Kaminari Nozomu can be seen inside his small kitchen, opening his fridge and eliciting a clicking sound from the fridge's seal that outlined the door. When Nozomu opened the fridge door, he reached inside, rummaging the items that were inside around.
The sounds of his rummaging came to a halt as he finally grabbed onto what he was searching for.
A fresh bottle of sake.
The long white-haired man proceeded to close his fridge, then walked out of the kitchen into a bigger and comfier-looking room. Best known as the living room.
Upon entering the living room, he chose to sit down in a fuzzy blue reclining chair. Nozomu loved this chair for a few reasons; the fuzziness of the chair made it both warm and comfortable, he liked the feeling whenever he sunk into the chair, as well as liking the color blue.
With Nozomu shuffling into his chair comfortably, he popped his bottle of sake open, moving the head of the beer to his lips and drinking the cold and refreshing drink residing inside the brown and glassy bottle.
Once he finished taking his first sip, he removed the bottle from his lips, then rested the back of his head on the soft and fluffy headrest that was built into his chair. 'I wonder if I can call off work today? I do have a good attendance record.'
Nozomu's head turned slightly towards the front door of his home, an irritated look growing on his features. 'Are you kidding me!? I just sat down!'
With an unsatisfied groan; Nozomu regretfully pushed himself out of the comfy blue reclining chair, then walked over to the front door. 'Isn't the brat supposed to be home by now?' Nozomu Inquired mentally as he dragged himself towards the entrance of his home.
Once Nozomu reached his front door, he stood silent and still. The long white-haired man attempted to sense who was on the opposite side of the door using his aura.
When he began to sense the outsiders, he quickly became even more irritated when finding out who knocked on his door. 'Why in the hell is the brat knocking at his own home's door!?'
Nozomu clutched onto the dark brown doorknob that was attached to his door, twisting it and forcing the entrance of his home open. "Brat, why in th-- huh?"
When Nozomu opened the door, he did in fact see this 'brat' he was speaking of, but he also saw someone unfamiliar standing right beside them.
"Hello, sir! Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but I have something I'd like to discuss regarding Tanjo."
The owner of the voice was a woman with long cyan hair that was lengthened down to the mid-section of her back and eyes that were of the color teal, along with her hands being clasped together in the front of her body.
'Why wasn't I able to sense her?' Nozomu mentally questioned, the feeling of confusion finding its way into the white-haired man's mind.
Nozomu then glanced over to the silent and nervous Tanjo standing next to the lady, cusping his left arm with his right hand to prove his nervousness. 'Alright then.'
Nozomu looked back to the beautiful woman before him, clearing his through in preparation to converse, "Yes, we can speak inside if you'd like." Nozomu suggested, stepping to the side and forming a wide enough path for the two standing outside.
"That's fine." The cyan-haired lady agreed, slowly walking into the Nozomu residence with Tanjo following right behind her.
"Alright, so what seems to be the problem regarding Tanjo?"
Nozomu can be seen sitting back into his comfy blue reclining chair, but this time; sitting straight up. Across from Nozomu, the unfamiliar cyan-haired lady was seated comfortably on a two-seated couch-- Tanjo sitting next to her, but not as comfortably.
The cyan-haired lady parted her lips to speak, "Oh, it isn't much of a problem, but more of a request." She then clarified, watching as the long white-haired man raised one of his brows in confusion.
"Okay? May I know your name before we continue? I'd like to know who I'm speaking with." Nozomu asked the cyan-haired lady, adorning an inquisitory look.
"My, my, have I not already disclosed myself? I apologize for my impoliteness. My name is Suru Tassei." The cyan-haired women informed, bowing forward slightly.
The inquisitory look never left Nozomu's face, 'I'd still like to know how I wasn't able to detect her from the other side of the door.'
With a heavy mental sigh, Nozomu glanced back over to Tanjo again, noting how nervous he seemed to be. 'If he isn't in trouble, why is he so nervous?' Nozomu turned his eyes back to Suru and breathing in to speak, "So, what are you wanting to request regarding Tanjo?"
"I came here wanting to get permission to have Tanjo train at my own training quarters!" Suru stated, looking over to the jet-black-haired boy sitting next to her.
Nozomu remained still, "Training? I'm sure he gets enough training at the academy." Nozomu reasoned, lowering his brow.
