Chereads / DARK_PARDISE: The_Deadly_Fate / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: A Blood for Blood Law (Part 1)

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: A Blood for Blood Law (Part 1)

I never understood it at first, maybe Mr. Black was right after all. The best way to win a fight is to not get into a fight. Exzi thought to himself as he flew through the door, onto the crowded street.

Rivyn couldn't believe her eyes, Exzi wasn't moving at all; she hoped he would survive, but yet she thought, no one has ever survived an attack of the dragon flames, not even a healer.

"Don't worry Rivyn, I will get you a new boyfriend, one with a longer life span," Qiang said.

"Now take your money and go!" Rivyn was irritated with Qiang, but she kept her cool because she didn't want anyone else to die.

Rivyn's words upset Qiang, he slapped her so hard she fell to the ground. Her friends tried to intervene but were beaten up by Qiang minions. They tried to fight back but Rivyn interjected. It wasn't their first time being treated like that, they had always been bullied because they were not that powerful compare to other guilds. Rivyn hated the fact they were inferior to the powerful, it irritated her every time they got bullied. That's why she trained excessively to become much stronger and tougher, that she could protect her friends.

After beating them up badly, they drag them outside. Qiang told his minions they were taken the Rivyndan guild with them. But as they were walking away, carrying Rivyn and her friends in chains. Qiang stopped when he heard a voice that he shouldn't be able to hear.

Exzi felt a dark spirit take over his body.

"Hey, butt head," Exzi shouted with a deep and deadly voice, he slowly rose from the ground. His eyes turn pitch black.

Qiang was startled when he turns and saw Exzi wake up from the ground. How is he alive? Qiang thought. Exzi stood furious than he already was, he was still badly injured, his body was healing at turtle speed. Exzi knew he had to do something for Rivyn and her guild members or else, they will be killed.

Qiang along with the people on the street were all stunned by what they were seeing under the crystal lights. It was their first time seeing someone self-healed, it was like a myth of Gan'drrakah was being revealed through Exzi.

"Hey, Chinese Santa. You ruin my jacket, and now you're taken away my future girl and her friends."

"What are you?" Qiang asked. He got terrified of this unknown threat, he was now at a disadvantage against it.

" Let me show you." Exzi walked slowly towards Qiang as the rain pull down on him. Qiang and his minions took a defensive stand. Exzi was physically defenseless, he felt his fist and powers were all he needed to forsake them.

"Fifteen berserkers is enough to kill one man, or whatever he is." Qiang was enraged, so he decide to try another attempt to kill him, what else could he do at the moment.

Qiang spits. "Make sure he dies this time," he added.

They all followed as ordered. They open fire, Exzi speedily dodges every bullet like time had slow down. When they witness another unimaginable display, they panic. The people became frightening of Exzi, they knew he wasn't ordinary.

"Bring me his head!" Qiang commanded.

They took swords and sprint at Exzi, the first three that attacks were cut off guard by Exzi drexan's speed, albeit he was pierced through the stomach by the sword of the middle man. Exzi manages to grab the sword hands of the other two that was on right and left side. He twisted their hands while they held their swords until they broke, then he used their swords to cut off all three of their heads.

Everyone was frightened by how brutal Exzi killed them. He didn't stop there, every one of Qiang minions that came at him had their bodies separated by his katana. He killed every one of them smoothly, precisely, and brutally, with no feeling of remorse.

The street was cover in blood and body parts, organs were scattered all over the place. Exzi eyes had darkened deeper, all could be see was endless darkness. His mood and movement were off a dark entity. Exzi turned to Qiang, he slowly walks towards Qiang, his panic builds up after every step Exzi took towards him. His body shivers intensely, that his sword drops to the ground. Dragging his sword against the wet metal ground, Exzi walks, stepping on eyeballs and intestines that were scattered on the ground.

