~Lucian's P.O.V~
It's been three days. THREE DAYS!!! Since my mate went missing. I admit I've been irritable since it's happened, but they have to understand, it's my MATE, my other half, my soulmate, my missing piece. Her pack bond has been weak ever since, which leads me to believe she's further away than I feared. My father has given me space and has been going over more plans than I can count to get her back and defeat the vampires, but I'm no longer in the right state of mind to listen to them. Our attack went on without a hitch the morning after she was taken, but they had all night to move her, and she wasn't there when we attacked. Twenty-four of the vampires were missing too, including the one that took her. I was angry all the time, my wolf Ciaran, had taken the reins and I was letting him. My best friends Arthur, and Luis tried to help, but soon gave up. They couldn't understand it, they hadn't found their mates yet so they tried as much as they could to cheer me up to no avail.
'Lucian, could you come to my office?' my father's voice comes into my head and I drop the weights I was lifting and head to my father's office.
"Alpha?" I ask knocking on his door before opening it and stepping in. My father had his beta, Arthur, Luis, and a couple powerful warriors were around him.
"What is it alpha?" he had to have a plan in mind if they were all here. If he didn't he usually only calls me in.
"Arthur came up with an idea. The vampires know she's important to you, they know our pack's scent. What they don't know is, she wasn't originally in our pack. Arthur suggested reaching out to her one ally in the Blood Moon Pack, Mary." my father explains motioning to Arthur.
"How do we know we can trust her? I know she helped her get to freedom, but how do we even know if she's okay? What if Ella's family got to her to keep her quiet about what was happening?" I knew my eyes had gone black at this point my wolf was in full control.
"We don't. Which is why I'm only sending you and Arthur. We don't want it to seem like a war party, so only two wolves so it doesn't seem like a threat. You request to speak to the alpha-" he holds his hand up to stop my interruption, "Don't interrupt me. I know what you were gonna say. I know the alpha may know what she went through and didn't do anything about it, but I promised Ella we would have them all punished when the time is right. Right now our only concern is Ella's safety. I will take care of the Blood Moon Pack after she's safely back here with us." the alpha finishes and I nod my head approvingly.
"Only if I'm the one to dish the punishment out." it's not a question, it's a demand. He nods his head once before turning to the others.
"As for the rest of you, we need a full battle formation around our Southern border in case of vampires or attack from Blood Moon. The two wolves may be mistaken as scouts scouting their territory so if they take it the wrong way they may send an attack patrol." the alpha commands waving us towards the door letting us know it's time to execute the plan.
"Lucian? A word please." Ajax stops me as the others file out of the office.
"I know it's hard having your mate lost, we will bring her home. You will have your mate back. I will not let you go through what I did when I lost your mother." at his words my heart cracks. I lost my mother three years ago. Freak accident in the hospital. She was an OB nurse helping deliver a new pup, she rushed out to grab supplies, slipped and bashed her head into the nurse station counter. Even with our rapid healing she hit too hard and it punctured her brain. I nod once at his words before walking out and after Arthur.
We reached the edge of our territory, exchanging a look as we headed towards Blood Moon Pack. We shifted into our wolves to make the trek faster, we had tied our clothes to our ankles so we had a change of clothes once we hit their border. Nudity was a common thing within your own pack, but very frowned upon among a different pack. The scent of Blood Moon invaded my nostrils. Arthur and I slow to a stop and quickly shift back to human form, clothing ourselves we step out into the open and wait for a patrol.
A patrol shows up shortly after, all in wolf form. They didn't trust us that's for sure, their lips were curled up in snarls and their furs bristled. A man steps out behind the patrol with his arms crossed over his chest. I choke on my saliva as I stare at him. He had the same ocean blue eyes as Ella, with matching blonde hair. Similar facial structure, but not quite.
"Are you Mr. May?" I manage to get out as I stare at him.
"Yeah, who's asking?" he furrows his brows as he looks me up and down trying to get a read on me.
"My name is Lucian Hendrix of the Silver Moon Pack. I'm here to speak to Alpha Marcus." I state, not ready to tell him how I know him.
"What do you need with him?" Mr. May asks sternly.
"I just need to speak to him. Concerning the vampires." I meet his eyes knowing he'll have to bow in submission, dominant or not. I was still the next alpha of my pack. My aura was stronger. He lowers his eyes after a few seconds and nods his head.
"This way." he says, waving his arm for us to follow.
'Why didn't you tell him about Ella?' Arthur mind links me and I shake my head.
'I don't know how much he knows about her trauma. She did leave him a note explaining everything, but if he already knew but didn't care. That I don't know. I will not let him hurt her again. It's bad enough if he doesn't know. How can she explain a scar? Wolves don't scar easily. And hers surrounds her entire wrist. So him not knowing about it is tenuous at best.' He doesn't get the chance to answer as we step up to a very modern looking mansion.
"I'll let him know you're waiting." Mr. May says slipping inside the mansion. He comes back out a few moments later, nodding to us he lets us inside. Leading us up the stairs we step into the alpha's office.
"What do you need from me?" Alpha Marcus inquires as soon as the door shuts behind us.
"One of our wolves was taken by the vampires." I state masking my face of any emotion. I can't let him see how much I care or he may just not help us.
"And that's my problem, how?" he sneers glaring down at us.
"It's your problem because she used to be one of yours." I growl back at him, meeting his eyes. His eyes widened slightly before narrowing.
"Well if she's no longer here then she's no longer my problem and clearly she wasn't my problem before either if she left on her own accord." he snarls as a low growl rumbles down my throat.
"We just need to speak to one of your wolves. She knows her very well, it won't be long, just a couple questions." I cave and give up on arguing with him. He looks at me suspiciously before nodding very slowly.
"Who do you need to see?" he asks, calling in one of his guards.
"Mary, I'm not sure of her last name. She should've just turned eighteen. Brunette, green eyes." I give all the information I have about her and he nods once waving off his guard to go get her.
"You're talking about Mary Wilson."