Chereads / DARK_PARDISE: The_Deadly_Fate / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: A Rivyn in the Storm.

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: A Rivyn in the Storm.

After falling thirty thousand feet from the sky in a ball of lava fire. Exzi landed, on what seems like an isolated desert wasteland, it looks like a dystopian planet. Exzi's skin burnt off during the fall, and it just began to heal, after putting him in miserable pain.

He cried in misery as he drops flat on the hot solid ground as he healed. After full recovery, he stood up, he was nude with hot sand sticking on his skin, which made the burn more unbearable, he gives his first view of his current location and it was the right place.

He looked in absorbed, still can't believe he was there, after hearing so many stories of the place, he felt as if he'd been there before.

" It's just as he said it would be. I can't believe I'm here."

Exzi couldn't hold in his enthusiasm. The pain he felt had faded in his mind, the thought of finding his mother, was all he thinks about.

" This doesn't look like the entrance to hell, I think my dad and Mr. Black were just overreacting."

He said to himself after a few minutes of viewing, a thought kicks him in the back of his mind. He recalled his father's instructions.

"When you land, you'll have twenty minutes to get to the huge rock I've told you about, and geared up before the hunters arrive. So when you land, run like your life depends on it. Because it does."

As his father said, he saw the huge rock from a distance in the north, and sprint as if he was being chased, towards the huge rock.

After running for ten minutes nude in the burning sun, Exzi fell a couple of times before reaching the rock, due to his hunger and thirst. He was starving as if he hadn't eaten for weeks. He felt very uncomfortable when his stomach cramping intensified.

Close up, the rock was more enormous than he thought, it was black, it looked like a cave with two wide passageways that ran straight through it, with no holes in the walls.

He stood still and closed his eyes as he tries to memorize what his next move was, and it came to him.

His father told him.

" All your equipment and motor are in an orb, it made look like a baseball, but it can carry an entire house in it. It will be hidden somewhere in the cave so you need the santic to make it come to you, then you will have to bond with it to become the new owner.

Exzi chanted the santic, an ancient magic system used by the santians from zabanna.A round silver metal ball pop up from deep under the sand, and into exzi right palm like a magnet.

he gazes for a moment. " Cool. Guess this is the orb. "

Exzi was yet again astonished by the magic technology of the realm. He took a vivid look at it, glimpsing at all the ancient writings on it.

" Grreldm. Gear."

The orb flew from his hand to the ground, and open like a fist open into a palm, exzi could see the dark space in the middle that looked like a wormhole his father also spoke about.

A black backpack pop out of the wormhole into exzi arms. He opens the backpack and first took out a silver bottle and glance at it curiously.

" How long have you been here?"

His stomach gives another hunger alert, he was now faced with two options. He either drinks whatever was in the bottle or dies of starvation, and he chooses to drink rather than starve. After the first sip hit him with adrenaline like an energy drink, it was his first experience with whatever liquid he drank, but it became a favorite instantly.

" Woo. What is f*ck is in this?"

He empties the bottle in one shot, the drink took effect quickly, he felt every organ in his body energizing and relieving tension. It even kills the hunger along with other pain he felt.

He took out the clothes from the backpack and wore them. It was a black hooded leather jacket, pants, and boots like the ones they wore in sci-fi movies.

" I look legit."

He admires himself in his outfit.

" Grreldm. Weapons!"

A sword and two antique silver handguns pop out of the orb and he grabs them with both hands, he places the pistols on both sides as the military does. He took from the backpacks a black leather nose mask that was long enough to cover the tattoo he had showing on his neck. from the backpack, and wore it.

A loud noise of bikes racing in cheers from a distance alarms Exzi.

" Right on time."

He picked up the orb and dust off the sand.

"Guess it's time to bond. I almost forgot, Bike."

The orb flew back to the ground and pop out four-tires metal bikes, and then the orb closes. It was a four-tire patched metal bike with a handmade seat cover and defensive metal exterior.

" Damn. Now that's what I'm talking about."