Out of fear Qiang put the dragon crystal in his mouth and chanted quickly, the crystal activated and flames shoot out of his mouth, at Exzi, who just walks through it unburned by the flames. Rivyn was still lying on the ground deeply wounded with barely any strength to get up. She notices Exzi eyes had turn black, and his face was soulless, like death.

Qiang was horrified by the fact that Exzi could withstand the power of the dragon flames. What was he? he wondered. He couldn't stop the shooting flames, even though Exzi wasn't affected. Exzi reached him and stops the dragon flames by covering Qiangs mouth with his hands. Raven could now see him up close and he was frightened of what he had become. She could sense a dark presence coming from him, and it terrifies her.

Exzi places his hands on Qiang's mouth making him to swallowed the dragon crystal, the crystal overpowered and sets his body on fire from within, resulting in his body exploding, splattering his guts everywhere. People became afraid and went into their houses and shops, and lock themselves in. The crowded street got empty so fast as if it was curfew.

Exzi, Rivyn, her guild members, plus the corpses were all that could be seen standing in the rain of a gruesome murder scene. Rivyn and her guild members were terrified of Exzi, every step he took closer to them, made them more afraid. Exzi halts when his eyes went deemed, he shortly fell to the ground unconscious. Everything went dark, all he could see was an endless flow of darkness.

He opens his eyes and found himself standing in the middle of a white endless hall with bright lights shinny from each end, one end was a bright white light and the other end was black light. he feared he had died for good. From the bright light of the hall, he could see someone walking towards him; the distance was so far that Exzi vision was a blur and he couldn't picture the person's face. He walks towards the direction the person was entering from. As the person drew closer out of the light, he could almost clearly see who was approaching him; he couldn't believe his eyes, was he imagining, or was it who he thought it was.

"Mom" he whispered to himself with eyes about to burst with tears. He was still doubtful.

After a few more steps closer, he could picture the person more vividly, and his assumption was correct.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Exzi shouted. He ran to her with tears coursing down his cheeks. Haven't seen his mother for thirteen years, he was about to burst with happiness, his mother ran to him like an angel dressed in a beautiful white dress.

Exzi ran straight into her arms, embracing her tightly not wanting to let go; she was also very content to see her only child, her beautiful and divine boy who had grown as she expects. They couldn't let go of each other, crying with sadness and joy.

Exzi finally let go to see the dazzling face of his mother, but he couldn't completely let go, afraid she would disappear, he held onto her hands tightly. She looked at her baby finally grown into a man, and how extraordinary he looked. She smoothly rubs his face, feeling the warmth and softness of his skin that pleases her. So many questions she wanted to asked her son, but she had limited time.

Mom, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. He apologizes for being the reason for her death.

"My sweet and silly boy. Are you still blaming yourself? I told you it wasn't your fault." She tried to relieve him of the guilt he had been carrying for thirteen years now.

"But it is my fault if I had listened to you and didn't go to...

She hugged him before he could finish explaining, she felt the weight of his guilt and saddens. She couldn't let him continue to carry it any longer.

"Exzi, look at me." she wipes his tears. "Son It's okay, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know that that would happen. I've never blamed you for what happened to me. Listen to what I'm about to tell you, I don't have much time.

"Mom, what do you mean you don't have time. Am I thought I had died?"

"No you're not dead, this is your pathway to confront the light and darkness. Do you remember what I always said to you when you were bullied?"

"Anger and Hatred only fuel the darkness within. Let go of the darkness and embrace the light and it will shield me from every evil eye" Exzi could remember her telling him like it was just yesterday, that was how vivid he remembers everything about his mother. He misses her loving embrace, the scent of her hair, the softness of touch, the comfort of her calm voice.

"There's something your father and I have kept from you, and I think it's time for you to know."

Far in the north of Iron city at the northern entrance live the dragon flames guild. A five hundred feet skyscraper stood alone on a small island across a metal bridge that ran over the black river. A mysterious rider rode across the bridge and halted at the entrance of the compound of the dragon flames guild. He was stopped by the guards, they were all vicious berserkers. He confirms his identity by showing the brand of a dragon in his palm. It was the same mysterious person that witnesses the massacre of the collector and his minions.

