"The King and Queen where both fair to us during their rule,they loved us and made sure to give us everything we asked for, we where accepted in Gabesh like we where part of them" Sophia says.
"After what happened to the other witches and princess Leah I suggest that neither you nor mother should attend,we can't risk your lives" Ahishar says
"Mother I am going to pay my last respects to the people who showed me love and acceptance something my own people couldn't show me" Sophia says.
"I agree with her, I'll personally accompany her to their funeral we won't be noticed,when everyone has left we'll go" Hepher says.
"Sophie,you need to learn to start taking care of yourself, you've become the first on the list of those our enemies want dead" Ahishar says.
"Why because am going to be Queen? Listen mum and grandmum am a weak witch that would probably only get powerful when i become Queen so the only way I wont get hurt is if the ancestors don't want me to but as long as they want me alive I will be" Sophia says.
"No so my dear, everyone including the ancestors wanted Leah alive but now she is no more"
"No mum,the ancestors allowed her to die that's why she did, maybe there was really a change in fate and destiny so she needed to die" Sophia shrugs.
"Don't you ever say that Soph,the walls have ears no one would like to hear you saying such thing if their King princess nor their future Queen"Hepher says.
"Because they don't like hearing the truth grandma"
Hepher's and Ahishar shared a look,they both hoped that she would learn the fact that being open and honest always could no earn you anything in the world anylonger.
"Grand ma it's late already,am sure the funeral ended shall we go now?" Sophia asks.
"Hold on,i changed my mind, I think I will come with you,I should pay my last rites too".
Sophia looked at the tombstones before her,one for Leah and the other two for the King and Queen.
in three months her life as well as the fate of the whole Kingdom had taken a turn she didn't understand was heading to.
Now she was going to be Queen of the Witches and the careless and irresponsible prince was going to rule all of Gabesh,what she didn't understand more was the fact that Leah's body nor the body all other people who had gone missing was not found but that of the King and Queen where found.
She was certain there was a reason why but she couldn't understand the reason it would be one of the things she does when she becomes Queen.
Only two days left.
She had no idea how the coronation was being done but according to the rules she knew she wasn't supposed to see the Queen a week before the coronation.
She never obeyed nor followed rules and she wouldn't start now.
When she was told she would be the next Queen she had began to practice magic more and read books and she was aware as the next Queen in line only she could summon the Queen.
Something Leah didn't know.
Even if she was in danger the Queen would be there to rescue her.
Damsel in distress.
"Queen Diane,I want to see you,show yourself" Sophia says.
"Here I am Soph,you know this is against the rules right?" Diane asks smirking.
"You know that too Queen,you broke the rules" Sophia says smiling too.
"For the first time in centruies".