The bike noise drew closer, exzi grab the orb of the ground and chanted the santic that bonds them.


Sharp's thorns pop up from the orb, leaving tiny holes in exzi palm.

" Shit. what the..."

He drops the orb to the ground, his skin instantly heals a few seconds after.

" Dad was right, I do heal fast in this realm."

He stretched his right hand towards the orb on the ground as if he was going to use telekinesis to move it.

"I will call you Opry."

The orb flew into his palm; exzi realize now he is the new order.

The noise drew very closer as if they were almost upon them.

"It's showtime. Orpy let's ride."

Exzi took a goggle and a black leather nose mask out of the backpack, and wore it, he got on his bike and rode off in the opposite direction of the noise.

Exzi rode few meters ahead and suddenly halt, he smiles and said to himself.

" Why am I running? This is my only chance to make a good first impression, or what's the use of all that training."

Exzi made a u-turn and courageously race towards the noise.

Exzi rode to the left part of the rock, he was finally able to see who was coming after him; a group of angry-looking hunters dressed in leather with scarfs and goggles with light armor, that was made of scrapped iron, as the one Exzi has.

Their bikes were cover in iron thorns that look deadly to the teeth. As soon they spotted exzi they cheer in excitement, like predators that found their prey. That was basically what Exzi was to them, a prey waiting to be devoured.

Exzi observed his environment and situation and thought of ways to get rid of the hunters while making a good first impression, that will start rumors about a powerful champion arrival in Gan'drrakah.

While calculating his next move, one of the hunters took a shot at him, the bullet grazes his arm. Exzi knew that the hunters never plan to capture him alive.

He saw far in the north, down a sandy slope, a group of rocks scattered along the path to the infamous iron city he has heard so much about, which was home to many guilds. The rocks look like the one he was previously at, but they all had different shapes and sizes.

The hunters made their move first, while Exzi was still deciding. They speed straight ahead for him, but Exzi was smart and did a 360 spin creating dust-like fog, blinding his foe temporarily, using that chance to head for the scattered rocks.

Exzi thought the scattered rocks would be the perfect place to get rid of the hunters but forgetting to realize that he was in their territory and not earth; he was in a complete environment but didn't stop Exzi.

He speeds vigorously towards the rocks, leaving a fog of dust behind him; he turns to see how close the hunters were on his tail and saw a massive sand storm rapidly approaching his direction from a distance. From the speed he was on, he knew the storm would eventually catch up to him.

Exzi thought was interrupted when the first two bullets pierced him through the back.

"Bang, Bang."

Exzi hands slip off the bike gear, bullet wounds were n new to him, he always shot while he fled for his life, but the thought of getting shot always annoyed him; the aching pain doesn't get any better for Exzi, he still hates the feeling.

He coughs out blood.

" F*ck. I hate getting shot."

He overcame the temporary pain and places his hands back on the gear and speeds up with the hunters on his tail shooting at him. Exzi continues heading for the rocks.

He knew that he had to do something fast or he would get capture since they wouldn't be able to kill him easily, he decided to ride in a zigzag formation to dodge at least some of the flying bullets.

The hunters kept shooting at Exzi as he raced for his life. He got fed up with being the one getting shot at, so he gives a sudden u-turn facing his enemies with a deadly face.

" I've had enough."

He took out his silver pistols and aim for the first two hunters that were in his shooting range, and blew their heads open with the first shots. Exzi was shocked and amaze by the damage two small guns could do, their shots were like those of a shotgun but more destructive, Exzi could see the inside of the skulls.

"Magic guns, sweet."

He kissed them with great appreciation to its inventor.

The death of two of their brothers anger the hunters, they started to roar, more desperate to kill Exzi. He turns back quickly and continues heading his way, towards the entrance of what looks like a neighborhood of hundred feet tall rocks, scattered with various paths through them, like a maze.

The bullets that flew had increased, with Exzi riding in zigzag he still got a couple of shot wounds. He bleeds more and more as his m

body wasn't healing at the moment. He figures they also used magic guns, but he still tried and maintain control of his bike.