They allow him into the compound that was filled with berserkers, hunters, and other warriors that works for the guild. He enters the building and steps into a bar, it's interior like the ones on earth, but it was made of metal like everything else in iron city. There were different species of creatures, demons, and monsters that serve as berserkers for the guild. The man walked through the bar and enter what looks like an elevator. The elevator runs on magic and not electricity, like everything else in Gan'drrakah. Everyone carries on with business unconcerned of the man that entered, he removed his glove and places the brand in his right palm, at the same spot as the magical symbol that was drowned in the elevator, and hyper-speed him up to the penthouse.

The penthouse had a luxurious interior, it had a lot of golden dragon statues, it was a huge well-furnished penthouse with imported furniture from other realms, surrounded by huge glass windows. The was a total of seven persons seated in the room, they were all dressed in fine robes, wearing jewelry of gold and other gems. These are the head leaders of the guild, they all sat in seven of eight Chesterfield chairs around a glass table that was filled with whiskey, gin, and various drinks, and they all had the Gan'drrakah logo printed on them, unlike the local drinks which only had G written on them."

"I hope there's a good reason for interrupting our night?" said the lady seated in the chair next to the fireplace, she was dressed in a red modern style kimono.

"I've some information I think you would be interested in."

"Mom!" Exzi eyes snap open he rose as if he was reaching out to catch his mom that he might not see again. He felt cold, shaking with fear, and cover in a cold sweat he sat on the metal table shirtless.

The girl that stood over him was startled and fell to the metal ground.


Exzi looked around and saw that he was in Rivyn guild HQ, he saw that all six members of the Rivyn guild were still alive, he was relieved, even though he couldn't see the Rivyn insight.

"How am I breathing if my heart is dead."

"It's magic. The way you're dead but yet alive." answered a guy seated on the couch.

"Where's Rivyn? Is she okay?" he asked, terrified that she might have died.

"She's dead." Qiang killed her.

"Stop lying Aziz." said the girl waking up from the floor next to the table.

"Hi, I'm Aiko." said a sixteen years old Japanese girl, dressed in what looked like a modern-style ninja outfit without the mask. She's a cute tough, junior shinobi with a kind and friendly personality.

"Hi Aiko, I'm..."

"Brother Exzi. Sister Rivyn told us your name."

" Sister Rivyn?" He chuckled. "Aiko, are you Catholic?"

Aziz chuckles. Aziz is a twenty-five years old American street boxer, with blonde hair and a rough face, he's known for being arrogant, and a womanizer.

"Where's Raven? Exzi asked again.

" Keep it down, would you? it's still early. said a twenty-four years old curly hair African Latina who came out of the kitchen with a metal plate of food., she's a beautiful warrior that specializes in natural magic.

" That's maize by the way, and Rivyn's not dead, she went to buy something," said Aiko.

Exzi suddenly took a deep breath, he took a good look around the place, it had the structure of a bunker, it had the space of an apartment, it had the appearance of a modern style house. He turns and saw Aiko still staring at him with a friendly smile.

"Bro, what you did last night was f*cking berserk and awesome." I haven't seen anyone kill so brutally, ever in all my circles here. My name is Aziz but you can call me hunter and this is Lu Chen.

"What are you? asked Lu Chen."

Lu Chen is a twenty-one years old skilled Chinese martial artist, that is very good-looking and kind. He's also a quiet person.

Exzi was annoyed with that question, so he just ignore it and laid back on the table. Maize came out of the kitchen with a plate of food for Exzi.

"Here, eat this and wear that jacket" She handed him a plate of pork noodles, and pointed at the jacket hanging on a hook.

"Your old one got burned. At least your masked is still intact."

The sight of the food woke Exzi, haven't eaten since he landed in Gan'drrakah, his tongue watered. He gently took the food from maize with a smile of appreciation.

"You're a lifesaver."

Everyone else was gazing at her for their food.

