Chereads / Letters from bruises 6 / Chapter 11 - Korea

Chapter 11 - Korea

Hello song

Nice to meet you and how are you doing I am pleased to be exchanging emails as well.

I am doing well thank you.

I am currently studying life as it is because I don't have money for college I'll be going into an apprenticeship for nail technician and hairdressing one day and hoping to get work experience at a store that I like called shadow fox in my hometown and I live in now. Psychologist counselling is a very good profession it has help me a lot with my life as I have PTSDD ID and Asperger's and OCD and ADHD and it has helped me a lot with my life I'm also interested in the human brain as well but I read books on it instead of going to school. I am very interested in being an artist also I'm also going to be doing a Miral on the opposite side of my bed I'm at the opposite wall facing my bed to help with my PTSD.

I am an artist author musician and photographer empowered right now. Right now how I make my name is by writing on Amazon Kindle direct publishing. I'm also an webmaster for pen fiends which is a Pen Pal site

I am pretty sure I got my first user but anyway that's beside the point I am very happy to hear from you and be friends with you. I can send you the link to Pen fiends if you want.

Hope to hear from you soon
