Chereads / What you Made Me Book One: An Alpha's Child / Chapter 23 - Chapter 22: A dead man walks

Chapter 23 - Chapter 22: A dead man walks


"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Ennorra screamed at Trevin.

"Please stop!" Selina sobbed as Trevin was thrusting his two middle fingers in and out of her roughly. He just smirked at her.

"Oh come on bitch! We all know you like it! And even if you don't you will learn to!" He looked at the other two men in the van that was parked on an abandoned highway. The only light in the vehicle was the full moon that streamed in silver rivulets from the three windows up front.

The other two women in the van were bound as well. One of them was human like Selina. The other had a platinum necklace that bore a witches seal. She was bound hand and foot and could not have been more than 15 years of age. She had long dark brown hair and pale porcelain skin. Although the blood that flowed freely from the gash in her forhead just below her hair line might have made her paler than normal. How were they going to get out of this?

"I'm going to fuck you so hard!" Trevin growled as he pulled his blood covered fingers from Selina. He had already sherded her clothes. "I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream!" He was stripping off his clothes while the man holding the asian smirked as he stuck his fingers against her white panties.

"SHE'S MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!" Ennorra screamed. She tried to shift again but the ropes around her wrists had been soaked in wolf's bane, making it impossible for her to fight them. 'Goddess Please! Save us all!' "DO SOMETHING WITCH!"

"TOM! PLEASE! DON'T LET THEM DO THIS TO US!" The girl wailed uselessly and the side door opened to reveal the one that Trevin had called Alpha. He was furious. He grabbed her ankle with one hand and dragged her across the van to put his other hand around her pretty neck.


"Th-tha-thadamir." She whimpered weakly.

"Good little bitch." He patted her cheek that was stained with tears. "Trevin, Senthous, Zachary, I told you that you would be rewarded. Do you have the toys you wanted?" All three of them nodded.

"In fact I'm about to put mine to good fucking use." Trevin positioned himself between Selina's legs as he spoke. Ennorra heard Selina begging him not to but he thrust into her hard and fast, turning her pleas into screams of pain. Ennorra was screaming too. When he was done Alpha Thadamir was messaging the witches breasts while she begged him to stop touching her.

"Go ahead Zachary. It's your turn to have some fun." Thadamir said huskily and suddenly the Asians clothes were also in shreds. Zachary threw her down, the witch called her Lyn, and screamed for him to let her go. "Worry about yourself, Denory. I fully intend on making you mine. And this time, your demon lover won't be saving you!" He pushed her skirt up and started to play with her.

"I don't know what you're talking about! My name is Erza! Not Dennorry!" She sobbed. "Please let us go!"

"STOP! Lying Dennorry. It does no good, and aside that is must in seeming confusion, hidden truth remain behind shadows not illuminated."

"What lies that were and, letting go yourself, tricks of mind and madness! Mayhap because of it! In truth mine own name Erza by right! I am not who you think!"

"You have stayed hidden from me for all these years. I don't know how you survived the pyre but you did. Now we are reunited here. That it was meant to be so shall it in lasting you are that which I sought. And if madness shows truth of what my own eyes can see. You are she Dennorry by right one and the same." Lyn was kicking furiously at Zachary and seemed to be winning in the fight. Suddenly she was screaming at him in Chinese.

"Nǐ de fùqīn shì yī kē shù, nǐ de mǔqīn shì yīgè jìnǚ!" Zachary reed back and looked at her in confusion only to get a broken nose for his efforts in finding out what she had said.

"You fucking bitch!" He snarled. "Did you just say what I think you said?!" She froze shocked that he had understood her. "I am not a lap dog! Forget fucking you! I'm going to kill you!" His hands shot around her neck and he began to strangle her.

"LYN!" Erza screamed in terror.

"Fuck! Boys it's time to go! Snap their necks, they will only slow us down!" Thadamir said as he jerked Erza to her feet and snapped the ropes that bound them. It was clear that she would be the only one that would be spared a gruesome fate. Howls split the night air and Thadamir changed his mind. "We'll burn them instead!" He growled as he shoved Erza back inside. His subordinates evacuated the van leaving them inside.

They doused the inside of the van in gassaline and Thadamir used a zippo lighter engraved with the symbol of the third rique to ignite the flames. Fear gripped her as she watched the flames grow out of control. Ennorra looked at Selina as Erza started to mutter under her breath. Surely they would die here.

Out of nowhere a huge blond wolf she had never seen before was charging out of the trees behind Thadamir. His jaws clamped around Thadamir's shoulder and he was rag dolled before being thrown through the air like so much discarded trash.

The enormous wolf paced relentlessly back and forth as if he was desperate to find a way through the flames to the helpless women inside the blaze.