"Why are you all looking at me? go and get your food yourselves."

They all walked to the kitchen for their food and sat in the living room to eat.

"I didn't know food like this would be sold in Gan'drrakah?"

"For the right price, you can order almost anything from other realms." Maize said.

Exzi smiles. "This realm just became a whole lot better."

"I heard you're from earth?"

Exzi nodded, he couldn't speak with his mouth stuffed with food. "Do you want to go there?"

"We are all from the earth," said Aziz.

"For real? I thought you guys were a zabann'tzi guild? guess I was wrong."

"Rivyn is the only person from zabanna. Rivyn told us you are also from zabanna," said Aiko.

"Do any of you have any idea of the tournament, and when it will commence?"

"You mean the fate of life?" asked Lu Chen.

Exzi nodded. Aziz chuckled.

"It should be called the fate of death."

" Why make you say that?"

"Millions partake in the tournament and only the winning build survives," Aziz said.

"Millions!" Exzi was startled.

"Do you intend to partake?"


"what do you think about joining our guild?" Aiko asked excitedly."

"Let him finish his food. You should also finish yours."

"Anyone who gives their leftover to big vibe will skip dinner." Rivyn started.

Everyone except Maize and Exzi suspiciously glances at each other. Exzi had no idea what they were talking about,

"Where's Se-ri?" asked Maize.

"She's still sleeping," answered Aiko.

" Wake her up so she can have breakfast. , we will be having a guild meeting as soon as Rivyn gets back." Maize said.

Aiko went up the metal stairs to her sleeping quarter.

Maize stole a glance at Exzi as he ate when he notice she turn and walk into the kitchen to eat. Exzi caught her stealing a glance, he finish his food and follow behind her, he was still shirtless.

Maize's breakfast was different from the others, she prefer fruits for breakfast. Her mind was cloudy with images of Exzi, she picture his body as it heals, she thought his face was picture perfect. Exzi enters the kitchen and saw Maize dreaming at the kitchen counter, a grape between her lips. He sneak up on her and whispered in her ears.

"What are you thinking about?"

She startled. She turns to face Exzi and their lips bump, she suddenly lost her ability to move, their lips stuck together for few seconds before Exzi made the first move, by took away the grape that was between his lips, his lips.

She felt like she was still fantasizing, it felt unreal.

"Thanks for breakfast."

She snapped awake, and softly lick her lips.


"Why fruits for breakfast. It's my first meal since I landed."

She felt overwhelming energy pulling her towards him.

"It was a family tradition on earth. Fruits for breakfast, meat for lunch, and..."

"Bread for supper," Exzi added.

"How did you know."

"I guessed because that was my family tradition. Bread for supper." He chuckled.

Exzi caught her eyes gazing at his shirtless body.

"Do you want to touch it?"

"How do you do it? Heal yourself."

"I was born this way," he said.

She thought of touching his body but was a little nervous to do so. Exzi notices, so he took her hands and placed her palms on his chest. Her hands stuck on his body like glue. She gently massage him, his skin was warm and soft, much like her skin. Exzi stood bewitched her beauty, she is as beautiful as Rivyn.

"Can I have another taste of one of your fruits?"

She lifts her head and looks into his eyes.

"Take any you prefer."

"I prefer the first one I taste earlier. Strawberry."

She knew she had eaten all the strawberries and the fruit he took from her, was grape. Then she suddenly understood what Exzi meant by strawberry. She took another grape and show it to Exzi.

"Come and take it." She bites on it.

As Exzi was about to take the grape with his lips, Se-ri and Aiko came into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Se-ri asked when she saw they were about to kiss.

Se-ri is a beautiful twenty-three years old south Korean girl with long curly hair and a bipolar personality.

"About to make out, and you just interrupted." Maize answered and walk out of the kitchen.

"Good morning, You must be Se-ri?"

"And you must be hitting on Maize."

Exzi chuckles. Se-ri walked to the kitchen counter and took her food, paying no attention to Exzi. She took her plate and walk out into the living room. Exzi went back into the living room and wore his new jacket.

