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Mirari Nikki

Casada con mi hermanastro millonario

``` El día de su boda con su amor de la infancia, Natalie Ford recibió un regalo inesperado: un certificado de matrimonio. Declaraba que ya estaba casada con un completo extraño—Aiden Handrix. Mientras los invitados a la boda seguían burlándose e insultándola, su amante Ivan decidió abandonarla, optando por casarse con su media hermana Briena en su lugar. Para colmo de males, fue expulsada de su casa. Para probar su inocencia, Natalie Ford solo podía tomar un camino: tenía que encontrar a este misterioso Aiden Handrix y descubrir la verdad. Al día siguiente, había noticias populares en la televisión. Justine Harper, la heredera de la familia más rica de Bayford, regresaba a casa. Los ojos de Natalie se estrecharon al mirar la pantalla de la televisión. —¿Por qué este hombre se parece exactamente al hombre de la foto en mi certificado de matrimonio? En la búsqueda de desentrañar el misterio detrás de su supuesto matrimonio, decidió seguirlo y preguntarle personalmente. —¿Estás casado? —preguntó Natalie. —No. —¿Tienes un hermano gemelo? —insistió. —No. —¿Por casualidad has oído el nombre Aiden Handrix? —su tono se endureció. —No. —Entonces, ¿quién demonios eres? —demandó saber. —Tu hermano. —Espera, ¿qué? —sus ojos se abrieron de par en par. —Sí. Ahora empaca tus cosas y ven a casa conmigo —dijo él. ¿Primero obtuvo un marido de la nada y ahora un hermano con la misma cara? ¿Estaba dios creando clones y ofreciéndoselos con diferentes relaciones? ```
Sera_b17 · 747.2K Views


El sudor frío corría por todo mi cuerpo , el sabor metálico de la sangre se mezclaba con mi saliva, mi cuerpo temblaba, la respiración me faltaba, pero mirar esa espada en sus manos" me trajo tantos amargos recuerdos, pero no no me doblegaria como antes, no verían lágrimas en mis ojos, no suplicaría por amor , por cariño, por una familia , al contrario destruiría esta familia, este reino , este maldito mundo si se pudiera, los recuerdos de mi antigua vida aún seguían presentes, cómo borrar la imagen de las personas que me quitaron la vida, de todas esas que me señalaron , este reino que me dio la espalda, pero en esta vida cobraría venganza de cada uno de ellos, comenzando por esta familia, Yo sería su verdugo, yo les quitaría todo, así como ellos me lo quitaron a mí, y al final de mi venganza, les diría el porqué ? que sufrieran en vida lo que yo sufrí en mi agonizante muerte, salvaría a esas personas que me amaron sin importar que su vida estaba en riesgo, los aria parte de mi venganza, pero el total interés del emperador hacia mí ,era algo que no estaba en mis planes , el reino de arrendel era poderoso y casi indestructible, sus enemigos eran muchos pero todos le temían al imponente emperador Aiden Max Arrendel , un importante hombre , su uno noventa , hombros anchos músculos marcados, he imponentes ojos rojos como la sangre , lo hacían intimidante, pero su brutalidad en batalla lo volvíeron una leyenda, al igual que el poderoso duque Eriz , un hombre que dominaba la magia y el fuego, perfectamente" capaz de quemar ejércitos completos , y destrozar barcos con sus abrasadoras llamas , era un hombre respetado y poderoso, leal a su emperador , sentía un total rechazo hacia su hija , alguien que era totalmente diferente a él , física como mentalmente, Fiorella era hermosa, con esos imponentes ojos violeta y aquel espectacular cabello plateado, con esa hermosa piel de porcelana, un porte elegante, rasgos finos y delicados, la volvía la reencarnación de un ángel , o un hada , pero para él solo era una carga, una vergüenza, pero verla así, sosteniendo la espada contra el cuello de su genera ,lo dejó impactado , quién diría que su pequeña de 13 años podría ganarle al mejor Guerrero de su ejército. qué tanto le ocultaba su pequeña hija, o más bien, quién era esa niña que sostenía esa espada tan magistralmente, acaso tenían razón y él simplemente no la conocía, la vida está llena de sorpresas , y este mundo se doblegará ante los pies de una sola mujer , o las cosas volverán a su cauce y otra vez terminaría muerta ante el imperio de Arrendel.
