at any time, it heard rattling from the bushes around it.

Already the adult wolf looks different to a young wolf, not only it's size but it's stature as well.

The skeleton appeared before the wolf and it lunged right at it, then he growled as it felt a dagger enter it's side-


A slight smile spread across Kaito lips, maybe the same tactic would work for the Adult wolf as the young wolfs.

But the smile quickly faded as Kaito saw that the wolf didn't lose focus on his initial target and continued his charge towards the skeleton.

The Wolf swiped with his claws across the upper body of the skeleton.


Kaito eyes widened, it all happened so quickly, the looked at his wounded skeleton-

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 7/80〛

'It appears this isn't going to be as easy as i had hoped' Kaito thought

Most players would try escape at this point, seeing how outmatched they were. But on Kaito's face there was no trace of hopelessness, instead a big smile grew.

'Exciting' He thought as his brain played different scenarios out, the best tactic, the way to win this battle.

All of this happened in an instant as the damaged Skeleton jumped back into the bushes, The wolf could hear the creaking of a skeleton behind it and spun around, facing the skeleton that had damaged it.

The wolf charged and the skeleton threw it's dagger straight towards the wolf, the wolf dodged to the side only to have the same knife plunge down into it's back.

The thing that the wolf hadn't seen was the other skeleton that had leaped out from the bushes, catching the dagger mid-air and with that momentum plunging the dagger into the wolf, all perfectly timed.


The wolf swiftly turned around and swiped at the skeleton wielding the dagger


The bones of the skeleton along with the dagger all started turning into dust-

〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 Defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 115 > 115〉

The wolf turned towards the other skeleton, but it had disappeared into the bushes after throwing the dagger.

Kaito stretched out his arm, grinning wildly, he didn't know the exact outcome, but he was pretty certain he had a chance.

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 115 > 90〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

Kaito looked at the wolf, who was ready for battle.

〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 HP: 284/350〛

They had chipped of a tiny bit of health from the wolf, but it wasn't a lot.

A skeleton once more appeared before the wolf, and the wolf charged, the skeleton threw it's dagger towards the wolf, and Kaito moved the other skeleton to be ready to jump forward.

But this time the wolf didn't act the same way, It elegantly caught the dagger in it's mouth, biting down on it with it's sharp teeth and shattering it.

It growled as it continued charging forward, the skeleton tried to dodge but the wolf was too fast and too strong.


〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 2/80〛

The smile hadn't left Kaito's face, instead it had grew more intense. This was a real challenge.

The skeleton that was ready in the bushes quickly threw it's dagger, and it connected with the wolf. But so also did the claws of the wolf with the first skeleton.



〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 HP: 257/350〛

The wolf was still standing strong and the bones in front of it started disappearing into purple mist and white dust.

〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 Defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 90 > 98〉

Kaito quickly summoned another skeleton, and he made sure his skeleton still was hiding in the bushes got another dagger.

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 98 > 73〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

The wolf stood ready once more, it didn't understand how many enemies there were, but they were weak, it would kill them all.

A skeleton started running towards it, the wolf got ready and lowered it's body towards the ground, that's when it heard another skeleton running towards it from behind.

Then suddenly, a new presence, as the wolf glanced to the side he saw a human running towards him. He got ready to defend and turned towards the new enemy.

But suddenly the human stopped, all aggression gone from it's face and a large smile replaced it.

The wolf was confused but then howled at the pain it felt, two daggers were simultaneously plunged into it's back



The wolf started shaking off the skeletons and they disappeared into the bushes, the wolf turned it's head back towards the the place that the human had stood, but it was no completely empty.

Kaito smiled, 'it worked'

Before the wolf had gotten the time to get ready it once more saw one skeleton running towards it, the other skeleton came from behind. It saw that the human appeared as well, this time it knew what followed.

The wolf ignored the human and got ready to counter-attack the skeletons, it gave away a low growl.

But suddenly the skeleton in front of it changed it's course and ran into the bushes, but not before throwing it's dagger. But it wasn't at the wolf, the wolf followed the dagger with it's eyes and saw that the skeleton that came from behind had caught it.

The skeleton then threw the dagger at the wolf but the wolf easily evaded, but then felt a jolt of pain from it's side.


What the wolf hadn't seen was that both skeletons had thrown their daggers, the first skeleton had caught the dagger of the other one when he entered the bushes.

The first dagger that was thrown was an diversion.

The wolf snarled at being damaged and toyed with like this.