"So where are we going next?" Se-ri asked.

"We are leaving? Where to?" Exzi asked

"Every time you and Rivyn call for guild meeting, it's to tell us we what we have to move to another sector or zone.

Rivyn walked in holding a black leather bag alongside an eight feet tall giant, who also had human fo. He was the muscle of the guild. Exzi was relieved to see her in one piece.

"What were you guys talking about?" Rivyn asked.

"Maize said you called for a guild meeting, it only means we are about to move to another zone. So where are we going next?" Se-ri asked.

"Hey, Rivyn," Exzi spoke with a smile.

" Thanks to Exzi fight last night, we are now a target to the most powerful guild in Iron city. Raven said annoyed by the fact of being hunted down. She walks and places the bag on the table.

"So what happened last night after I got knocked out by that fireball? I can't believe I was knockout on my first day in iron city, that's wasn't the rep I was hoping to set.

"You mean you don't remember slaughtering Qiang and his berserkers in the street like pigs?

" I did what?" Exzi couldn't believe she was talking about it. He couldn't recall any memories of when he was blown out.

"Good for you. Going around killing people and then forget that it even happened." her Sarcasm annoyed Maize.

"He did that to save us, so why are you mad at him? If it wasn't for Exzi we would all be forsaken." Maize told her.

"No! we wouldn't have, I would have figured something out. I always do. Rivyn responded harshly.

"We all know that, and we are grateful for all you've done for us. But Rivyn, we need help and maybe Exzi..."

"No, he's not joining our guild." Rivyn objected before Maize could finish her sentence.

" Why not? He's an excellent fighter and he's unique." Maize took a glimpse at Exzi. " He could be a blessing to us."

" He's not a blessing but a curse and if we take him with us, we will be dead before the tournament even begins. So no!"

Everyone sat muted, afraid to interrupt Rivyn and Maize's argument.

"I'm sitting right here." Exzi reminded Raven.

" I say Yes." Aiko voted.

" Me too." Se-ri also voted yes.

" I say yes too." voted Aziz.

" I don't know the guy, but he saved our lives. So yes." voted Lu Chen.

Rivyn turn to the giant, hoping he would object.

"What about you big guy?"

"Yes..... He said in a deep voice.

"You see, even a big vibe agrees. So what now boss, is Exzi a part of the guild or not.

"But what about Yu Tu."

"We are not talking about Yu Tu, we are talking about Exzi." Maize said.

"Maize, why are you insisting that Exzi join the guild. You refuse others that are better fighters." Rivyn was curious.

Se-ri and Aiko give Maize and Exzi an awkward gaze.

"Why are you insisting that he don't?"

Rivyn stood alone with all eyes staring at her, everyone has voted yes so she had no other option but to accept Exzi.

"Ok Exzi, it seems that they want you a part of the guild, but you are on probation for now until we enter the tournament. If you get into any useless fights that might get us in trouble, you're out." Rivyn warned him.

"Why do I get the feeling that you know something about me that I don't?"

Rivyn briefly recalls the dark eyes of Exzi in the rain.

"One mistake and you're out." Rivyn avoided his question and walked away.

Exzi grab her by the wrist gently and pull her towards him, and their eye met.

"Keep hating me and you might fall in love with me. He whispered in her ear.

Rivyn reach for her blade and stab Exzi so fast he couldn't avoid it and walked away.

"Ouch. Is she this cold to all of you, is it just me? Exzi asked.

"No. But I think she has a thing for you. Aziz said.

"Don't make me stab you too. Your body won't heal itself. Raven warned Aziz.

"Why did you stab him?" Maize was concerned.

"Don't worry he will heal."

His skinhead the moment she said it.

"So where are we going next?" Lu Chen asked Raven.

"The Western zone, near the western gate. she said softly, nervous of their reaction to the news.

The mood changed, everyone got serious.

"What? That is Kiyoshi zone. Are you crazy?" Maize was furious at the mention of the place.