paulinaM · 28.4K Views

"El Quinto Príncipe: Forjador de Destinos y Corazones"

Sinopsis En un vasto reino donde la magia y los mitos se entrelazan con la realidad, Kael Eryndor, el quinto príncipe de un poderoso imperio, vive a la sombra de sus hermanos mayores. Mientras ellos luchan por el trono, Kael, considerado débil y carente de ambición, guarda un poder que podría cambiar el destino del mundo: la habilidad de crear y otorgar bendiciones únicas a otros, una habilidad digna de los antiguos dioses. Pero este poder no es absoluto; solo puede otorgar una bendición por persona, y cada vez que lo hace, su vínculo con esa persona se vuelve más profundo. Expulsado de la corte por un complot político, Kael se embarca en una aventura que lo llevará a descubrir los secretos de su propia habilidad, mientras reúne un grupo de aliados –y amores inesperados– que cambiarán su vida para siempre. --- Protagonista: Kael Eryndor Edad: 18 años Apariencia: Cabello plateado que brilla bajo la luz, ojos rojos como rubíes que parecen contener un fuego interno. Personalidad: Astuto, reflexivo, y con un corazón bondadoso que contrasta con la frialdad que aparenta. Tiene un aire melancólico debido a su rechazo familiar, pero su verdadera fuerza yace en su compasión y determinación. Habilidad Especial: Creación Divina Puede materializar objetos, habilidades o bendiciones únicas para otros. Sin embargo, cada creación está limitada por las emociones que siente en el momento y el vínculo con la persona. --- Primer Acto: El Exilio y el Inicio de la Aventura Kael es traicionado por su hermano mayor, el príncipe heredero, quien teme que su extraño poder lo convierta en una amenaza al trono. Falsamente acusado de conspirar contra la familia real, Kael es exiliado y abandonado en las tierras fronterizas del reino. En su exilio, Kael conoce a Lyria, una arquera elfa que ha perdido su capacidad para ver tras un enfrentamiento con un dragón. Al sentir su desesperación, Kael le otorga su primera bendición: "Ojos del Viento", devolviéndole la visión con un poder mágico que le permite detectar movimientos incluso sin mirar directamente. Lyria, agradecida y fascinada por su habilidad, decide unirse a Kael, convirtiéndose en su primera compañera. --- Desarrollo de la Historia: 1. Reclutando Compañeras: En su camino, Kael se encuentra con una variedad de personajes femeninos, cada una con una historia única: Amara, una sacerdotisa caída en desgracia que busca redimirse. Selene, una ladrona que anhela ser algo más que una sombra en las calles. Veyra, una guerrera maldita cuya fuerza se convierte en un peligro para quienes ama. 2. Aprendiendo y Creando: Kael descubre que puede aprender habilidades de otros a través de un profundo entendimiento emocional, lo que le permite crecer como estratega y guerrero. Cada nueva bendición que otorga fortalece el vínculo con su portador y despierta nuevos aspectos de su poder. 3. Enfrentando Enemigos y Misterios: Mientras viaja, Kael se enfrenta a monstruos, traidores del reino, y entidades antiguas que temen el resurgimiento de un poder como el suyo. También descubre que su habilidad puede haber sido heredada de los dioses olvidados de su mundo. --- Estilo y Tono: La historia combina acción emocionante, momentos románticos profundos, y un ligero toque de sensualidad que enriquece las relaciones entre los personajes sin eclipsar la narrativa principal.