" If I keep getting shot at, I don't think my skin might not be able to keep healing me. I can't die before entering the tournament. That would be very humiliating."

Exzi was irritated, but his mood switch and his confidence hit maximum when he entered the rock neighborhood, hoping to use his driving skills to outrun and outsmart the hunters on his tail.

He took a huge turn to the left at the first curves as soon as he enters, temporarily disappearing from the very angry and bloodthirsty hunters.

" Time to die bitches."

The hunters enter the rock hood and took the same turn as Exzi, but unaware of Exzi ambushed, three hunters got shot dead on the spot. The hunters shot back, but Exzi race ahead.

The leader of the hunter was overwhelmed with anger as his blood boil, hungry to kill Exzi.

Exzi continues his race through the rocks; the hunters losing in numbers to a single newbie was very insulting to their image of being known as the deadliest storm hunters in the sands.

They raced behind shooting, throwing knives and other weapons at Exzi; His bike took most of the hits. He is still trying to act cool he speed but didn't know that one of the hunters took a shortcut and crosses in front of him. Since stopping wasn't an option, he kept speeding ahead, because he knew that facing one was better than facing dozens.

For the first time, the thought of using his power came to him, he knew only his powers would save him from crashing. He leads straight for the hunter that blocked his path as if he was going to crash into him, but the hunter didn't flinch.

As Exzi was about to crash into the bike ahead, he had another bike right on his tail, trying to crash into him from behind; with him stalked in the middle, the risk of being crushed from both sides was hundred percent possible, so Exzi used his only choice.

"I hope this works, or I'm so dead,"

He was doubtful of his power working in Gan'drrakah, but he still insisted on using his powers as a last resort. He shouted.

" relocate!"

Exzi not knowing if it would work or not teleported few rocks ahead of the hunters and onto an open path.


Both hunters crashed into each other, the one that was on exzi tail, and the one that blocked his path. Causing a small explosion that took out three others.

" Yes, Yes, It works. Thank you, God!"

Exzi was so glad that he now had the upper hand in the hunt, and also because, the divine realm hasn't forgotten him, fearlessly he sprints ahead. But he felt a huge loss of his energy when he teleported, it was the first time that Exzi felt that energy loss due to teleportation, it was much easier on earth. He knew instantly that he couldn't teleport again until he's at full strength, or he will die.

"What in the hell just happened?"

The leader of the hunters was shocked by the disappearance that displays before his very eyes, he finds another thing strange about this newcomer.

The hunters halted when they saw the explosion that took out five of their own. The leader of the hunters was a huge 8 feet tall monster looking man, dressed in heavy body armor, caring a huge ax, he shouted in anger.

One of his subordinates riding next to him answered in a calm and respected full tone.

" He vanished sire."

" I saw that he vanished, but how is that possible? Nobody can do that here. The man roar in frustration.

" I heard he was a champion, lord So Zin."

" Champion? There has never been a champion in Gan'Drakkah, not since, The White Rider."

Lord so sin place his hands on his chest armor that covered a huge scar left by the white rider, with an angry voice, he commanded his subordinates to chased after Exzi and capture him no matter what.

As his subordinates chased ahead after Exzi, Lord So Zin and his minion stay behind.

"Which realm is he representing?"

Lord So Zin was curious, and concern about what Exzi objective was.

" I don't know sir, but they will announce it at the Gyphin night."

Lord So Zin took a glimpse of his glowing bracelet crystal, he knew immediately what it meant.

"We ride for the Dark Castle. I've been summoned." lord, So Zin told his minion.

Exzi who thought he had teleported far, didn't realize he had only teleported few rocks ahead. It was the engine sound of the hunters' bikes that made Exzi realize his current location. The hunters' full speed after him when they felt the strong wind of the storm approaching. The storm was only two minutes away now.

The hunter race on hoping to catch up to Exzi, using the storm to their advantage; because they could see clearer and move better in the sand than anyone else.

Exzi could barely see in the storm, he rode forward since he had no sight of direction at the moment.

