Chapter 13 - Famous?

Kaito stopped just before opening the door to exit the weapon merchant shop.

'Wasn't i supposed to add that WarriorDude guy?'

Kaito thought about it for a moment.

'He might know where to buy armor, after all, just before coming here i felt eyes following my every move, so i'd rather not look around for too long'

He nodded to himself, as if coming to the conclusion that adding WarriorDude was the right course of action.

And just as he had this thought a window popped up before him.

〈Sent friend request to player: WarriorDude〉

'Oh that's handy, well might just as well go out and look for the armorer until he replies, it might take some time'

Just as Kaito put his hand on the door handle he got another notification

〈Friend Request accepted! Added: WarriorDude!〉

Kaito barely had the time to read the notification before a message popped up in front of him.

〈WarriorDude: Yo dude! glad you added me!, man!!, everyone in this starter town are talking about you!, it's crazy!〉

Kaito looked at the message with a confused expression and quickly replied.

〈Insane: What do you mean people are talking about me? why are they talking about me?〉

An instant reply followed.

〈WarriorDude: You seriously don't know?! you're a top ranker right now, haven't you checked the scoreboard?〉

'A top ranker? wait, wait, what scoreboard?'

Just as Kaito had that thought the messages disappeared and whole new panel formed on the screen, a panel with glowing frames.

☉〚Scoreboard: levels : All Regions〛☉

〚1.DragonPrince - Level 2〛

〚2.Insane - Level 2〛

〚3.GodHades - Level 2〛

〚4.FireHerald - Level 2〛

〚5.DragonBilly - Level 1〛

〚6.GodGeralt - Level 1〛

〚7.GoatsGoats - Level 1〛

〚8.BOOMHAHAHAHA - Level 1〛

〚9HeroPaladin. - Level 1〛

〚10.FireDavid - Level 1〛

〚You are currently rank number: 2, on the scoreboard〛

Kaito closed the window and replied to WarriorDude

〈Insane: i can see that i'm rank 2 on the scoreboard, is that a big deal? also, why am i rank 2 if everyone in the top 4 are level 2?〉

〈WarriorDude: Let me explain it to you; The other 9 players in the top rank scoreboard are pro players, everyone are part of clans that are sponsored. Also the system adds your experience to next level but doesn't show it on the scoreboard〉

〈WarriorDude: You see the DragonPrince dude? he's part of the Dragon Clan, it's a famous clan that has been at the top of every game ever released the last 5 years.〉

〈WarriorDude: Same goes with GodHades who's a part of the God clan, The Dragon clan and the God clan is always fighting for the top spot in every game!〉

Kaito read through the messages quickly before new messages popped up.

〈WarriorDude: Same goes with the Fire clan who are promising newcomers that are quickly catching up to the God clan. Then there is the Goats clan which is mysterious and secretive, the psychopaths of the BOOM clan who likes chaos and finally the Hero Clan that has been around for a very long time.〉

〈Insane: Sounds like all these clans are impressive and pretty dedicated to the game.〉

〈WarriorDude: They are! They use whole armies of people to help 1 player power level and reach the top quickly!〉

〈WarriorDude: Then there's you. The player that nobody has ever heard of, quickly rising to rank 2 and overtaking the spots of some of the most famous clans.〉

〈WarriorDude: Do you now understand why people talk about you?〉

Kaito pondered, was he really that fast at leveling up? had he beaten the pros who were doing hardcore tactics to level up?

He shook his head, 'i must be overthinking it, maybe they haven't started for real yet'

〈Insane: Yeah, i understand why they talk about me then, i'm sure i've just been lucky though〉

〈WarriorDude: If you say so man.... anyways, you had a good first day in the game?〉

〈Insane: Yeah, it's been good. what about you? oh also! do you know where i need to go to buy some armor?〉

〈WarriorDude: It's been a good day, it's such an awesome game! What!! you haven't bought any armor yet, and you're rank 2?? jeez man, ehm' there is an armor merchant at the left corner of the square if you're in the middle of the square and facing the church〉

〈Insane: Yeah, it's a good game, i like it so far. Okay! i'll head there, thank you!〉

〈WarriorDude: Be careful when checking the items for sale!, the armor pieces are quite pricey, i bought myself a chest plate that cost 15 silvers!〉

〈Insane: thanks for the tip! i think i'll find something to purchase 〉

〈WarriorDude: Good luck!〉

Kaito closed down the window of messages he had in front of him and went to grab the door handle to leave the shop.

Now he knew why there were people looking at him, which felt better because he knew the reason why, but he didn't like being in the center of attention.

'if i could only hide my name somehow' Kaito though as text appeared before him

〈Do you wish to hide your name: Insane? Y/N〉

Kaito quickly answered "yes"

〈Player name Hidden: Activated〉

'Well, this solves that problem, although the players that have seen me already might recognize me, but at least my name won't be hovering above me anymore'

He opened the door and left the shop only to be met by the sight of the town square filled with players engaging in different activities, the sun had nearly set and the lanterns around the town were being lit up by the guards.