DaoistE08xAh · 279 Views

Pappus & Sonder

R18. The consequences of sex ripple through a lifetime for four college-aged friends, Ruby, Coral, Josh and Luke. Steamy, juicy, racy, yet sensually romantic. Let’s start with wistful Luke, your reflective narrator—the shy watcher. Next, the lovey-dove Coral, the group's collective adhesive. A modern girl with a regency heart, whom Ruby has the hots for. God, she is gorgeous. Coral’s action boyfriend, over-eager Josh, is a hunk who only has sex on his mind and is hopeful Coral will be his first! And risqué Ruby. The little minx is sassy, sharp, conniving, and considering getting inked as the story commences. There is plenty of wayward troupe fun and raucous laughs through high school and college in 1970s Melbourne. Whoops, an overdose of selfishness by everyone at eighteen, and relationships mess because pleasure ignited by pleasure’s ignition is always a pleasure for two or more until someone muddies it with words or actions. So, adult theme warning, erotic impulses are indulged. However, they generate contemplative introspection on friendship, passion, self-centeredness, cheating, brooding, contrition, resilience and love over the next forty years. The story unfolds like recall, intentional or spontaneous, rolling in and out of our minds, non-chronologically. Our yearnings are tattooed under our skin. From there, they will swell back. Ready, set, go, read the ripples! Author Note: The novel is complete, and all 133 chapters will be uploaded and remain unlocked. Dedication For anyone who gifts a second chance Epigraph “all those kids” It is attributed to H.S.Truman, by Henry A. Wallace, diary entry of 10 August 1945. Acknowledgement To the women who shaped my contemplative life and the women, I owe contrition. To my wife, who frames the frame of my life and my daughters, who asked me the perennially unanswerable questions about love and relationships, which triggered me to write the story. To my editors; Nikki, who sparked the novel’s ripples through time and Jennifer, who drew out of me a more engaging and cohesive narrative. To Sonder, coined in 2012 by John Koenig, The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. To dandelion pappus; blown free of yearnings. I include the following here because its prudent as a writer: This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. Except where real place names and actual tragic events are used with sensitivity.
Luke_Moore_3311 · 79.8K Views

Burning Passion

Volume One: COMPLETED (Chap 01-180) "BEAR MY CHILD" “I have loved you my whole life...” Searching for a blood donor, Nikki Lindsey receives a text message from a mysterious man offering medical help for her mother’s surgery. She is tempted to accept the offer, even if it means sleeping with him to bear his child. But to save the precious life of the family she only has, she fought the fear of being touched by a man with closed eyes. However, Nikki fell in love for the first time with someone already engaged. She struggled to avoid this man when he was all over the place and even got closer to her, pushing her harder in love with him. Nikki wanted to forget him, as her body was already purchased by a person with a face she had never seen— but taught her to covet his touch while her heart longed for someone else. How can she get free from him? And how can she avoid another man when both are opening the door to the past? * P. S. (Book Sequels) ~ His Contractual Mistress (Special Appearances) ~ SOMEWHERE TRAPPED IN TIME: I Love You Through Eternity (Next Generation Story) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume Two: WHY LOVE IS COMPLICATED? When a LOVE STORY in the present time opens the box of distant memories... Nina Li has everything in life. But all she ever wanted was to be loved by the man of her dreams. Nina secretly enrolls at Leeroy John Collins University in New Jersey to follow Harry. But when her father found out, she was sent to England instead, and he planned to lock her inside an all-girls Academy. Since Nina is an obedient daughter, she chooses to follow her parents rather than her heart. It was the year the 1980s when communication was through love letters. Nina was happier when she and Harry began exchanging letters. However, Harry seemed not interested in courting her, but his twin brother Steven, was the one pursuing her. Steven confesses that he would fly from New Jersey to England to see her and prove his love. When she chooses the man who loves her, Nina learns that Steven lied to her and Harry. She wants to break up with him. However, her life becomes like hell. Could she ever ESCAPE from him? What PRICE should she PAY for her freedom? What SECRET she's hiding that everyone at the PRESENT doesn't know about it? * * * REMINDERS: Some (or maybe several, the story is still ongoing) Chapters are erotic and inappropriate for younger readers. Please be warned! Halfway is ML’s POV, hilarious/humorous. So enjoy it! But be warned with explicit words from their mouth. This is also a drama— emotion is involved. (for Volume One) The story's climax has violence as part of the tragic experience, but the sweetest surprise awaits. Give it a try to find out more! (Author Words: As mentioned above, ML in Vol. One is mysterious, so there is no Introduction to him. Hehe...) “MY STUBBORN MISTRESS presents Burning Passion.” Stories of individuals and couples how they devoted themselves in the name of love. [Please Read Me! Thanks!] “I have loved you my whole life...” is our BURNING PASSION Book One! Stories to look forward to... STATUS/PROGRESS Volume 1: Story of Nikki Lindsey (Chapter 01-180) Volume 2: Story of Nina Li (Ongoing) Volume 3: Story of Erika Lim (next) Volume 4: Story of Min Xi Hong (next with a short story only) Volume 5: Combine the stories of everyone (Finale!) *Other important characters are from my main novel (My Stubborn Mistress) HAPPY READING!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You can follow/join me: Discord: (Disclaimer: I do not own the photo, and all the art credits go to the owner. Found it on Pinterest.)
