I've always loved Devon, she has always been like family to me ever since we were little. I made a pledge that for the rest of my life I'll protect her, since she's like a little sister to me. I loved her and looked after her like a real older brother would, and things were going great until this morning when I walked into school and saw my girlfriend Amber picking on Devon.
I was walking to school with my best friend Ty, we've been friends since kindergarten. You know those friendships that last a lifetime. When all of a sudden I walked into school to see a group of people crowding two girls, I didn't think much of it until I heard Devon's name.
"Actually Devon got that top from goodwill she thrifts clothes" I heard Dixie say. I walked closer to see Devon's face get red, then Amber began to laugh. "Devon stop hiding behind this dumb Barbie doll and stand up for yourself. Or are you just a chicken?" Amber asked. That's it I'm going to stop this stupid fight. But just before I could interfere Devon looked at Amber and said "Look Amber just leave me alone. The only reason you're picking on me is because you have to pay lots of money for clothes to make yourself look good. When I could wear sweatpants and a hoodie and still look hot. It's okay Amber, not everyone is dripping with good looks like me" she said.
I was shocked at how Devon handled the situation, but I finally snapped out of it and interfered. "Amber? Why are you being rude to Devon?" I asked. I walked in front of the two girls. This is the first time I've seen Amber being mean to Devon, I didn't know there were problems between them. "It's not what it looks like Damon she was attacking me first" Amber pleaded as she began to tear up.
"Amber don't dig yourself a bigger grave, you know Devon is really important to me" I said, annoyed with Amber's lying. I sighed, "She's like a little sister to me Amber. And it's family before relationships" I finished. I turned to face Devon and watched as her smile turned into a frown. I was surprised at her reaction, why was she being like this? The crowd around just disbanded as Amber stomped off and Devon walked away with Dixie.