Suru seemed to have perked up at that. "Well-" Suru began to speak as she reached into the sleeve of her white robe, suddenly pulling out a small card, "-this should explain it enough for you to understand."
Nozomu stood up and slowly walked forward to be at arm's length of the card, grabbing it with two fingers and heading back to his reclining chair.
Once Nozomu sat back down, he started to read the contents of the card slowly.
"Nozomu Tanjo-
This card grants the owner permission from the academy and/or council to use their magic sense and aura print in any disclosed area away from the citizens of Buraun.
Any folk of the village that tries to deny the owner of their newly found rights will be tried in a court of la-"
Nozomu stopped reading the card, the rest was only about legal apprehensions anyway. But, with Nozomu reading that, he looked to Tanjo for an answer, "So you've been given access to training privately? Are they not giving you enough training at the academy?"
Tanjo immediately broke out of his nervousness, looking at the white-haired man. "No, that's not it! It's just that they can't give us the exact amount of time needed due to the academy's scheduling! The cards are supposed to give us extra time to practice certain things we learned from class." Tanjo then explained, shaking his hands frantically.
Nozomu breathed in slowly, looking down at the floor in the process. 'It couldn't be that bad. I showed him a few things towards the beginning of the year anyway.' Nozomu reasoned quietly, glancing up at the two sitting in front of him, 'But I don't know why this random woman is requesting that he uses her training quarters. Is she affiliated with the academy in any way?'
"Alright." Nozomu reluctantly agreed, breathing out, "But, I'd like to be updated on his progress, as well as where he is training. As his guardian; it is my responsibility to guarantee his safety. I'm sure you understand, miss Tassei."
Suru's smile only grew. "I certainly do understand, Mister Nozomu."
Nozomu's eyes widened slightly, 'She knows my name?' Nozomu was at least going to question her on that, "How do you know my name?"
Suru looked at Nozomu with a confused expression, "It's the name of your residence, I saw your name outside." She then stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
'Oh, right,' Nozomu mentally sighed. "Well, is that all you wanted to request, miss Tassei?"
Suru's smile returned, "Yes, it is." She said simply.
Nozomu's body relaxed, "Alright," he began to stand up from the reclining chair, "It's getting late, so I recommend that you head home ma'am."
Suru nodded in acknowledgment, standing up from her seat on the couch as well. "I suppose it is. I hope you have a good day, mister Nozomu."
And with that, Suru Tassei walked over to the door, twisting the doorknob and taking a step out. Before Suru left the home, she halted and turned to Tanjo. "By Tanjo. I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Be sure to arrive on time!" Suru then walked out, closing the door behind her.
Tanjo sighed, all of the built-up anxiety getting drained from his body. "I honestly get a weird feeling from her." Tanjo expressed, rolling his shoulders to ease himself.
Nozomu looked back down to his hands, wanting to glance at the card one more time. But when he did look at his hands; he noticed that the card was gone. Nozomu sighed for the umpteenth time, closing his eyes in realization and drowsiness. 'I don't trust that woman, she manages to make me stumped of all people.'
Nozomu then clapped his hands, jolting Tanjo out of whatever thoughts he had going on in his head. "I'm going to bed, I expect you to do the same soon as well," Nozomu announced, standing up and stretching.
"Okay, old man. Goodnight. I'll just be heading to my room for the night anyways." Said Tanjo, yawning shortly after.
Nozomu then traversed all the way to his bedroom, opening his bedroom door and closing it behind him upon entering. Just before Nozomu reached for his light switch, he turned to his slightly open closet.
Nozomu walked over to the closet, opening the door fully and viewing what was inside. Clothes. It was reasonable, considering it was a closet. But Nozomu began rummaging through the clothes, finding a long silver box.
Nozomu lifted the box up gingerly, opening it once it was in his hands. Inside the silver-colored box was a white piece of clothing.
Nozomu clutched onto the white piece of clothing and took it out of the silver-colored box. 'Still looks the same as it did all those years ago.'
It was a long and white cloak.
'Still seems to be in good condition.' Nozomu mentally noted, his eyes skimming over the cloak.
Nozomu then began to fold the white cloak back up, placing it back inside the silver-colored box and locking it. After locking it, he put the box down in the closet, closing the closet door shortly after.
'Kokoro, I still thank you.'
Hey! I hope you enjoyed. I wanted to get this conversation done and over with since I have something planned after this! Stay tuned for more!
Have a Good Day!
Peace - Cr1ticalz_