Elise_Elleneth · 2.6M Views

I Like Your Pheromones

As a good-looking Beta with a good family background, Duan Jiayan has lived a smooth sailing life for more than ten years, till he met Lu XingCi in high school. Lu XingCi’s family situation is better than his, he is taller than him and plays basketball better than him. Needless to say, his grades are a whole tier above Duan JiaYan’s. Even his friends can’t help but occasionally praise Lu XingCi. Most importantly, every girl that Duan JiaYan has set his sights on, all admitted that they have liked Lu XingCi for a few years already. Since then, Duan Jiayan has never thought well of Lu XingCi, till the day he received his new medical report. He is a late-blooming Omega, and because he became an Omega this late, it came with dire consequences. Now Alphas will feel the need to beat up other people whenever they come near Duan JiaYan. He himself is now allergic to every Alpha’s pheromone, except Lu XingCi’s. * One night during a self-study session, Duan Jiayan became extremely uncomfortable and ended up asking Lu XingCi to bite him and leave a temporary mark. After finishing the bite, Lu Xing asked: “We Alphas have very bad tempers, now that I’ve bitten you, are there any rewards?” “Why don’t you…” Duan Jiayan tentatively asked: “Be a little more generous?” “Sure,” the other party kneeled slightly and tilted down his head, exposing his white neck: “Then you’ve to also bite back. Once you do, I won’t make a fuss anymore.” Duan Jiayan: “…” Campus tyrant / Young master / Campus male god Top X Campus punk / Carefree Bottom T/N: I’m picking this up because I binged this in a few days and fell in love with the couple ;;; and I want to take this chance to improve my Chinese, as well as help provide translations for those who aren’t able to read it in raws!
nikki_0364 · 14.2K Views

Sistema del Rey Dragón Primordial

[Advertencia: contenido para adultos +18] Géneros: #Harén, #Comedia, #R18, #acción, #romance, #Cultivó, #Fantasía. "desarrollo rápido del protagonista. Mc dominante, protagonista masculino guapo, personajes femeninos lindas" SINÓPSIS: Long Tian era un adolescente de 19 años quien iniciaba su primeros años de universidad, Ya que él no tenía una familia Rica atrás terminó decidió estudiar arduamente en la universidad, Siendo alguien pegado a sus estudios ya que quería conseguir un buen trabajo por lo que se dedicó la mayor parte del tiempo en estudiar impidiendo hacer amigos y siendo intimidado por otros. Su familia se componía de su madre y de su hermana mayor, dado que su padre falleció hace 13 años por un accidente automovilístico. Por eso solo tenía a su madre y hermana. Algunos de sus compañeros lo intimidaban por no ser alguien con dinero y nunca interactuar con nadie. terminando las clases camino a casa un grupo de compañeros fue por el y lo guiaron a un callejón donde terminaron golpeándolo ya que pensaban que este chico apuntaba a la belleza de su salón Su Fei quien era su representante de salón. Terminando de golpearlo, el líder de este grupo Chen Bin le dijo con una cara de disgusto. "Espero que sepas tu lugar, alguien de tu nivel no debe apuntar a nuestra belleza maldito perdedor". Long Tianlin quien se quedó tirado con múltiples golpes solo podía mirar al cielo, con su Lamento de ser muy débil. Fue entonces que ocurrió. en su mente de presentó un sistema que cambiará su vida completamente. sigue a Long Tianlin que gracias a su sistema se alzará en el mundo de cultivo y pisoteara a personas que lastimen a sus seres más amados. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ está novela solo es un pasatiempo del autor(Yo) por lo que espero su apoyo y brinden más ideas para mejorar la historia de aquí en adelante
GodAsura790 · 181.7K Views

The Witness: Hello! My Love!

