As Kyle and Jess went for the front door, of course it was locked. Kyle refused to give up as he guided the red head around the building to see a window was busted open. Seeing how it was a bit high and still had glass shards attached to the frame. They both approached the window to have Kyle lean against the brick building and remove his boot from his foot.
"What are we doing here?" Jess asked through the respirator she had on which came out as a muffle.
Kyle broke the last remaining glass off the window frame and put his boot back on. "I believe this is the reason why all this is happening. This lab is always to blame it seemed in the past. He said while cupping his hands together and took a knee. She looked at him weird until he said, "come on, I'll boost you up."
"Are you sure this is safe?" She asked. While stepping up to his hands.
"Trust me, this isn't the craziest thing to happen in this town."
As he boosted her up. She pulled herself inside as he pulled himself up as well soon after. Looking around they could see white foam all over a bunch of plants that looked like mushrooms. Chucks of huge mushrooms were scattered everywhere. As the two were searching the area, they heard banging coming from the front enterance. Then an intercom came over the speaker. "Let us in you stupid Jew!"
Kyle groaned while nearly facepalming himself but he still had the respirator on. "God damnit!"
"Is that the same guy as before?" Jess asked.
"Unfortunately yes." Kyle said while making his way through the building in attempt to find the front enterance. Before he could find it, he saw someone with a fire extinguisher making their way to the front door. "Hey!" He hollered out.
Seeing a darker skin toned girl with long black hair and a N95 mask and a look of concern flashed in her eyes, he quickly approached the girl.
"Hey are you okay?"
"Who are you?" She simply asked as if not afraid in the slightest.
Before Kyle could answer, more banging was heard. "Open up!"
"Cartman this is pointless." Coming from Stan.
"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR KYLE!!" Cartman screamed.
It was clear he was wearing a respirator too considering his voice was muffled.
Kyle wasn't the one that went to the door, instead it was the strange woman that he just met. As she open the door with a fire extinguisher still in her hands the group looked at her weird but quickly looked past her to see Kyle.
"There you are! What makes you think that you could just run off and be done with us? Are you really that pussy whipped?!" Cartman yelled out while making his way to his friend.
This pissed Kyle off to no end as he wanted to swing a punch but instead, Stan stood in front of the two seeing a fight about to start. "Guys.. not now! We need to figure out what's going on and how to stop it!" He practically yelled with his arms out between the two as if stopping a fight.
That's when the Token appeared from outside the front door wearing a respirator as well.
"Did you find anything?" He asked.
That's when he saw the stranger with the N95 step up and speak.
"I don't know who any of you are but if you're really here to stop this from spreading I must tell you what happened here in the lab."
All eyes now on her as she waved them all on to the same room Kyle and Jess crawled in from.
"There was a chemical reaction that caused an explosion to occur here in this room. These plants are a type of fungi that once is destroyed spreads a type of seed that is naked to the eye. Somehow the explosion caused this fungi to spread outside in the air. Unfortunately it became airborne due to the fact of how much was in this room when the explosion occurred. As you can see it has changed people outside in ways that you can't imagine. If you truly want to stop this, you'll have to find the cure with me. That's actually why I'm here right now." She said while setting down the fire extinguisher.
"Wait if that's why you're here then how did you get in and how do you know about all this." Token asked as it wasn't adding up right.
"That's not important right now what is important is to find the cure and get everybody to safety. If we keep wasting time the more people will get infected with this fungi." She said while pushing the question to the side.
"So you know what cause this but you don't know what can fix it?" Stan asked.
She simply nodded. "That is actually why I'm here. To search for any type of clues that I can find in this laboratory. Rumor has it that some people have been experimented on with this type of fungi and they are still trapped in this hell hole."
"Wait what rumors?!" Cartman asked.
"That's not important right now, we don't have time to chat we need to search this lab for any clues that can help us stop this." She said while making her way out the door. "I suggest going in groups. No one should be going alone considering those things might easily get in now that the window is open."
"I'll go with you." Jess said while walking up to the girl.
"Yeah I'll go too." Token said while approaching be the two girls.
"Alright well I guess that leaves me with the hippy and stupid Jew."
"God damnit Cartman this is serious can you not be an asshole for one fucking minute?!" Kyle yelled.
"Alright we will meet back at this lab, do any of you have each other's cell phones to contact when you find something?" The stranger asked.
Token held up his phone. "I have Stan's number."
"Perfect when you boys find something contact your friend and we will meet you there, same goes for us. Does everyone understand the plan?"
They simply nodded.
"Alright let's save this town."