The hunters had the upper hand as they expected, they kept shooting at Exzi so he speedily races through the rocks, hoping to survive the storm and the bullets.

The hunters took out their swords, they plan to use their swords to cut off the head of exzi, so they strived to get as close as possible, but Exzi wasn't given them the opportunity.

He felt annoyed when he saw a bike and its biker parked from a distance like he/she was waiting for someone. Since slowing down wasn't an option for exzi at the moment, he speeds towards unknown danger.

" Who the fuck is that? I don't have time for this."

Exzi search for paths to escape but found none, before he could make a move, the hunters had already caught up to him. The closest hunter took a swing for his head, but he was so quick to duck. He reaches for his sword that was on his back and took a swing at the hunter on his tail, taking off his head clean, with one swing. His headless corpse crashed into a rock.

" Damn, that was going to be my head."

He thought out loud, he knew his head wouldn't heal if it was chopped off.

Block by the biker ahead and the hunters on his tail, Exzi knew he had to make an emergency decision, or that was it for him.

" One is better than those guys."

He speeds straight to the biker, unable to take out his pistols due to the strong wind of the storm, he was defenseless; all Exzi could do was ride as fast as he could, into the range of an unknown killer.

" Lord, guard me through this valley of Evil, please let your Angel Calexiel save me."

he prayed with his eyes wide open on his target, looking at what the rider would do.

The rider became more clearer as Exzi approached, when he was only a few feet away from the rider, the rider took out a gun and aim at him.

"Fuck, I'm dead."

Exzi froze, unable to duck what was coming at him.

" Get down!"

The biker shouted to Exzi, warning him of the shot.

One of the bikers spotted the person that was blocking Exzi. He instantly recognizes the rider.

"The Rivyn."

He said in annoyance, familiar with the rider.

Exzi duck when the rider shot at him, the bullet flew past Exzi and blast the hunters; a single shot made a huge explosion behind Exzi.

He turns to see what damage had been done to the hunters, but all he could see was the aftereffect of the explosion. Exzi felt a little relief that the person that helped him was an ally and not a foe, at least that was what he thought for the moment.

"Follow me!"

The rider shouted to exzi, and without a second thought, he followed. He was unable to tell from his voice if it was a guy or girl, due to the heavy wind of the storm.

Eight hunters were shot at and only three came out. They were more angry, wild with hatred for exzi and the rider.

The hunters pursue them every turn they took, they were very persistent. As they were about to be a stab or slice from the back, Exzi was frustrated that he still couldn't pull out his guns, so he pleaded to his savior desperately.

" Does that thing only have one bullet? Can't it do that again?"

The Rider ignores him, focusing on the path ahead. When the hunters got in close range, the rider halted, the rider quickly took out an m320 grenade launcher and aim at the last three hunters that were on their tail. The rider waited just until the hunter was in the range she needed to take out the last three hunters with another one-shot explosion.

" Thank you, those guys were very annoying."

Exzi expressed his gratitude for saving him twice.

They rode until they were finally out of the rock hood. They reach a clear open of the continuing wasteland, the storm had become enormous.

" Stop. Get off your bike fast."

They halted and got off their bikes, they walked a little distance away from it.

" Where are we going?"

Exzi asked but got no reply.

They stopped, the rider took out an orb that looked like the one exzi had, and toss it up few feet high. Exzi now realizes he was not the only person that possessed it in gan'drrakah.

"Alledm. Bunker."

A huge metallic bunker pops out of the orb and covers the whole. They were now safe from the storm.

The bunker was made out of scrapped iron, but the inside was a lot cozy despite it is mostly metal; it had a bed, a couch, a small kitchen, a bathroom, basically, just imagine a bunker big enough to hold 15 persons and what all could fit in it. It had neon crystals that light up the bunker.

Exzi was impressed by the interior and the fact that he was comfortably hidden from the storm.

" This thing is bigger than I thought, an entire bunker. cool."

Exzi took a vivid look at the interior, admiring the hardware.

"You got a nice place here. Thank you for saving me back there. I owe you one. My name is Exzi by the way."

