Chereads / The BadBoy's Queen / Chapter 6 - Chapter Six

Chapter 6 - Chapter Six

He opened the door to his red Ferrari gesturing for her to get inside. She looked at him and got inside putting her seatbelt on. He closed the car door and walked over to the other side opening the car door. He got inside and buckling his seatbelt he started the car. And drove off Snow wasn't sure where he was taking her so she tried again to ask him. "Royce where a-are you t-taking me" she asked turning to look at him. "Relaxing I'm taking you home just tell where to go" he said. She sighed and directed him so he could take her home pulling up to her house. She hurried out the car and ran inside her house closing the door. Taking her shoes off she hurried upstairs to her bedroom. Closing the door behind her she sat down on her bed and laid on her back. Closing her eyes after resting for a moment she unpacked her bag and did her homework while listen to music on her phone. Heading downstairs she opened the fridge only to find it empty completely empty. She sighed and closed the fridge walking over to the cabinets she opened two of them in search of food. Great just great there was nothing to eat running back upstairs she grabbed her phone and purse. Guess she was spending that check after all. She closed the door behind her putting her hood up she made her way to the grocery store. There was one not too far from where she lived she would have to take a uber but it was no worry to her. Taking a uber she headed to the grocery store when she arrived she pained the mam and got out of the car. She really shouldn't be hear because of her mom but here she was taking a cart and heading inside. Picking up a bag of BBQ chips and a bag of potato chips she set them inside the cart along with some OREOS. Lucie's favorite when it comes to chocolate she'll do anything to get. Snow was more of a blueberry type of girl everything with blueberry was her's. She moved down to the vegetable aisle grabbing a pack of broccoli and bell peppers and jalapenos her favorite. Lucie doesn't like spicy food when she ate it her stomach aches so she never ate spicy food. Which is why her mother never cooked spicy foods which upsets her sometimes but if it was for her sister's health then yeah. I guess she could live with not eating spice all the time. Placing a pack of spaghetti into the cart she noticed something or someone. Royce she questioned what was he doing here and he wasn't alone he was with his football team. Turning to face the canned food to hide herself she prayed to god that Royce wouldn't see her. And to her luck he walked right passed her with his team not even sparring her a glance. "Thank the lords" she whispered turning away from the canned food and back to her cart. Next on her list Alfredo sauce and chicken Alfredo chicken and pasta for dinner didn't sound bad. Although her mother did say she was going to make chicken noddle soup. Walking down to find the chicken she past the alcohol aisle only for one of Royce's friends to spot her. She hurried down to find the chicken looking down she turned right and started running when she heard multiple footsteps behind her. She made it to the chicken section picking up one pack of chicken breast and quickly placing it in the cart. She dashed off and went into a aisle hiding herself she turned to someone and pretended to talk with them. The person looked at her like she was some crazy person but she just kept yapping on and on about nonsense complete nonsense. The boys came and started looking for her checking everyone in the aisle quickly slipping away she hurried to the cashier. She checked out everything on her own placing the last bag into the cart and gripping onto the handle ready to head out. A sudden voice made her freeze in her place. "If you move I swear I'll kill you in front of all of them" he said voice cold as ice. It was Royce why just why couldn't she escape him all she wanted was to be free at that school. Freedom was all she wanted she wanted to skate again she wanted to... to be a normal person again. But all that would never happen she could never be fixed no one could never fixed her even if they tried. Tears started to well up in her eyes seeing over children her age be free and do fun things with there parents. Made her said she wanted a father but freedom meant more to her than anything when she was skating on the ice. Made her feel free like she was flying like a bird in the summer afternoon sky. She was jealous when she saw Royce and his friends laughing together and having fun out in the field. Doing what they liked playing football but skating she could never do that again. No matter how much she wanted to she was just too weak to do so. Turning around she looked at him with tears in her eyes people surrounded them watching what would happen nexted. "Why don't you just do it huh... you have absolutely no idea what I'm going through I want to be. Normal like you but instead I'm broken and can't be fixed a broken little girl who can't do the things. She likes doing if you want to kill me then do it it's not like I haven't tried doing the same" she cried as she said all these things. They hurt her like fire burning through her skin but it was true of it she's been on been since she was twelve. Now she's seventeen years old and nothing like this has shattered her before. Everyone looked confused they didn't understand what she was talking about neither did the boys. Soon a lady in her forties came rushing over with a eleven year old girl by her side. She pulled Snow into a hug as she cried into her arms the lady rubbed gentle calming circles on her back. "Your not broken sweety please don't say these type of things" her mother said. Lucie watched worried about her sister they had came to buy food but met Snow instead standing there crying her life out. Her mother took snow and the cart to the car closing the truck she got inside the car. And started it driving off when they got home not a word was said her mother had called up her therapist. And gave her meds along with a sleeping med she had not stoped crying ever since they got home. So the sleeping med was the only option.