Chereads / The BadBoy's Queen / Chapter 8 - Chapter Eight

Chapter 8 - Chapter Eight

Pulling up to the school she saw Romeo and Juliet making out under a tree. By Romeo and Juliet referring to Royce and Tessa. Walking past them Snow ran up to Alana jumping in front of her she was surprised but happy. "Your here" she said beaming. Snow nodded she had wanted to come to school tomorrow but she had no say in that decision what so ever. Alana started eyeing her up and down guess she just now realized the new look. "You look pretty where's your glasses" she questioned. Snow pulled put her glasses and set them on her face sliding them up to the bridge of her nose. Alana smiled a link arms with her friend as they walked into the school leaning against the lockers. She watched as Royce and Tessa walk down the hall with there friends. "Can you believe it on the first day of school one of the boys dared Royce. To get a kiss from one of the nerds in the school luckily it wasn't one of us" she said turning to face her friend. When Snow heard that she lost it a dare so all of that was a dare. He never meant any of it he was only doing it to win the dare. Walking away she headed to the bathroom to take her meds. Once done she hurried to first period sitting down nexted to Alana she took out her texted book. Laying it flat on the table setting her pen down nexted to it. The teacher walked in scanning the room once her eyes landed on Snow she cleared her throat. "Snow your therapist called she wanted to make. Sure that you monitor the time you take your meds and remember to only take two" the teacher stated. She nodded though it seems that Daisy was taking it too far. Putting her on watch what didn't she trust her anymore they keep treating her like a little girl. But she was grown and could take care of herself. Ending the conversation she began class talking about algebra and something else. At lunch Snow ate in the library as she stock her head in a book. Eating in the cafeteria wasn't a good idea so she went to the library to eat. Facing Royce wasn't the best of choose for her after what Alana told her this morning she definitely didn't want to cause trouble. She was finishing up her packed lunch from home when suddenly her phone rang. Pulling it out of her backpack she closed her book setting it down nexted to her on the ground. Now picking up the call she heard her Gran or her grandma. It's how they say grandma in Britain she was a little on edge now why was Gran calling her. "Hello Gran w-why are y-you calling" she breathed out after a while. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea because seconds later Gran was yelling at her. "W-wait Gran I-I'm in the library" she whispered over the phone. "Tootsie roll you can't keep skipping your meds ok take good. Care of yourself now Gran has to go I'm about to win bingo" she exclaimed before hanging up the phone real quick. Nodding her head slowly Snow hung up the phone and placed it back into her backpack. Gran takes her bingo games very curiously and when she wins she takes that opportunity to rib it in your face. When she loses that when you really want to run and disappear out of her life once when Snow was younger. Gran just wouldn't stop cursing the whole ride home from bingo because she lost two rounds. Snow picked up the book as she finished putting her lunch box into her backpack. Clutching it close to her she made her way out the library door and down the hall. To the nearest bathroom only to be stoped by her dear friends Alana. "Snow wait!!!!" she yelled waving her hand violently as she ran up to Snow. At that point she almost broke Snow's glasses if she had not push her off it would have been broken by now. "Did you have lunch in the library I looked for you all over the place" she said walking along with her friend. Snow nodded but didn't say anything she didn't feel like talking to anyone so she kepted her mouth shut for the rest of the day and so did Alana. When school came to an end Snow quickly made her way to the door for work. She tapped Sander's on the shoulder she was just standing there on her phone looking a little tired. "Hey Sander's I'll take over now you can do the orders" she said. Sander's nodded and headed off to her new work station she wasn't a social person more of an anti social if you ask her. Tying her apron Snow smiled at the machine in front of her as much as she loved taking orders she loved making drinks too. A couple minutes later she was making two couples lemonade drink. Not what she had intended to make but at least she's getting payed for it. Her shift ended early it was pretty dark by the time she stepped out of the cafe. Putting her head phones in her ears and stuffing her hands in her jacket pocket she walked. Home alone listening to music it was pretty busy there was a lot of people out today. She stoped in front of black and red Lamborghini with two boys laying against it. And two other boys standing in front of them with beer cans in there hands. Royce was there too he was leaning against the car with his hands in his pocket. Snow took a deep breath two time to be exact she then walked right passed all of them. Without looking back she kept walking hope that Royce had not noticed her only a little. But to her luck or no luck at all she was stoped by someone. "Well if it isn't little miss broken girl" one of the boys spoke as the others laughed. Snow didn't around she simply just continued to walk home but they obviously weren't going to give up. "Hey come back here all we want to do is a play and Royce is here too" he said pulling her back towards them. Snow looked at Royce who wasn't even staring at her I guess he really is keeping his promise to stay away from her. "Why would I care after all he got his kiss but after I slammed the door in his face and told him stay away from me" she turned around and left there sight.