Chereads / Letters from bruises 6 / Chapter 13 - USA

Chapter 13 - USA

Hello Lianna

How are you doing

I'm doing well thank you. I am also a goth in Ponca can send you some pictures of me when I'm done this email. I am an artist and Arthur musician and photographer and poet I also like to do stargazing and reading and watching Netflix. I'm also interested in different cultures as well as learning about different people in some cultures.

I must tell you that I do have PTSD so I have some trust issues but we can be friends but I just have your flash back or your night now from time to time but he won't be there to see it. I was born in the war zone in adopted out an early age but not early enough because I was Miss treated at the orphanage. But I was well off in Carlo where I am now to this day.

I just finished painting my friends nails, and toe nails, I am making a lot of new friends along the way. Besides what kind of Gongfu are you a Lolita or Masonite. I am more punk than golf but sometimes I wear a lot of black sometimes depending on my mood and if I'm wearing something colourful I wanted to pop so I wear black a lot sometimes.

I am also a big nerd I like magic the gathering cards and I also downloaded the app on my iPad one day after getting the cards and I might get some more cards on Amazon I also am a big friend for nail polish. I do everyone's nails at my group home that is female. And I also do my own nails I can show you some of my nailer one day when I do stuff I have on is chipping off.

Hope to hear from you soon your friend
