Chereads / The Village Disciples / Chapter 41 - Vol. 2: Chp. 41 Just A Dream

Chapter 41 - Vol. 2: Chp. 41 Just A Dream

Hey, everyone! If you've been following the story's progression, you'd notice that this chapter came later than usual. The explanation for that is that this is the second volume of this book. I've been visiting past chapters occasionally to fix most mistakes that were way too obvious for reading comfortability, as well as change the story titles(Depends on which site you're reading this story on.)

I intended the first volume to be for introducing the characters of the story, as well as showing how things work in this fiction fantasy of mine. This book may be straight from my imagination, but I do formulate ideas on how I can make my ideas into a logical(ish) story.

Considering that this is the first story I've ever written and that I had no idea whatsoever when it came to publishing chapters when I first started. I even started out using my phone instead of my perfectly fine computer.

Enough ranting about that nonsense. I just wanted to take the time to explain why this came out later than usual, as well as the purpose of the first volume.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter, for it is the beginning of a new part of the story.




Blue is what comes to most people's minds when they gaze into the sky in the middle of the day. Looking down, you can see how the wonderfully blue sky transitions into a breathtakingly fresh color of green.

The grass could typically be used as a natural and earth-made bed, finding comfort in the short, wavy, and luxuriant surface. A shining gleam was apparent in the grass as it waved a repeating movement in correspondence to the wind.

Two youthful kids who couldn't be a touch above twelve were lying atop a small and grassy hill, arms crossed behind their heads to make fleshy pillows, and their legs crossed slightly, apparently finding comfort in the position.

One of the kids had bright white hair, black tints seemingly growing into separate individual strands of the white hair. His eyes matched the color of a royal blue.

The other kid had hair as black as an empty night sky. He also obtained red sideburns that traversed down the side of his face, reaching down to the top of his nose in length. The most noticeable features of the black-haired boy were his bright and glistening brown eyes that contained immeasurable zest.

"This is nice." The brown-eyed boy breathed, admiring the beautiful sky above the two of them with a content smile on his face.

"Yeah, too bad we'll get spotted lying here by some village folk pretty soon." The white-haired boy exhaled, a plain look etched onto his features.

The brown-eyed boy's smile transitioned into a small and disappointing frown, the thought of their happiness being interrupted obviously upset him.

"Well-" The brown-eyed boy began, hopping to his feet, nearly falling back down in the process due to the steepness of the hill. "As long as we stick together, we'll make it through whatever!" The kid finished his sentence with words of encouragement.

The white-haired kid only gazed up towards the now standing kid above him, annoyingly blocking the sun's pleasurable rays. "I know, I know." The white-haired kid slowly stood up, taking caution of the steep hill to prevent the same idiotic mistake his friend made.

"We should probably head back now." The white-haired boy stated, turning around and walking over to the opposite side of the small grassy hill.

"Fine." The brown-eyed boy grumbled, following his friend's trail, looking down and noticing the small footprints that were imprinted into the soft grass.

The two kids then trekked their way through a field of grass, the sun maintaining its continuous glare from beyond the sky. The two eventually made it to a big stone wall, blockading them from going any further.

"Alright, here we go!" The brown-eyed boy exclaimed, putting a hand on his white-haired friend's shoulder.

A bright flare illuminated around them, fire appeared out of the flaring, spiraling in a circular motion around the two, then eventually consuming them both. When the fire dissipated, there was no trace or evidence of the two kids being outside the stone wall, except for the severely singed grass that remained on the earth's surface.

On the opposite side of the huge stone wall, a similar flare of fire appeared, along with two familiar-looking kids.

"Still can't believe how efficient that ability of yours is." The white-haired kid admitted, impressed by the seemingly instantaneous transportation the two use ever so ceaselessly.

"Heh, heh. It sure does help keep us distanced from the mobs," The brown-eyed kid laughed, a smile that withheld a multitude of emotions was adorned onto his face.

A look of remembrance graced the white-haired boy's face, making him turn to the brown-eyed boy once again. "Do you have our disguises?" He proceeded to ask.

The brown-eyed boy simply smiled confidently, chuckling with a thumb in the air. "Yup! I left it in a bag in a nearby alleyway!" He informed, ignorant as to how stupid his idea to leave their items in an alleyway was.

"You're saying that… You left our personal belongings and only chance at remaining hidden from the village folk in a random alleyway where almost anyone can just wander into and steal our stuff with relative ease?" The white-haired boy questioned his idiotic friend incredulously.

The brown-eyed boy flinched from the tone his friend used, wriggling nervously, "M-maybe.."

That was all it took to elicit a slapping sound via facepalm. The white-haired boy then pushed his hand down his face, pulling the flesh on his face down as his hand traversed to the bottom of his face and then back to the side of his body.

The white-haired boy sighed, "Well, all we can do is hope that our disguises weren't stolen."


"Thank the gods our disguises weren't stolen." The white-haired boy exhaled, relief entering his body.

"Kinda ironic, we were the ones who stole it in the first place." The brown-eyed boy smirked mirthfully.