Kaito quickly made his way to the place that WarriorDude had told him about, it didn't take to long before he saw a sign with a helmet on it.

He looked at the door that had just opened, 2 players were making their way out of the shop and were talking to each other-

"This place is a scam, those prices are outrageous, how do they expect us to afford that?" one player said while looking infuriated

"Yeah, we would need to kill rabbits for 5 days to afford their stuff, not very beginner friendly at all!" another player replied

They walked past Kaito while talking, but Kaito paid them no mind and continued into the shop.

Much like the weapon merchant shop, this store was in order, banners hanging from the wooden beams in the roof, armor pieces standing on neatly stands around the shop and in the far back a man sitting behind the desk.

As Kaito was the only player currently in the shop it didn't take long before a voice spoke up-

"Hello there good sir, how can i help you today?"

The man sitting behind the desk had broad shoulders and a big mustache that was curled upwards.

Kaito politely answered-

"i'm looking for some pieces of armor to make fighting easier"

The store owner looked at Kaito and a smile was formed under his mustache

"That's what armor is for! well, do you wish to have a look around at the wares yourself first or will you need my assistance?" the shop owner asked

Kaito replied-

"i'll take a small look around first, thank you"

The shop owner gestured towards Kaito to feel free to look around.

And so Kaito did, the shop was divided into different different sections which sold different armor pieces.

Kaito started looking at some of the boots, there were leather boots, plated boots, and some golden boots that were shimmering with a faint glow.

Kaito's eyes naturally got drawn to the golden boots and he gently picked them up and looked at them-

〈Paladin Gregory's Boots (Rare)〉﹀


﹝Require minimum 25 strength to wear﹞

﹝+4 Strength ﹞

﹝+1 intelligence﹞

﹝Defense: 5﹞

﹝Resistance to demonic Energy: 10 ﹞

﹝Passive ability: Can't stop righteousness!﹞﹀

〈movement speed slowing spells are only 30% as effective towards you〉

Kaito looked down at the price tag-

25 Gold

'damn, that's 250 silver', Kaito quickly put the boot back down

'i'd better look for something cheaper, also, i'm not a paladin so this wouldn't suit me either way'.

Kaito looked around, inspecting each item before finding a pair of dark leather boots that he though were quite good and within in budget.

〈Dark West Hunter Boots (Common)〉﹀


﹝Require minimum 10 agility to wear﹞

﹝+1 agility ﹞

﹝+1 intelligence﹞

﹝Defense: 1﹞

The price of these boots were 10 silver coins, quite affordable.

Kaito looked at the requirements to wear the boots and just remembered that he still had 10 unassigned points after leveling up.

He opened his character stats-

⤜Character: Insane⤛

Level: 2 Experience: 91/600

Title: New Player

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Faction: None


Health: 120 (Gets raised by 25 for each level)

Mana: 50

Strength: 5

Vitality: 7

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 10

Unassigned points: 10

'let's start by putting 2 points into agility so i can wear these boots, maybe it's best to hold on to the other points for now'

Kaito picked up the pair of boots and carried them with him, he started looking at the different gloves that the store offered.

This time he didn't look at the more expensive equipment, but looked at the basic leather gloves

he found a pair that he thought would fit-

〈Basic Dark Leather Gloves(common)〉﹀


﹝Defense: 1﹞

﹝+1 Agility﹞

It wasn't much, but atleast it was something Kaito though

The price was 5 silver, Kaito picked them up and wandered over to where he saw some massive chest plates put on armor stands along one of the walls.

Kaito looked at each and every chest plate he found, some were far to expensive but almost all of them had something in common, all chest plates added stats to either strength, agility or vitality.

Kaito stopped looking and moved up to the counter and put the boots and the gloves down-

"i'd like to purchase these items"

The man behind the counter starting fiddling with his mustache, curling it between his fingers -

"is that all?"

Kaito looked at the man and replied-

"yes, i think so, you don't happen to have any chest plate or upper body protection that grants intelligence or perhaps affinity with magic?"

The store owner raised an eyebrow-

"a magic user are you?" he clasped his chin as if thinking.

"No, i don't have much armor inspired by magic in my shop, i'm sorry. I would recommend that you visit the magic shop for that"

'A magic shop? had i missed that? or perhaps i didn't look around very much' Kaito though as he looked at the man.

"where is this magic shop?" Kaito asked as he put 15 silver coins on the desk in front of him to pay for the boots and gloves.

The store owner picked up the silver coins and pocketed them with a satisfied smile, and gently pushing the gloves and boots towards Kaito as he replied-

"it's on the right side of the church, it's a sign with plenty of colours, you won't miss it!"