(Strictly no r*pe) What would you do if you woke up one day and realized you are been haunted by the ghost of a former friend? Nicole and Lizzy were best friends way back in the University but because of the love of a man, they fell apart. 5 years have past since they last saw each other but Lizzy suddenly reappears to Nicole as a ghost and seeks her help in uncovering the cause of her death because apparently Nicole is the only one who can see her. What happens to her lingering feelings and will Leo be able to forget about Lizzy and look at Nicole for once? Will Leo be willing to help Nicole heal from her pain of been dumped a week to her wedding? Most importantly, will Leo be able to protect Nicole from the people who killed Lizzy? What will become of Nicole's life as she is surrounded by ghosts who want to possess her body and people who want her dead? The Witness has all the answers.... "Nikki, if you were to choose, which part of Leo are you the most curious about after meeting him again after five years?" Lizzy asked as they sat on the graveyard. "I am not curious about anything. Leo is dead to me" "Am I really dead to you?" a voice asked behind Nicole and when she turned she saw him. "You... you, what are you doing here?" she stuttered and turned to ask for help from Lizzy but found no one, 'damn, that ghost tricked me again' Leo squatted in front of her and stared at her curiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. "I want to test it out" "Test what out?" "Whether I am really dead to you or not?" he said and leaned in to kiss her. A while later, Nicole opened her eyes and stared at her ceiling and muttered, "it was only a dream again. Am I going to die and become a virgin ghost at this rate?" PS: As this book is in the Spooky WPC contest, I hope you kindly support me with power stones and also give me a review if you think it deserves one. I welcome all suggestions. Thanks. NB: Book cover does not belong to me. Credits to the owner for such a beautiful cover, fell in love with it. Thanks @Islinda for the cover design which I totally suck at. Friendly Reminder; Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.
Purplebride · 818.7K Views


There was a girl who had a simple life named Jessy. Her family wasn’t rich, but it was full of love. She always called weird because of her fashion choices. Because of her scholarship, she decided to study at a famous university, but she never imagined that she would encounter something horrible at this place.  On the first day of school, her classmates were disappointed by her, but she did her best to make friends. That day she met Clark. He was the handsomest guy on campus, the one that all of the girls had a crush on. Most of them were practically dying to be his girl. Clark had friends named Nikki, Gerly, Cherry and Justin. They were the most popular at university. They seemed nice at first, but Nikki was so irritated with Jessy for whatever reason, so they decide to play a game with her. This game required that Clark seduce Jessy. He then planned to leave her after she was thoroughly in love with him. Clark started to be Jessy’s friend, which was a welcome change given that no one else was as friendly as Jessy had hoped when she came to university. Clark would always drive her home. They would eat together and do their class projects together. Then Clark started to court her and did his best to become her boyfriend. As the days passed by, Clark and Jessy grew very close. After a month of being Jessy’s boyfriend, Clark decided to tell the truth along with Nikki. He told Jessy that he and his friends had carefully planned all the things that had happened. He explained that he didn’t love Jessy and had cruelly dated her only to crush her at Nikki’s direction. Aware of how truly awful people at the university were, Jessy felt both crushed and enraged. She wanted to fight, but she was weak and didn't know what to do. All she wanted was to cry and think that everything would be okay after all, but she couldn’t prevent the negative spiral of thoughts that followed. She was so overwhelmed and her world felt so shattered that she ran into the road and was hit by a semi-truck, dying instantly.  Devastated by Jessy’s death, her family became very lonely, especially her dad because she had been his only child. He had loved her so much and would have given his life for her. He had done his best to give her what she had wanted as well as what she had needed. He had tried to make her happy. Now she was gone. But why? Why would his daughter leap in front of a truck? Jessy’s father never get over what happened with Jessy until a man told him the truth. Jessy deserved justice. He deserved justice. Would he go to the police? No. They wouldn’t solve anything. Even if they did, they’d be far too merciful. Jessy’s classmates had caused their deaths, so he would cause theirs. He began creating a game of death.     Jessy’s father began work as a janitor to take his revenge. He started to kill each of Jessy’s classmates. His father didn’t have any mercy, thinking only to punish those who had caused his daughter’s death. He put one of Jessy’s killers into a box full Play of Death. In the end, Jessy’s father got his revenge, but his wife, Jessy’s mother, felt terrible about what her husband was doing. She didn’t have any choice but to kill him to prevent him for killing even more people, people he thought deserved it because they were bullies. She killed him before he had a chance to kill Nikki and Clark. They asked for forgiveness, which she gave them, knowing that their own guilt would haunt them more than any revenge would.
blackinshadow_28 · 37.1K Views
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