"We will only be there for a few days, I got a job there."

"Why would you take a job there? don't you remember what happened the last time we were there?" Maize didn't approve of the idea at all.

"What happened in the western zone?" Exzi was curious.

"Nothing that concerns you," Rivyn said.

Exzi didn't mind her attitude because he used to hear worst, but he was curious about what happened that they never wanted to return there.

"Are you trying to get us killed?" Aziz spoke up, he also objected to the idea.

"Please don't make me go back. Please sister Rivyn. Aiko pleaded.l

"Why would you do this to her, and without concerning us," Se-ri said.

"Can someone please tell me what happened in the western zone?" Exzi felt left out of the discussion.

"It's none of your business. Raven told him.

Exzi felt insulted and not wanted, so he quietly walk out of their mist unnoticed. He took his mask off the table and step outside onto the street of the beautiful aesthetics neon iron city. The iron city is as beautiful during the day as it is at night. The neon crystals are always light up, both day and night. Business centers had holograms that display their logo. The technological advancements in the iron city run on magic. Iron city is always cloudy in the daytime like it was about to storm. Everyone was dressed as they came out of a dystopian film.

"This is like a real-life cyberpunk millennium city. Of course, more beautiful and magical" Exzi saw that the neon iron city was much like the city of his favorite video game.

Lu Chen and Aziz came out with expressions of annoyance.

"So have you guys decided?"

" No, they are still arguing it out. So best to give them some time to calm down and decide." Aziz said.

"In the meantime, let's give you a tour of the infamous Iron city and its beautiful feature," said Lu Chen.

"Yo Exzi, sorry about Rivyn, she gets like that with everyone sometimes."

It's okay I'm using to girls like her." Exzi smiles. He wasn't really mad about it.

"So how long have you guys been here?" he asked.

"I've been here for twenty years now if we calculating earth time." Aziz answer.

"And I've been here for seven years and still counting." Lu Chen said.

"Wow, 20 years. How about Rivyn?" Exzi asked.

"She's been here the longest. Maize, 32 years, Aiko, 10 years, Se-ri, 15 years, and Rivyn's been here for 50 years."

" 50 years? You got to be kidding me, no wonder she has that kind of attitude. Exzi just realize how long others had been there, he thought of how long he was going to be there. He knew people didn't age in Gan'drrakah, but he was still stunned by how long they have survived in a deadly realm...

"How about a big vibe?"

"He's the only person who has no idea of when he got here. He could have been here longer than Rivyn but we don't know, he doesn't speak our language, and we don't speak his." Aziz said.

"So it's true, Gan'drrakah is not a place for kids. Because I haven't seen a single kid or a baby since I got her."

" Gan'drrakah has an age limit. Only fifteen years and above can enter Gan'drrakah." Said Lu Chen.

" Babies can't fight. They will just add to the death count." Aziz joked.

They slowly walked through the crowded street that was filled with merchants, warriors, mechanics, hunters, whores, and other creatures. The iron city had quite the view, It display was so good to be true. Bikes weren't allowed in the sectors. The sectors were where people lived and the zones were commercial, so bikes were allowed there. Exzi saw trees of different colors coming out of the iron.

"How do trees grow on iron?"

"Iron iron is made of irons. So we use magical items to grow them, that why their leaves glow." Lu Chen said

After walking for a while. Exzi asked a bothering question.

"Why is iron city filled with Asians? Is Gan'drrakah an Asian realm?"

"This place has more Asians because they are the best fighters on earth, and the iron city is mostly populated with people from earth, and beings from every race are also here too."

"We know a few guilds of Africans like you and Maize, they are from the Eastern zone. We're friends with an American guild, British guilds, Russian guilds you can find people from every continent on earth. And my favorite guild is the "Dark Angels" from the northern zone."

"Why? are they powerful?"

"Yes, and also very powerful, beautiful, and seductive."

" What?" Exzi was lost.

"It's a guild of beautiful women."

