Chereads / Shades of white / Chapter 16 - Chapter sixteen 016: AS YOUR TOLD

Chapter 16 - Chapter sixteen 016: AS YOUR TOLD

*A smart person take full charge of situations before they play out *


Berlina was in her office reviewing some documents and placing them in order. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Yes come in." She said while staring at the documents.

Berlina's assistant came in "Good day ma'am. I have an information I'll love to pass." He said.

"Go on." She said as she looked at him.

"Nightmares trial is tomorrow and they found a way out." He said sadly.

Berlina smirked "Oh did they." She said feeling unbothered "Then calling few old friends will change that right." She said as she smiled brightly.

"Huh." the assistant frowned in confusion.

"Why did you think I gave you few numbers to hold on to huh." she asked with a sinister smile on her face.

"To hold on to them I guess." he said as he scratches his neck.

Berlina chuckled "The owners of those numbers are great influential people in Nigeria which nightmare has offended in the past." she said as she walked towards him in a cool manner, her aura could be tempting at times she lend close to him and ordered "Call them up and tell them it's time."

"But what if they have forgotten or forgiven him." He inquired.

"One thing I learnt from this socialist is they never forgive or forget, when they see a perfect time to strike they would be it friend, family or worse stranger. Now call." she said as she grabbed her jacket and walked out.

"Yes ma'am." he said as he hurried up to his office to make the call. Immediately he received a text from Berlina.

Berlina; Book a flight to Japan for two.

Him; Don't you think it's still not safe his boys are still keeping an eye on you.

Berlina; Do as your told

He did everything he was told. Berlina got into her car as she played her favorite music No idea by don toliver she smiled as she sang along.

She arrived at home and went straight to her mom.

"How are you doing mom." She asked.

"I'm still worried about your sister, she's alone in another mans land.

"Hmm I know your favorite child isn't it." Berlina scoffed.

"Don't be like that Berlina." Madria said.

Berlina grinned "I'm just kidding mom. She's everyone's favorite after all." she winked as she kissed her mom's forehead "you don't need to worry about her anymore."

"What do you mean." Madria asked with a trace of anger.

"We are going there to see her." she smiled sweetly.

"Is it safe?." Madria inquired.

"Yh nightmare is having his trial tomorrow, his boy here would have to fly back leaving 2 or 3 here and surely they would be distracted." Berlina said with certainty.

Madria looked at Berlina worriedly.

"Stop looking at me like that we are going to see our baby soon." she smiled broadly.

Berlina had her shower and lay on her bed looking at the ceiling smiling sheepishly humans are so predictable she thought, sitting up she began to speak to herself "He's gonna feel I failed when they grant him bail, but this was part of my plan. False hope could crush a proud mans spirit, immediately he gets a bail and he get to his gate he'll be feeling triumphant but then he would be arrested again for another crime and when he's trying to fight that case someone else will sue him again ha...ha the only option will be to ask help from his dad and when he does his dad would agree only to the terms that he leaves Adria and her family alone which he'll agree to but not keep to and his dad will take charge. Was so easy isn't it." She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath she immediately picked up her phone and texted Adria about her and madria's arrival, from the reply Adria gave she knew Adria was really happy.


Adria was really happy her sis and mom were coming she was with Asachi and she couldn't hide her excitement.

"Why are you so happy, what did you see on your phone. Wait did you win a lottery?." He asked.

"My sister is coming tomorrow yeay omg I miss them so much I thought they have forgotten I even exist." Adria smiled happily.

Asachi smiled "you love them a lot."

"Yes I do." Adria said as she kept smiling

They came to beach today, Asachi was giving her a tour around Tokyo, he loved spending time together with her. She was an amazing person and she brought smile to his face he loved everything about her the way she narrates thing, the way she eat, walk, sing, everything.

He turned to look at her 'I think I'm falling for you Adria' he thought to himself.

"I think I have to go home to arrange the whole place and also inform yan Chen about their arrival." she smiled softly as she stood up and ran towards the car.

"Hold on Adria." he said as he ran after her.

"When they got into Adria's car it was really quiet so he decided to play her a music from her playlist when he played the last song track he was astonished.

"I never knew you listened to such songs." He said with a smirk.

Adria smiled "slow songs?."

"No love music." he said as he smiled "you always listening to depressing songs."

Adria looked at him and sang along to the song "I cannot explain..... it am into you and every little thing you do. Never felt this way around no dude believe me when I say that I am feeling you....." she smiled sweetly.

"Wow." he said as he stared at her lovingly.

"Actually this use to be my ex lovers song." she said as a trace of sadness appeared on her face and the place became quite again only the song could be heard.

Adria began to recall memories of the past.


Adria and Ryan we're playing around tickling each other and sharing passionate moments.

"Ryan stood up I wanna play a song for you." He said as he went to the table where his things were.

"Your song?." Adria asked curiously.

"No." he said as he glanced at her.

"Thought as much." she grinned.

He asked "Alexa play into you by Sydney."

When the song began to play he turned towards her, he went to her looking at her straight into her eyes as he lend in and gave her a soft kiss Adria was a bit disappointed cause it was too short she stared at him with a questioning look, he took off his shirt and Adria trailed her hands on his well built body and looked up to him as he stared at her with admiration he held her waist and he whispered softly "I'll always love you Adria." He trailed kisses from her ear down to her neck he stopped at her collarbone as he glanced at her, her eyes were shut, feeling every single movement he made.

He kissed her forehead gently and said in huskily voice "I can't explain how you make me feel Adria your my heaven on earth, you are everything I need in life and death."

Adria stared at him as she embraced him, he began to sob "I don't know why I can't explain how I feel for you it's more than love Adria, what have you done to me." He said.

"Don't say that Ryan." she said as she held him tightly.

"Adria! Adria!!." Asachi called her snapping her out of her imagination.

"Huh what's wrong." She asked.

"Where at your house, are you ok." he asked worriedly "I have been calling you for a while but you seemed lost."

"I'm sorry was thinking about some stuffs." Adria said.

"Ok I'll leave now bye." He said

"Bye." She waved and headed straight inside.

Adria went inside akio ran and hugged her legs, she looked down to him as she smiled sweetly she picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"How are you doing my boy." She said as she ruffled his hair.

"Ah...fie." He replied as he was still learning to talk.

Yan Chen came in immediately she saw Adria she smiled sweetly and said "welcome Adria. Akio go finish your meal." Akio obeyed his mother and left.

Yan Chen looked at Adria with worry "you don't look too good what's wrong." She asked.

Adria sat on the sofa "I miss him Yan." She said.

"Who." Yan Chen inquired.

" I don't even know what to call him now." Adria said as she bent her head.

"Then call him up." she smiled as she thought it was Asachi she was talking about.

"He's dead Yan." Adria said sadly as she walked out of the sitting room straight to her room and shut the door, sobbing silently she hugged her knees "your birthday is next week Ryan your turning 26 remember you told me you would expand your bodyguard company and build a house at this age , you also said we were going to stay together in your penthouse watching the sunset together." she paused for a while before she said "you lied!." she wiped her eyes and went to take her bath.

She smiled as she walked out her room in a big tank top and shorts she felt better "I'm hungry." she said while holding here teddy bear.

Yan Chen was surprise to see her all normal and smiling again. "Here you go." she offered her some food

"My sister and mom will be coming over tomorrow but they would get here at night or early in the morning." she said as she ate her food.

"Oh that's nice, would I have stay somewhere else so you guys could be comfortable." Yan asked with worry.

"No no you don't, this house is big enough." she said shaking her head.

"Oh thanks." Yan said.

"Stop acting weird." Adria said as she ate her food.