"Shadow never should have intervened the first time!" Ennorra heard Thadamir shout at the blond wolf. "But this time Denory will not survive the pyre!" His booming laugh rang through the night. "I said it once before! If I can't have her no one can!" He was insane! Thadamir raised his arm and a shot split the night. The large blonde wolf jerked and collapsed to the ground. Erza never stopped muttering.

Thadamir laughed again, motioned to his men and they all vanished into the dark forest. Ennorra hoped that she would never see them again. She now realized that a crystal was glowing between Erza's hands as she muttered. Despite the fury of the flames they were unburnt. Completely untouched by them.

The flames died and Lyn stumbled out of the van with what remained of her shirt and pressed it to the injured wolf's side, where the blood was pouring out.

"Shadow Come unto me I summon thee!" Erza said as she too stepped out of the now burnt up van. A darkness swept out of the trees and stood to the height of a man. He was pale and his clothes were all black and seemed to be from another time. The silvery hilt of a sword caught the moon light and glistened ominously. His long black hair was tied back and he seemed to be upset by the blood that still trickled from the wound on Erza's head. His hand passed over it and it was gone. The only evidence that she had been injured at all was the blood that had dried or was drying on her face. He turned his hand up and showed her a shard of glass that glinted in the night.

"Did you fight your reflection, my sweet child?" The corner of his mouth turned up in a gently and fatherly smile.

"How do I help him Shadow?" Erza whimpered as she pointed to the blonde wolf on the ground. "He'll die!" She wailed as Shadow turned to him to take stock of the situation.

"The bond revealed, sealed to fate. He will not shift until healed. Time not withstanding, and unknown yet heart touched. Sicken him with in by poison of his blood."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Lyn screamed with out looking up.

"THE BULLET IS SILVER!" Ennorra screamed back.

"If it is not removed before the wond is healed he will die by the time he gets help." Shadow said calmly as a dirty blonde wolf with hazle eyes and an absolutely enormous black wolf with ice blue eyes darted from the trees.

Both of the new wolves looked at the scene around them. The black wolf growled low in his throat at her as his attention was pulled to the scent of a rouge. The lighter wolf, however shifted and darted to the blonde one. Now she saw the black bag in his hand.

"Thadamir shot him with a silver bullet!" She said hurriedly. "They went that way!" Ennorra pointed in the direction that Thadamir and his lackeys had vanished.

"How do you know that name, girl?" Shadow's fatherly demeanor had vanished as he regarded her quizzically. "That in age perhaps deceived. But family think not. In truth reveal what was and may still be."

"That deceive but none in age, Shadow. Unto accusation of family that it were not. His name spoken by his own lips and in so passing reveal truth. Zachary, Trevin, and Senthous named of three." The black wolf's head snapped in Erza's direction and he growled at the name Zachary. Ennorra dropped to her knees and pulled Selina under her as she submitted to the wrath of this furious Alpha.

"Erza that's not possible! Zachary left our pack years ago." The doctor said as he extracted the bullet. "Put your hands here and hold it tight." He instructed Lyn.

"Daddy I know what he said. And he called that bastard that tried to strangle Lyn Zachary." A deep angry growl came form the injured wolf. Why was he angry? Suddenly he shifted and took Lyns wrist.

"I saw him, Alpha!" He snarled. "A dead man walks how can that be?"

"No. Not dead. Gamma Zachary went to tend his ailing grandparents in his mother's pack. The day your sister died. Don't you remember beta? Maybe we should sca-"

"That is what we told everyone, Ethan. I killed him myself." The alpha growled. It was clear that there were secrets that these two had kept from everyone as the doctor looked at him in shock. But it was only brief.

"Let me see your head, sweetheart. That's it." He moved over to the pretty asain who had a large bruise on her head. He gently examined it and made a passing comment about getting her a CT scan. Then he turned to Erza. "How bad is that?" He asked pointing to the blood on her head.

"Shadow healed me." She said quietly and moved closer to him away from the alpha who had shifted back to his wolf form when he noticed how nervous Selina was. He laid down in front of her whimpered softly. blood was still trickling down her leg.

"I'll take a look, alpha." The doctor started towards her and Selina drew closer to Ennorra. Alpha growled lowly at him. It sounded much like a warning to watch his behavior.

"Yes. Well then, my son Cadrian is an OBGYN. Would you be okay with him checking you?" Selina nodded slowly. "Okay. He is at the pack hospital. I will let him know that it is an emergency exam." With that he shifted. The beta shifted as well. As they made their way to the pack hospital a million and one things ran through her head. Not the least of which was how a dead man could possibly be walking around.