"Dude, please, I can only handle so many dumb comments from you in one day." The white-haired boy pleaded in disdain.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop. Let's just put on the disguises so we can get home." The brown-eyed boy conceded, waving his hands in the air.

The white-haired boy's eye twitched, 'He was doing it on purpose!'

The two kids then pulled out two brown and hooded cloaks, putting them on and drooping the hood over their heads, hiding their faces.

"As long as we're out, do NOT speak out loud, do not take any detours home, and do not take your hood off." The now hooded white-haired kid spoke in an authoritative tone, the tone being directed at his friend.

"I know. Now, let's go home, I might have left the door unlocked." The brown-eyed boy announced, getting an irritated grunt in response.

"From now on, I'll be watching over our stuff."

The hooded pair could be seen walking alongside a path, avoiding the confrontation of the crowd that walked in the middle of the path.

"We're almost home, just around the cor-eek!" As the two were walking, they made a sharp turn around a building, resulting in the brown-eyed kid colliding with a random villager.



As the brown-eyed kid bumped into the villager violently, his hood flew off of his head, revealing his face to anyone around.

Collective gasps could be heard all around the two kids. The villager who was previously knocked down from the collision looked up to see what hit him, making his eyes widen tremendously.

"I-It's THE IMAWASHIKI!" The man screamed in horror, an aggressive and fearful look making its way onto his bearded face, his mouth morphing into a shape a rabid animal would make when in a hostile situation.

"AAHH!" The nearby villagers screamed, the majority of them having horrifying expressions that nearly matched the knocked-down villager.

"SOMEONE GET THE KYODO FACILITY!" One female villager hollered in a pleading tone, it wasn't hard to tell exactly how scared these people were.

"Shit! C'mon, we have to go!" the white-haired boy grabbed onto the 'Imawashiki's arm, pulling him up from the dirt ground and sprinting away from the scene.

"Don't let them escape!"

As the duo fled from the belligerent crowd, they could still hear them chasing after the both of them.

The white-haired boy who still had his hood hiding his face kept his hand clasped around his brown-eyed friend's arm, attempting to successfully escape the mob of villagers.

'Why us!? Why did they subject us to this kind of treatment?' The white-haired boy questioned mentally, quite possibly directing his angry thought towards the seemingly negligent gods up above.

"I-I'm sorry." The brown-eyed kid apologized glumly, his eyes being glued shut with tears daring to leak out from the sides.

"It's fine, we just need to get home so we don't get potentially punished. Like I said earlier, the facility is just around the corner!" The white-haired boy responded to his friend's apology.

'Almost there, we're almo-'" AGH!" In the middle of the white-haired boy's thoughts, a sharp and sudden pain jolted throughout the side of his body, ultimately knocking him out of those thoughts

With the white-haired boy getting knocked down to the ground, the friend who he was clutching onto went down as well.

The boys looked up at the source of their fall, spotting three men in chalkboard-grey armor, as well as the unbearably familiar crest that was attached to each of the soldier's chest plates.

The crest image of a hand being extended upwards, having various amounts of powers emitting from the hand. Representing exactly who they are.

'The damn facility caught us before we could get back.' The white-haired boy was struck by the horrendous realization, silently cursing the occurring events.

"You two are to be detained and brought back to the Kyodo facility immediately!" The man in the very front of the three spoke up with an authoritative tone.

The white-haired boy gritted his teeth in anger, glaring up at the armored men before him. "Why were we chosen for all of this!? Huh!? We never asked to be treated like this, but we are nonetheless!" He then shouted, directing all of his anger at the guards.

To the guards' horror, arcs of lightning started to trace the white-haired boy's body, as well as clenching his fist tightly.

The white-haired boy wasn't completely aware of what was transpiring around him, but the only thing on his mind was ending the life of the three armored pansy's that stood were threatening him and his friend.

"Kami, what are you doing!?" the brown-eyed kid called out to his friend, finally revealing his name.

The guards attempted to stand their ground against the raging child. "Kaminari Nozomu and the Imawashiki, you wi-ARGH!" A pain-filled scream was forced out of the armored man in the front.

"His name isn't the Imawashiki! His name is #?@#!" The white-haired boy yelled in annoyance and anger.

The next thing Kaminari Nozomu could see was a flare of fire surrounding him, consuming him whole.


A middle-aged man can be seen sleeping on a bed inside of a dimly lit room. The man's eyes shot open, following with his upper body jolting upwards in apparent shock.

'It-it was a dream?' The man looked at his arm, the arm that was thought to have been grabbed by the kid in his dream. 'It seems that I still can't remember my real name. How droll.'

The man can now be seen with near-identical features as the child in his dream. Dark hair that was as black as an empty night sky, and red sideburns that traversed down the side of his face to the top of his nose in length.

'It seems like the name 'Imawashiki' will continue to be my moniker.' Imawashiki stated mentally, exhaling physically.

Imawashiki then looked to the side of his bed, noticing a small note that was standing up on a stand.

Picking up the note, Imawashiki read what was written on the note.

"I have spotted another potential member to our unit, come speak to me when you're prepared.



Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it, as well as being relieved that I finally started the second volume of this book. Stay tuned to find out more!

Have a Good Day!

Peace - Cr1ticalz_