Chapter 21 - The Forums

Kaito took off the gaming helmet and sat up on his bed, he moved his shoulders backwards and stretched his arms a bit.

'Perhaps i need to take more breaks and move around a bit more' he thought as got up from bed.

He felt pretty hungry, it was around 6 hours since he ate breakfast so he made his way to the kitchen, he felt hunger the second he stood up.

"suppressing some of my hunger while i'm in game, that's pretty clever" he muttered

He came out to his kitchen and checked his phone that he had left on the kitchen counter, he had received a message, Kaito opened his phone to check who it was from.

It was his father, Kaito read it-

"I meant to write to you yesterday, but i forgot as the day was filled with business meetings, i'm sorry.

How is the apartment? is it to your liking? How is everything with you?"

A short and pretty formal message from his father, which didn't surprise Kaito. He knew that his father cared for him but was busy with work.

Kaito wrote a message back-

"I like the apartment, and i'm fine. I've found myself something to do during the days.

Thank you for this opportunity"

Nice and simple, Kaito felt like it was a good message, he didn't feel the need to tell his father that he plays a video game all day, not yet at least.

He sent the message and started preparing some food. He made something simple, some sort of salad and sat down in front of his laptop.

He wanted to take a quick look at the forums before he logged back into the game, he felt like this was becoming a habit.

He opened up the game forums and looked at the top threads that were popular-






Kaito looked at the different threads, his eyes were instantly drawn to the top 1 most popular thread today-


Was this thread about him? he guessed he was the mysterious ranker as all the other players in the top 10 were part of a big clan. At least that is what WarriorDude had told him.

Kaito shrugged as he took another bite of his food 'only one way to find out' He click on the thread and opened it-



"Me and my friends were fighting a wolf, that's when it happened, another wolf showed up. We got overpowered and had to back up against a tree, and when all hope seemed lost there appeared 3 skeletons that just wrecked the wolfs, they jumped around with sharp bones in their hands and sliced the wolfs up, it was scary as hell.

And when they had killed the wolf they turned to me and my friends, we were about to run away, but then a figure appeared from behind behind the skeletons. It's as everyone who had seen him described him: white hair, pale blue eyes. It was him! The player Insane, the top ranker!

He asked us if we were okay and then he gave us the wolf meat from the wolf that he had killed!!!

Then he just left! it was fricking crazy!!"


BillBopBearx: So you mean that the top ranker is a necromancer?! that's impossible, necromancer is a garbage role!! #fake

xXBlueEyedGuyXx: That Sounds AWEESSOMEEE He's so cool!!! i wanna meet him, he's like such a cool dude!!!

xCookiesYumYum: I've seen him as well, sometimes he comes into town, he's at GreenWood Spring, i'm lucky i spawned in the same village has him.

Kaito read through the thread and the comments, 'oh it's one of the people i saved from the wolfs earlier that's written the thread'.

While browsing Kaito had finished his food and closed his laptop and washed up the dishes quickly, he wanted to get back into the game.

As he was walking back to his bed he thought about the weird guy that he talked to before logging out, that "DarkestBone" guy.

'Was it a mistake to give him all that wolf meat? it's quite valuable' Kaito pondered but finally shrugged his shoulders as he put on the helmet

'Too late now anyways'

He booted up the game and logged into the game, his vision became black and as he blinked again the sound came to his ears and his vision was filled by players and npcs walking around in the town square.

He could feel a hint of hunger as he recalled that you had to eat in the game as well.

Kaito looked around and saw that players had set up shops and food stands around the town square, 'oh so players can make food? well i guess that makes sense, why shouldn't they?'

Kaito started walking around the different stands, some players were shouting-

"Grilled Wolf Meat! quality food! very delicious!" one player yelled

"Mushroom salad! freshly picked just outside of town!" another exclaimed

More people had also started selling things than yesterday, it was quite pleasant taking a stroll around the town square.

Kaito bought some grilled wolf meat for 1 silver, it was quite pricey, but he was curious if it tasted any good.

"Thanks for business, come back anytime!" the food merchant shouted after him as he continued walking around.

Kaito had gotten the piece of grilled meat wrapped up in some kinda of leaf so he could eat it while walking.

He took a bite.

'It's quite good' he thought while he continued walking towards the magic shop.

He stopped outside and finished his grilled meat and was just about to open the door when he heard the sound of a message notification.

Kaito checked, it was from DarkestBone.