He tries to establish a friendship with his savior who was also dressed in a hooded leather jacket, pants, and boots, wearing a scarf that covers the nose, who just sat on the medal kitchen counter sharpening hand blades that look sharped enough to cut a head off.

Before he could finish his introduction, the rider attacks him fast, with a punch in the face, kick in the stomach, and spin-kick into the metal wall near the bathroom.

Exzi was confused, was he saved, just to be killed. He stood up and gazed at the rider furiously.

" I will let it go because you saved me. I don't want to be your enemy but an ally."

" Then give me your weapons."

The person finally spoke for the first time and it was the voice of a girl.

" Wait, you a girl?"

Exzi was surprised his savior was a girl.

"so what if I'm a girl, you think it's easy to make a move on me? Let me see you try."

" No no, I'm just saying, it's impressive a girl could ride like that. I just became a fan."

He suddenly remembers his bike.

" where are the bikes?"

" Are you worry about scraps of metal right now? You should be more concerned about your life."

The girl took out her sword and attack Exzi, he was quick and took out his. Their fight started slow until things began intense and bloody. Exzi had no intention of hurting a girl, but he couldn't say the same for the girl. They were sparks everywhere, the metal walls took most of the hits from their swords. Exzi received few flesh wounds from her sword, but she didn't receive a single cut from his blade. He fought till he got her trapped at sword point, his blade was extremely closed to her eyes.

Her scarf fell off and their eyes met. Exzi was mesmerized by her violet eyes and silver hair. He froze staring into her eyes. He dropped his sword and let go of the girl.

"I'm new here, I don't know anyone here, so please, I don't want to fight you."

He sighs, then walked past her and sat on the couch.

The girl and walked and sat on her kitchen counter.

She took out her two blades and sharpen them.

"As I said earlier, my name is Exzi. By the way, you have excellent fighting skills."

The girl kept sharpening her blades.

" Do you know how I can get to the iron city?"

The girl placed her two hand blades back in its holder.

" Do you mind giving me a few tips to stay alive?"

" Don't talk too much."

Exzi giggle.

" I came to partake in the tournament, do you have any idea on when it will begin and how to get into it."

The girl sat mute and just stare at him.

"What do you think I'll need to win the tournament."

" A miracle."

She answered. He chuckled.

Exzi was curious about her, she was like a mystery he was trying to solve, but little did he know that she thought the same.

"Everyone that ever falls from the sky, is naked, except the angels. You don't look like an angel to me, so how are you clothed with weapons and a bike. Not mentioning a saintian orb that is almost impossible to acquire.

Exzi knew he was being interrogated, so he did what he normally does, gives a witty reply.

" I also came naked and it was very humiliating, but I happen to found this orb at a huge rock and the orb already had everything in it."

"Oh really."

The girl reaches fast for her m320 grenade launcher that was on the counter, advances it, and aims it at Exzi.

Exzi tried to reach for his gun.

" Make a move and I'll blow your head open."

Exzi froze.

" Again, I thought we were past that and starting a friendship."

"You think I'm stupid? you don't just happen to find a saintian orb, so if you don't start talking in the next few seconds. You're dead."

The girl was dead serious with her finger slowly squeezing the trigger.

" Zryya." He sigh.

He didn't mention his mother.

The girl took the first shot only a few meters from his head, sticking the bullet into the steel wall, putting Exzi in a state of panic.

"How do you know that name?"

" wait wait, I'm not here to kill her, but to save her."

"Still doesn't answer my question, how do you know her?" she insisted.

" I don't know her, her father sent me. Mr. Black told me about her. It's the truth."

The girl lower her gun and place it back on the counter. She knew a part of what he said was true.

" Do you know her?"

" I did. She's was a friend."

" What do you mean was, what happened to her?"

" I haven't seen them in 20 years." the girl reply sadly.

" How about Syphan and Grrinis?"

She shook her head.

Exzi hope of seeing them became weak.

" By the way, which realm are you from?"

" The Earthly realm."

The girl froze briefly, then looked at Exzi.