"Lu. Don't say it like that. Exzi, they are a guild of gorgeous Latinas and Asian women with fierce bodies of temptation."

"How many are they?"

"Last time we were there, they were at least," answer Aziz.

But do you know what I still find strange and unexplainable?" Lu Chen.

Exzi shakes his head, having no clue as to what Lu Chen meant because to him everything about Gan'drrakah is very strange.

"It's the way time works here. It's a fact that Aziz and I both died in the same year 2040, but Aziz has been here longer than I have. Lu Chen explains.

"I also find that strange, I died November 8, six months before you died, but I came Gan'drrakah six years earlier than him." Said Aziz.

"Maybe you came by jet and he came by bus. Exzi joked

They all laughed, they were bonding faster than they expected, They continue walking through the streets. Exzi saw few people staring at him and wondered why.

"Why do I feel like people are staring at me? Exzi asked.

"Cause they are. Few people saw you killed Qiang and his minions last night." Aziz answers.

"I don't even remember killing them," Exzi said sadly.

"That's why Rivyn wants us to leave because we don't stand a chance against the dragon flames guild, even with you on our side."

"How powerful are they that you are all afraid of them?"

"They are the most powerful guild of the iron city. They have seven heads that control the guild. And they have been here since the beginning of the tournaments Rumors says, few of them were part of the first people that came to Gan'drrakah, along with the fallen angels.

"They have over five thousand warriors, berserkers, and assassins in their guild. Their guild has killed millions of people in Gan'drrakah."

"I don't plan to stay that long. I'm going to win the tournament and leave."

" I respect your confidence but don't get ahead of yourself. Even though you have powers and your sword skills are amazing, but winning the tournament is on a whole different level. Aziz said.

"So where are we headed?

"We are taking you to the best club in the southern zone of Iron city. Answered Aziz.

"At this hour?"

"And what hour is it?" Exzi? Asked Aziz.

Exzi thought for a while and couldn't tell what time of the day it was. The sky over the iron city is always cloudy in the daytime.

" I don't know, there are no watches or phones here," Exzi said.

" Exactly. We can't tell so we don't give the fuck. Aziz told him.

" How big is the iron city? I wondered."

" It's as big as the continent of Asia with over two billion people." Lu Chen Answered.

" Damn it's bigger than I thought."

After walking for few minutes, they arrive at the club they spoke about. It was like an average bar by appearance. They were neon crystals on the outside of the bar that light up the street in front of the club. There stood two huge creatures guarding the entrance. It had holograms that advertised their business.

Aziz took out gold as payment for their entrance and give it to one of the guards. The guard looked him about to complain when Aziz stop him.

"Hey don't give me that one for each bullshit, that is worth entrance for three, and you know that." Aziz was annoyed with their policy of one payment per person.

The guards took the payment and allow them in, As soon as they enter the bar Exzi was blocked by a nine feet tall monster dressed in a leather carrying a big machine gun.

" Out of my way. Said the monster in a deep voice.

Exzi quickly got out of his way. The inside of the bar was larger than it appears from the outside. Their place seemed magical with the neon crystals and magical symbols glowing on the metal walls.

" This place is off-world." Exzi was stunned by the interiors, entertainment, and customers he saw. The club had the interior of a five-star nightclub on earth. Their bar was filled with liquor in glass bottles. The loud sound of the electronic music that was playing through the walls and the fog made Exzi feel right at home.

"Let's go sit," said Aziz.

They walked through the dancing crowd with beautiful women who party like they don't care. He could believe that a place like this exist in Gan'drrakah. They sat on a couch and call a waiter.

" Hey Lu, look it's your drinking buddy Ha-rin? Aziz teases him.

A beautiful Korean girl wearing a sexy waitress outfit came to their table. Exzi saw that the amount of kasaban'tzi in the iron city has influenced the place style.

" What am I getting you guys? Ha-rin asked.

" Hey Lu, haven't seen you for a while?"

"I've been busy." Lu Chen told her.

