Chereads / The BadBoy's Queen / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Snow didn't attend school after that she became weak and more depressed than she had been. She was now in hospital care by her therapist they were worried she would hurt herself again. The words she said kept repeating in her mother's head. The only option was to hospitalize her daughter Snow refused a couple times. But gave in when she woke up on a Saturday morning with a throbbing head. She was now laying in her hospital bed her mother and sister came to visit yesterday. She wasn't happy but she wasn't sad either she was pale all over. Staring off into the blank she had not noticed that her therapist Daisy was standing by the door watching her. Someone came up to Daisy putting there hand on her shoulder. "Hey Dais someone came to visit her she said her name was Alana a high school friend" the girl said. Daisy turned to her and nodded turning back to look at Snow one more time she went to meet Alana. In the waiting room when she got there Alana stood up happy to see someone now she could know if Snow was alright. "Snow is she alright when I didn't see her come to school for a week I got worried

. And had the school call her mom she was the one who told me where to find her" she explained clutching Daisy's arms. "First of all she's ok just a little pail and sick hasn't eaten in days she refuses. To eat hasn't even talk to anyone just stares of into a blank space" she said taking Alana's hands of her arms. Alana looked down she felt like a bad friend she didn't take the time to get to know Snow or listen to her problems. But Snow she just locked her feelings away and in doing so it hurt her. "Come with me" Daisy said turning around to lead Alana to Snow's room. She looked up and quickly followed she stood there with tears falling down her cheeks as she watched her friend sit there staring off into space. Pale and sickened to the bones she looked so weak that she couldn't even move. "I-is she going to b-be ok" Alana asked hands slipping off the window as she turned to look at Daisy. She nodded plus Snow was going to be discharged soon. "Dr. Finn Ms. Stone's meds just came in she's free to go tomorrow" a doctor said. She nodded and turned back to Alana tapping her on the shoulder she sighed and walked off. That day Snow slept peacefully knowing she'll return home to her family tomorrow her body wasn't that strong. But taking her meds and drinking fluid and eating food really helped she had talked with Alana for a while. And to her surprise she was able to convince her to eat and drink some water. The nexted morning Snow was sitting on her couch in her house eating chips. Her mom was at work and her sister was at school so it was just her at home. She was going back to school tomorrow she wasn't happy but at least she had Alana to protect her. Royce and Tessa was her biggest problem now to battle them out would take sometime. She contacted an ice skating company who was accepting new people into the ring. Asking if she could join and it was a yes she could go anytime she wanted to. Daisy had doubled hee meds which was working to her surprise but that was good because she now had the courage. Which she had not had long before to even go skating and now she could. All her thought were interrupted by a sudden knock at the door she paused the show she was watching on netflix. And set her chips down taking the blanket off her she stood up walking to the door to check who it was. Opening the door she quickly closed it only for the person to hold the door. She just gave up her body was too weak to even do anything so she just stood there staring into his blue eyes. He pulled her closer to him caressing her cheek putting his hand behind her neck. He pulled her into a kiss instead of it being forced and rough it was sweet and nice. Her eyes widened but slowly closed giving herself up to him melting into his body. He pulled away so she could catch her breath putting his forehead against her's he stared at her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I didn't know what you were going through please forgive me Snow" he begged. Snow didn't know what to say he had hurt her instead of being broken she was shattered but after what he just did. "I'll forgive you under one condition you can't come near me" and with that she slammed the door in his face. When her mom and Lucie came home she had already prepared dinner for them. They had dinner without speaking to each other her mom could see that something was wrong. But never bothered to question her about it knowing she wouldn't like it. That night Snow packed her things up ready for school tomorrow though she wasn't feeling like going. She had to there was no begging mom to let her stay home because it would bring her no use. Climbing into bed once done she looked up at her ceiling she was better now life in the hospital was dreadful. The hospital was disgusting full of sick patients kept coming in. And they doubled her meds it seems they didn't trust her being alone anymore. Slowly her eyes started closing as she fell deep into her peaceful dream land. Straightening her hair with a mini wireless flag iron Snow smiled at the dream she had last night. She was skating in the ice ring and she was smiling like a normal girl again but there was one thing about her dream. Royce was in it he was standing there videoing her on his camera as she glided on the ice. She was smiling at him as she did so for some reason it felt right and she felt happy. She turning the flat iron off and set it down on her dresser she grabbed her bag and ran downstairs. Her sister was already making her way out the door while she started walking to school. A long walk but it was nice because she played music on her phone she had her hands in her sweatshirt pocket. Her hood wasn't up today and she wore a different outfit today she thought a change would be good. She wore a splicing see through crop top hoodie sweatshirt and a light blue jeans with her vans. She didn't wear her black glasses either but she did bring them thought they would come in handy for something.