Kaito nodded and thanked the man while thinking 'it seems i already have missed it'

He put the gear in his inventory and exited the store, he waved behind him as he heard the burly man shout out "thank you for your purchase, stop by anytime!"

The town square had settled down a little, the same bustling that could be heard before had died down, the sun was giving it's last strands of light and the shadows had become long and dark.

As kaito moved over to the shop that the armorer had described to him he looked around, there was less people moving around at the square. He could see a few players party up, ready to head out to hunt again, some of them holding torches.

A reached the church doorway and walked past it, almost instantly he saw a shop with a sign outside of it, he wasn't sure what the sign depicted, it just looked to be filled with different colours.

as he walked up to the door he saw a woman with purple hair putting up a sign in front of the door that read "closed"

Kaito carefully announced his presence-

"excuse me, is there any possibility to have a quick look at your wares before you close up shop for the day?"

The woman turned around quickly, making her messy purple hair flutter about. She stared at the handsome white haired man that had spoken to her.

Kaito saw the woman's face, filled with different coloured make-up, she was quite lovely but also looked a bit too crazy.

But the thing that Kaito reacted to was her eyes, there was something about them. It was as if her gaze pierced right through him.

The woman finally spoke-

"oh, you're the first necromancer to come to my shop today"

Kaito felt alarmed and quickly replied in a hushed voice -

"how did you know?"

The woman just smiled at him -

"i can see peoples energies, yours feels dark and demonic, so i just guessed that you were a necromancer, oh but don't worry! i'm not afraid! i'm no commoner you see"

The woman opened the door to the shop -

"come in, come in! Have a look around, but make it quick! i usually close up shop by this time"

Kaito didn't waste any time and walked it, he was met by the sight of lanterns floating in the air, a broom was sweeping the floor without anyone holding it. There were piles of books that reached the roof of the shop.

Blankets and rugs hung from the ceiling, as well as on the walls of the shop.

The whole interior was chaos, but somehow it felt like it was controlled chaos, as if everything was in it's rightful place.

Kaito quickly gave up on finding the things he needed himself and turned to the purple haired woman that was standing behind him, he took a step back as his face was mere inches from hers as he turned around.

The woman smiled at him and said -

"My name is Nyx by the way, pleasure meeting you"

Kaito did a slight bow and replied-

"My name is Insane, and likewise. I think i could use some help finding what i'm looking for"

Nyx answered -

"Sure! what are you seeking?"

Kaito started looking around the shop once more, dodging Nyx's curious gaze -

"i'm trying to find a chest plate that grants more intelligence or perhaps enhance my abilities"

Kaito quickly added -

"around 30 silver coins"

Nyx started walking into the shop, and motioned for Kaito to follow -

"30 silver coins huh, i'm sure we can find something"

Nyx looked around and the chaos that the shop was and suddenly she exclaimed -

"this one should work, i'll take 30 silver for it"

She handed kaito a piece of body armor that was made out of black leather and soft fabric that was a deep blue colour.

Kaito looked at it-

〈Mystic Black Leather Armor (Uncommon)〉﹀

﹝Upper Body Armor﹞

﹝Require minimum 16 intelligence to wear﹞

﹝+4 Intelligence ﹞

﹝Defense: 4﹞

'require 16 intelligence to wear, well i have 10 right now and i have 8 more points so that's not a problem. This is probably the best i can get with the 30 silver i have left'

"i'll take it" Kaito said and handed 30 silver coins over to Nyx

Nyx pocketed the coins and smiled towards him -

"happy doing business with you, come back anytime!"

Kaito was ushered out of the store by Nyx who closed the door behind him.

He put body armor in his inventory and looked at how much money he had left

〈Currency: 4 Silver 25 Copper〉

He remembered that Baldrum had said something about there being a local inn in the town, Kaito looked around and almost instantly found what he was looking for.

It wasn't hard to spot, as it was one of the only places fully lit up, there were players and npcs hanging around outside of a three story house, and there was a faint sound of music coming from the entrance to the establishment.

Kaito made his way to the front doors that were wide open, he instantly spotted a burly man standing behind the bar looking over his customers.

Kaito made his way up to the bar and got eye contact with the barkeeper -

"i'd like a room for the night"

The burly man's gloomy expression swiftly turned into a bright smile as he realized he was talking to a new customer -

"sure thing! that'd be 10 copper coins, breakfast included in the price"

Kaito quickly put 10 copper coins on the desk in front of him and he received a key from the bar keeper.

The burly man leaned forward -

"it's the third room on the right on the second floor, it's hard to miss, have a good sleep"

Kaito politely nodded and walked up to his room, he entered and laid down in bed, the sensation of the soft mattress was quite pleasant, it was hard to tell apart from real life.

The sun had set and darkness filled the sky outside of his rooms window

'might as well log off and go to sleep so i have energy for tomorrow' Kaito thought and logged out for the day.