The coronation was going boring yet again,just like the wedding.
Amelia was already bored and tired of seating still and upright like a queen should,next she was made to stand walk to the said altar like a wedding bride and say some weird vows before making oaths she was certain she couldn't keep.
Even though Ramos was in a hurry to be crowned so that he could execute his first ruling and law as a King he couldn't help but be Happy and smile at his wife's discomfort.
He loved that she suffered and to think of it,he was going to make her suffer along with Witches.
"...By The power vested in me you are now crowned King of Gabesh" The senior Elder says.
In Gabesh since Witches where very much present there hadn't been any priest except one who conducted weddings. Eventually he wasn't a full time priest but also a member of the cabinet.
In the past Witches where the ones handling marriages as well as coronations but Ramos was certainly going to change that...or he already did indirectly.
The crowd that had gathered to watch the coronation cheered still filled with fear of the unknown.
As King Ramos was the one to crown Amelia as his Queen he immediately arose and was given another crown which he nonchalantly placed on Amelia's head.
"There you go Queen,you got what you wanted and I got mine,stay on your own side now" Ramos whispers.
Everybody drinks and eats in merry and almost fear, he was certainly going to begin his terror and they where right.
"I am grateful for your support in the wedding and Coronation,it made me understand that you all would make a good Cabinet" Ramos says.
"Your majesty did you plan to replace us?" An Elder asks
"I did,I didn't want weak people close to me but as I said you've shown me your loyalty" Ramos says.
"Yes your majesty"
"Now I have been going through the laws of Gabesh and have noticed that the Witches have too many privileges"
"What are you saying your majesty? Your father and mother had implemented that so they could be fair and just to everybody" Zadok says.
"Well I don't want to follow in their footsteps,those people have bitten the hand that fed them so they don't deserve and privileges from us"
Silence reigns no one dared to go against or show displeasure to his words.
"Do we have a scientist in this Kingdom?" Ramos asks.
"Do we or do we not have a scientist in this kingdom? Ramos says gritting his teeth.
"We do my King" Zadok says.
"Good,tell him to come see me,he needs to create weapons that can hinder witches from performing magic in this kingdom and stop them immediately" Ramos says.
"But my king that is their right"An Elder says.
"Are you now going to teach me about rights?" He asks.
Amelia hadn't dare talk since the beginning of the meeting with the cabinet,Ramos has personally told her she was insignificant and didn't have a say in the things of the Kingdom.
But now she was more than disgusted In his judgement and she had read laws and well.
King Laban had made a law making his Wife Padanaram equal to him as well as making decisions as well even if it meant he was against it.
"Your majesty this is wrong,The witches are still under the law as you are,they can't be punished until they are proven guilty" Amelia says
Ramos's anger had increased at her words,he was surely fuming now at her audacity.
"I am King,and I am above the Law,I do as I please" He says through gritted teeth.
Now for sure Amelia sat struck with fear.
"Anyone that I against it doesn't have the right to leave this Kingdom only to die,so that person will be punished. I am the law" Ramos finishes.