'I'm not gonna let you learn my patterns' Kaito thought as he backed away into the bushes once more.

That's when he felt his heart beat faster and bead of sweat roll down his chin, there was a faint glow of red coming from the wolf.

'What' Kaito didn't have to think much about it before he got the answer to his question-

〈passive Ability: Sense Killing Intent - Activated!〉

This was the first time Kaito had seen the effect of the passive ability he received from the necklace Baldrum granted him.

'Must mean the wolf is pretty angry huh' Kaito thought as a fire was lit within his eyes.

〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 HP: 163/350〛

The two skeletons appeared once more but this time there was no hesitation within the wolf, it charged instantly.

One of the skeletons threw their dagger towards the wolf, it connected, but the wolf didn't care.


The wolf used it's claws to tear the skeleton apart, there was no chance of dodging.



〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 73 > 81〉

Kaito understood that the wolf had dropped all defenses, this could be really bad for him.

He quickly summoned another skeleton

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 81 > 56〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

Almost instantly the skeletons charged at the wolf with their daggers raised high, the wolf had to choose one skeleton, and once it started to charge towards that skeleton it threw it's dagger at the wolf-


Then the wolf bit down at the skeleton while swiping one of it's claws



〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 Defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 56 > 64〉

While the wolf had it's back turned towards the other skeleton it's jumped on top of the wolf and started rapidly striking the creature with it's dagger.



The wolf quickly spun around and attacked the assailant, tearing the skeleton to pieces



〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 Defeated! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 64 > 72 〉

Kaito knew that this was no time for tactics, the wolf was on a rampage, only seeing red. He quickly summoned two new skeletons.

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 72 > 47〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

His hand glowed in a purple light once more-

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 47 > 22〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

Kaito looked at the wolf-

〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 (enraged) HP: 61/350〛

He then sent his skeletons to attack.

As the skeletons ran towards the wolf, the furry creature released a loud growl as the red aura that Kaito saw became larger. The killing intent was almost suffocating, the wolf ran towards one of the skeletons.

But as the skeleton threw it's dagger it dodged it easily and switched target, instead attacking the other one with a heavy attack.


This left an opened for the skeleton that lost it's dagger and it ran in to hit and kick the wolf.



The wolf used another heavy attack as it spun around, crushing the skeleton instantly.

〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 released! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 22 > 30〉

〈Insane's Undead Lvl.2 released! Receiving a 1/3 of the energy back. Mana 30 > 38〉

Kaito smiled wryly, he knew that there was a possibility of this happening, he gave a low sigh as he summoned his last skeleton.

〈Ability: Raise undead used! Mana: 38 > 13〉

〚Insane's Undead Lvl.2 HP: 80/80〛

He glanced at the wolf as he moved up

〚Adult Wolf Lvl.5 (enraged) HP: 38/350〛

The wolf saw the human finally appear once more, the last enemy standing. It gave away a low growl as he made ready to charge at the human

Suddenly it charged forward and lunged towards the human.

Kaito smile grew larger as the creature moved towards him. When the wolf's teeth were close to Kaito's face he could see another being show up behind the wolf, the skeleton with it's dagger raised high in the air.

The wolf bit down on Kaito with an heavy attack


Kaito bit down on his lip as he felt the pain. The skeleton landed onto the wolf and plunged the dagger into it's back.


The wolf ignored the pain as it's killing intent only grew, it needed to kill this human.

But just as the wolf was ready to attack once more it felt more pain course throughout it's body as the skeleton had twisted the dagger in its wound.


The fiery eyes of the wolf turned dull as it's body slumped down, dead.

〈Killed Adult Wolf Lvl.5!〉

〈acquired 2 Wolf pelt〉

〈acquired 4 Wolf meat〉

〈Gained 100 Experience!〉

Kaito looked at his own health

Health: 31 / 120

Once more he had risked it all, but for a good price. He received another notification from the system-

〈Congratulations! Your Ability Leveled Up! Raise Undead: Lvl.2 - > Lvl.3 !〉

Kaito was surpised as he saw the notification,'I'm already leveling up this ability again?'

The reply came from the system once again-

〈Some abilities level up faster when the player accomplish the near-impossible 〉

〈Analyzing... 〉

〈The User defeated a level 5 creature all alone when they were only level 2 〉

Kaito read the notifications and then looked at his skeleton that was standing in front of him, it had both of it's bony hands up to it's face with an open mouth, as if surprised.