" Is that where Mr black is?"

" Yes, so you also know Mr. Black? Guess he is famous here. The first person I meet knows him."

" Kasaban. Why would he go to the realm of man? of all places."

The girl whispered to herself in disappointment but Exzi overheard it.


Exzi was unfamiliar with the word.

" It's the realm earth is located in."

" The realm of man is more glamorous than you think. and we are also very advance for a small realm, and I bet we have the most gorgeous women in all the realms."

Exzi tried to change her view of earth, his home.

The girl looked at him like a kid who had just left his house for the first time.

" Don't talk about advancement, because the only realm earth is more advanced than, is the inferno realm, hell."

"What are you talking about? I bet earth is more advanced than one or two other realms out there."

Exzi couldn't allow her to degrade his birth realm, since she had never been there. Also, he was content that he was able to start a conversation with her.

The girl focused was now fully on exzi, she was annoyed by the ridiculous praises of his realm. To her, he seems clueless on the knowledge of existence.

" There are seven realms in existence, created by God."

" I know, the seven eternal realms."

Exzi tried to prove he was up to date with the knowledge of what man called the cosmos.

" At least you're not completely clueless." The girl still decided to give him a lesson.

" We have a rank for the most powerful and advanced realms. Heaven is the first, follow by Syrinmis, Zabanna, Razkann, Gan'Drrakah, Kasaban, and hell.

Kasaban is in sixth place. So please, don't gloat."

Exzi froze. He was surprised by the fact he had little knowledge of the cosmos.

" Thanks for the history lesson. I will make sure I let men know, that they should stop gloating about being the most intelligent beings in existence."

" That's what they think? you guys are small-minded."

Exzi was more fascinated by her.

"I like your voice." He flirts.

Even though her mouth and nose were still cover with a scarf, exzi could tell she smiled.

" So how is Mr. Black?"

" He's doing great. He's very wealthy too. He has superpowers in an almost powerless realm, how do you think he's doing?"

Exzi hid the fact that Mr. Black was actually in prison on earth. He didn't want people to know Mr. Black's current situation. He wanted to maintain his image.

"Good to know." She felt relieved.

" So how do you know Mr. Black?"

" who wouldn't know the famous winner of the previous tournament. Also, I used to live next door to him"

The girl walks to her small medal fridge that was not power by electricity but a magical symbol carved in it. She took out two can of cold beverage, and toss one to Exzi,

" Rivyn."

"What, the bird?"

" My name is Rivyn, and not like the bird."

" That's a cool name."

He gives her a friendly smiled.

" This is cold."

He was surprised the beverage was cold.

He took a sip of the cold beverage, and to his utmost surprise, it was the familiar taste. So familiar he could recognize the taste from the first sip.

He took a look at the logo and saw the word Gan'drrakah printed on it with no additional information like earthly drink containers.

" This tastes like the blue lake beer I use to drink in high school. How is this possible?

" We order customize things from the other realms. and when I say we, I mean the fallen angels in the dark castle."

He took another sip.

" Nice. So can they order any earthly food and drinks?"

" They are not a delivery company, but for the right price, yes. but who would be stupid enough to spend all their findings on food and drinks?"

" I would."

Rivyn gives him a full front scan and giggle.

" You do look stupid enough to do so."

She took a few steps closer to him and sat on the arm of the couch facing him.

" So were you dying and Mr. Black asked the favor to save zryya and the others? Or did you make a deal with him when you were dying?"

She took a long sip, awaiting his answer.

" No. I choose to die to come here and save her and return her to him after winning the game.

She choked on the drink after hearing his answer.

" No one chooses to die for someone they don't know, not to mention chosen to come here."

Rivyn doubted his answer.

" Guess I'm the first."

" Why would you die to come to an unknown realm to save a girl you never met? and worst, you don't even know if she's dead or alive."

" I don't know her but I've heard so much about her, that made me feel as if I've known her all my life, strange right? Those memories he shared with me were all I needed to come here."

Exzi told her without a sense of regret.

