Chereads / Werewolf Cinderella / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

I met with the scouts after leaving the Ajax's house and we were ready to execute the plan. I had planned that we send out a group of scouts of about seven wolves and the rest of the warriors stay behind and protect the pack if they attack. The scouts job was to determine their hideout and the number they have with them so we know exactly what we're dealing with. If they don't attack tonight then we attack at first light tomorrow morning with a full attack patrol. Lucian follows behind me as we reach the scout patrol.

"Everyone ready?" Lucian asks, not waiting for replies he heads into woods, stepping out moments later in his giant black wolf. I was still amazed by his markings, not fully black with gray markings strewn throughout his fur. Everyone else follows in pursuit and soon we have seven wolves, three gray, one red, Lucian's black, my white and black, and one completely midnight black. Fanning out we all head towards the attack location. The stench of blood stings my nose as we step into the clearing. Tufts of wolf fur were quietly blowing in the soft breeze, crimson blood still splatters the ground. I have to hold back a whimper, I didn't personally know the wolves killed and attacked, but it still cut deep into my heart.

'That's because you're pack now. They were still family whether you knew them or not. It's only natural especially for the pack's next Luna.' Lucian's voice says into my mind, shocking me for a second, until I remembered we can communicate through the pack bond. I'd have to get used to it since no one in my old pack ever used it to communicate with me. Mind linking was the only way we could communicate while in wolf form so it shouldn't have surprised me, but it still did.

'You're the second person to call me the future Luna. Can I really be the next?' I asked, unsure of my abilities. I could feel him smile through the bond.

'Of course. Unless what you told my father was wrong?' I could feel his uneasiness and fear come through the bond like a dagger to my heart.

'Everything I told your dad was the truth.' Before I could explain more, the ashy smell mixed with blood and death hit my nose. Vampire. The smell clogged my throat and threatened to suffocate me. I hadn't smelled this since my mother's funeral and the memories came rushing in like a tsunami crashing into the shores destroying everything in its path. Coughing out a breath I howl softly calling the others to my location. Lucian was first to my side as the others gathered.

'Ella found the spot they entered. This is where we should start following.' Lucian's voice comes through all of our minds and we head further South into the woods. As we get deeper the smell of death and ash intensifies. I point my nose towards a dip in the valley and the other wolves follow my lead. Crouching low as if we're hunting we inch slowly closer. As the dip comes into view I see a cement archway the steel door had been busted in and from our position we could only see darkness. Perfect place for vampires to camp out for a day. We all exchange glances and nod together knowing exactly what we all were thinking. Lucian and I stepped up together to where our fur brushed each other's sparks ignited my fur, his reassurance bleeding into me. The other five wolves surround the entrance ready to attack if need be. Lucian and I inch towards the entrance, as we get closer the smell of vampire gets even stronger causing me to wrinkle my nose. Lucian presses closer into me for support as we step into the entrance.

'Silent as a mouse' his voice slides into my mind lifting the worry a little off my shoulders. As we tread deeper into the tunnel, I start feeling claustrophobic as the walls seem to close in around us, the darkness getting even darker. I knew now if I was in my human form I wouldn't be able to see my hands in front of my face. Thankfully as a wolf our eyesight is ten times better and a lot easier to see in the dark. The walls seem to bend outwards the deeper we go lifting the claustrophobia a little bit, as a little room unfolds in front of us. This must've been an old war bunker from the looks of it. Lining the walls were bunks carved into the walls and on each one, was a tall, pale, lithe figure sound asleep. Their greasy hair seemed to glow in the darkness, this room had to have at least twelve bunks and each one was occupied.

'We need to keep going. We have to know the exact number here if we plan to do a surprise attack tomorrow.' Lucian's voice did show any kind of fear, but I felt his fur shiver slightly as we continued deeper into the bunker. We passed three more rooms with twelve beds each all full. My uneasiness increased, and my heart rate spiked as we reached the last one. This one was filled with sleeping vampires as well, only all the beds were occupied, but one. Standing in the middle of the bunker was a tall pale figure. Greasy spiked black hair, beady red eyes, and a greedy bloodthirsty smile plastered on the man's face was staring straight at us.

"Well well well, look what the dog dragged in. Fresh meat." His voice was like icicles piercing my ear drums. My fear spiked, fur bristled, lips raised in a snarl, I prepared for the fight to come.

'We can't fight them alone! You just got out of the hospital, we need back up. We need to GO!' Lucian's alpha voice flooded my mind as we turned tail and ran. We just made it back to the first bunker, as we hear all the vampires start to wake up preparing to fight. Lucian let out a loud howl alerting the other wolves out front that we may need help. They came racing in furs bristled lips raised in a snarl as they pounced on the nearest vampire they saw. The smell of blood floods my nostrils as we tear into a vampire trying to get out the door and back into the sunlight where they can't follow. As we near the entrance I see the others slip out into the bright sunshine, then Lucian. Feeling confident that we all made it unscathed I let my guard down. Big mistake. Just as I do I feel ice cold fingers wrap around my wolf's neck, hard. Whimpering, I'm dragged back into the darkness. The cold fingers squeeze harder on my throat, causing black dots to dance into my vision before I'm slowly drowned into darkness. The last thing I heard was Lucian's low, hollow, broken howl from the darkness.