Whenever someone mentioned that Ziev was a demon, it sounded very painful to him. Ziev kept on vowing that he had become a pure human now, even though the harsh reality was always flashing in his memory. Ziev realized that his body could regenerate faster than an ordinary human. However, Ziev felt that it was only a miracle from God.
"I'm a human. I'm just a junior high school student who is busy because of exams! Period!!" Ziev was still adamant.
"I don't care about your activities, my job is only to erase the existence of Devils no matter if it's Fotia or Earth. Hiyaattt!"
Rigel lunged at Ziev's body who was still sitting.
Previously, he had put the sword back in its scabbard. Rigel wants to fight manly.
Several heavy blows managed to escape hitting Ziev's vital organs. Ziev didn't fight back, his mind still a mess.