Rivyn took another two can of beer from her fridge and toss another one to exzi.

" Two can in ten minutes, I guess we are friends now."

He smiled.

" You said you know zryya?"

" Knew"

" Were you both in the same guild?"

Rivyn hesitated for a minute and took a glance at Exzi.

" If I told you she and the others dead, would you regret given up your life and coming here?"

" I would regret.....not coming sooner to save her, and fall in love with her. but I'll never regret dying for her. I don't do things to regret, that is my style."

Rivyn was touch by Exzi story, she just sat staring at him, not losing focus. She hasn't met anyone like him before.

After a few minutes of staring into each other souls. Rivyn broke eye contact first, she got up and reach for her gun; this time she wasn't aiming it at Exzi. She places it on her back.

" Get up, let's go the storm has passed."

" How do you know?"

" I just know. Get ready, enemies might be right outside waiting for us."

Exzi took out his two handguns and got ready for any unexpected attack. Rivyn took out her orb and chanted a santic.

" Melddm.

The Orb absorbs the entire bunker, exzi and riven were back on the wasteland. Exzi could now see their bikes, the area was clear, with no sign of the hunters. The sun had almost set, while the night creeps in.

" So where are we headed?".

" Iron City." Raven answer.

While Exzi was walking to his bike, rivyn came from behind with a sneak attack to knock him unconscious; but unaware that Exzi had received full military training and sneak attacks are easily detected by him.

He grabs the gun that strikes from behind and flipped Rivyn over, and onto the solid ground before she could make a move.

" Bam"

He hit her in the head with her gun, knocking her unconscious.

" Sorry Rivyn, but these things always happen to me. So I developed a skill to prevent it."

He thought of how to take her with him, after thinking for a minute, he decided to put her in the orb.

" Would this work?" He thought.

" Worst case scenario, she goes in and never comes out. Guess I'm going to bet on fate."

He tried it and it worked to his surprised. He orbed her bike too.

" I least it worked, just have to see if it can work in reverse."

He got on his back and headed north, he stumbles upon a cliff. He got off his bike to see if there was a way down. But from seeing distance to the bottom, Exzi could tell it was at least ninety feet high. He had no idea how he would get down.

"This place keeps getting interesting. How do I get down from here?"

He was furious.

" Can't teleport because I'm not completely healed. and I don't suppose this bike can fly?"

He felt useless and got back on his bike and relaxed.

After sitting and thinking for about ten minutes, he turns to the orb for help.

"Orpy. Do you know a way to get down?"

The orb jumped out of his pocket as if it could understand him, it flew to the ground and open. A six feet cheetah skeleton pop out of the orb.

The skeleton was somehow alive because of the magic symbols that were drawn on it. Its eyes were glowing with red flames. It had a medal saddle with two hooks that were used as a seat belt that hooks around the rider's wist to prevent you from falling.

Exzi was so happy because he thought he was going to stay there until he was fully recovered.

" That's a crawler. Orpy. You're my new best friend. What more do you have in there? Do you have the same gun that raven has? I want one.

He was more curious about the items stored in the orb.

He got on the crawler and craw down the cliff. Its claws were sharp as iron, it could claw through almost any metal, rocks, or stone.

He reached the bottom which looked like a valley. The Valley was blocked on both sides with huge rocks. The only path Exzi saw was a cave he saw, There were holes in the walls, that made him think there was a way out of the valley. He tries to crawl his way up but the crawler wasn't of much help.

While walking through the valley, Exzi felt uneasy, he felt like he was being watched from the holes on the wall, and it gives him the chill. Dusk had set in.

Exzi kept walking, trying not to think about whatever might be watching him.

Just as Exzi suspected, demons came out of the holes with eyes of black flames. Exzi felt a strong presence of evil coming off them, which give him goosebumps. He was now surrounded by over fifty bloodthirsty demons that look like zombies, they were faster and their bodies were black as charcoal covered with demonic symbols, his only way out was a few steps away from him.

He was outnumbered and outmatched. What would he do with two pistols and a sword? He thought.