Chereads / She’s a good kisser / Chapter 4 - Damon

Chapter 4 - Damon

(⚠️ Warning: There is cussing in this chapter, please don't get upset this is why the warning is here. Have fun reading! ⚠️)

Did I say something wrong? Maybe I hurt Devon's feelings, I should probably apologize to her soon.

I wonder if she hates me.

"Hey, earth to Damon" Ty said as he waved his hands in front of my face.

"You good dude? You were zoned out for some time" he asked as we walked through the halls.

"Yeah I'm good. Just got a lot on my mind right now" I replied as I scratched the back of my head.

"Is it about Amber? Or Devon?" he said while looking at me.

He knew the answer but I said it anyway, "Both".

"Look, as your friend I'm gonna be honest with you whether you like it or not. I personally think Amber is a bitch and she doesn't deserve you. She acts all nice and sweet around you but once you leave, let's see how should I put this? Ah I got it! She's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Does that make sense?" He said as he patted me on the back.

Wow I didn't think Ty felt that way about her, I felt kind of angry that he said that but maybe he's right.

"Look Amber just got a lot going on right now so cut her a break" I said as I punched him in the arm.

He just shook his head and kept walking.

"Man, all this talk got me hungry, let's go to the vending machine and grab some snacks," Ty said, trying to change the subject.

"You're always hungry," I said with a laugh.

"I'm a growing boy," he said as he patted his stomach. We both burst out laughing.

"I think I'm feeling chex mix today" Ty said as he scanned the vending machine looking for some chex mix to snack on .

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a dollar.

"Shit, I'm a dollar short" he said as he shoved the dollar back into his pocket. I pulled a dollar out of my wallet and handed it to Ty.

"Thanks man" he said as he put in the two dollars and grabbed his chex mix out of the bottom.

We walked to class talking about all kinds of stuff as Ty munched on his chex mix.

"Glad you boys could join us Mr Gray and Mr Dawson, you're late" Said Mrs. Miller as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry Mrs. Miller, it won't happen again" Ty said with a smile. She sighed and went back to teaching her lesson.

Damn, Geometry is such a bore, I'd rather be playing basketball than be stuck in here learning about shapes.

My head hurts just thinking about how I'm gonna have to make it up to Amber and Devon later.

I spaced out, who knows when. But before I knew it the class was over, Ty hit me in the back to snap me out of it.

"Hey Dude wanna hit the gym and shoot some hoops? That'll get your mind off of it." Ty said with a smile.

I nodded my head to his question.

Ty knows exactly what I need to get out of my head. We both made our way in the direction of the gym and headed straight for the locker rooms.

I put on my warm up shirt and my basketball shorts and walked out on the court where Ty was waiting on me.

"Took you long enough, were you checking yourself out again Damon?" Ty teased.

"Just making sure I look good enough to see your mother tonight" I said with a wink.

"That ain't funny man" Ty said with a serious expression. I just laughed and started shooting hoops.

A couple of other boys from study hall came down and we had a 3 on 3. We played for a while until my team finally won by a lucky 3 point shot from Ty.

I ran to Ty patting him on the back and hyping him up. The other boys went back to class a little disappointed, and I headed to the locker room to change.

I was covered in sweat and wanted to take a shower before the next class.

I'm glad I came to the gym, that really calmed me down and now I can think straight for once.

I let the warm water hit my back as I stared at the wall.

I really need to talk to Amber about the way she's been acting, maybe Ty was right.

I washed up and shut off the water, I wrapped a towel about my waist as I headed towards my locker to grab my clothes. I grabbed my clothes out of the locker and closed it to find myself face to face with Devon.

"What are you doing here Devon!?" I said in shock.

I walked over to a stall and closed the door embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry! Ty said you were in here and I wanted to tell you to hurry up cause the bell rang. I just thought you were grabbing your things so I didn't see a problem in coming in, but I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry Damon." She said embarrassed as she covered her face with her hands.

Her face was bright red.

"It's fine Dev just next time don't come in the boys locker room, just wait until I get out okay?" I said as I walked out of the stall still putting back on my shirt.

She nodded quickly and ran out.

Shit! I made her run away. I shut my locker and walked out the locker room to see Ty leaning on the wall next to the door dying laughing.

"Why in the world did you send Devon in the locker room!?" I asked angrily.

Ty just continued to laugh at me.

"She asked where you were and I told her you were in the locker room changing and should be done by now. I started picking on her and dared her to go in. I didn't think she'd actually do it. That girls got guts, that's for sure." Ty teased.

"Don't pick on Devon, she's my little brother's best friend and she's like family to me" I said defensively. "Family?" Ty questioned me.

I nodded.

"Damon you're such a moron" Ty said walking into the hallway.

"I'm not a moron, why do you say that?" I said catching up to him.

He put his arm around me.

"Don't worry about it," he said with a smirk.

I'm not a moron, am I?