She took a curious glance at Exzi.

"I haven't seen you around here before?"

" Hi, I'm Exzi."

"He's new. Aziz told her.

"New to the south or new to the realm?"

"New to the realm."

" How New?"

" Second day."

" Wow, You look good for a newbie. Welcome to Gan'drrakah." Ha-rin was surprised by Exzi appearance for a newbie because it takes at least a month to adapt to the lifestyle of Gan'drrakah, and takes others a year to afford a status.

" Bring us three cups of the hot stuff," Aziz ordered.

"Ok, three cups coming right up." Ha- rin left as Lu Chen's gaze follow her.

"I thought it's was all fight in Gan'drrakah," Exzi said.

" Haven't you heard all fights and no play make Exzi a boring guy?" Aziz asked him.

"I also thought this place was all bad when I first came here, But this place has some comforting places and friendly people." Lu Chen said.

"You still think this place is all bad," Aziz said.

"So are all these imported?" Exzi asked.

"Yes. Every single thing in the iron city including the iron. You see these crystal lights and holograms, they don't run on electricity; this is magical technology.

"This place keeps giving me amazing surprises."

Ha-rin came back with a tray caring three iron cups of what they called demon spit, there were two small cups and a large cup. She gave Exzi the large cup and the two small cups to Aziz and Lu Chen. Exzi tasted it and spit out the first zip he took. He never tasted anything that bitter or strong before.

"Is this poison?" Exzi asked.

"No, but it does taste like poison. That my friend is demon spit." Aziz empties his cup with the first sip.

" What?"

" Don't worry it's not actual demon spit. It's just how we called it because it tastes like hell." Lu Chen said.

" Hey Lu, come drink with me when you're not busy," Ha-rin told Lu Chen and walked away.

Exzi was still sipping on his drink little by little, he couldn't stand the taste. Lu Chen took a shot with him and that inspire Exzi and he took a shot with his. He looked at Lu Chen and was surprised that he was licking his lips like the drink was sweet.

"How can that taste sweet in your mouth?" Exzi asked Lu Chen.

"It's because he's drinking something else. Ha-rin never served him demon spit after his first experience with it."

"I don't think I can drink any more of this shit," Exzi told Aziz.

"Come on Exzi, I thought you would be stronger." Aziz provoked him.

"Just have another cup?" Aziz asked Exzi.

Right at that moment, Lu Chen recognizes someone from across the room, the person that just step into the club. He was wearing huge-solve armor.

"We got trouble? Lu Chen alarms them.

" Who is it? Aziz asked him.

"Silver Jin.

"You've got to be kidding me, we don't have time for a fight.

"Who's silver Jin? Exzi asked

"The guy dressed in silver who just enter with his minions is the southern zone keeper.

As soon as people notice Silver Jin they started teleporting out. Exzi was surprised by what was happening in the club.

"What is happening?"

"A bloody fight is about to go down, so those who don't want to die are teleporting back to their guild HQ or homes. Aziz explains to him.

"I didn't know people here can teleport." Although he never thought he was the only teleporter, he didn't expect to see so many teleporters.

Lu Chen took out a black stone engraved with a magical symbol and show it to Exzi.

"They used this to teleport, and it can be used only once, and then it's broken. No one teleports by themselves, except a few of the fallen angels.

A fight broke out against Silver Jin men and the gang they came to kill. The fight got intense, it slowly started to turn into a blood bath. Exzi wasn't surprised people are always fighting and killing in Gan'drrakah but he couldn't believe how fast the crowded club got empty. The fight became destructive, they started crashing the furnishers of the club, they busted the glass bar, which was filled with liquor.

"So why are we still here? or do you want us to die too?" Exzi asked them.

"We were going to leave, but we will only have two stones; so we just have to join the party," Aziz told him.

Exzi decided not to reveal his power of teleportation just yet.

"Didn't you hear Rivyn saying I shouldn't get into any useless fights, or do you want her to kill me?"

"Come on, she wouldn't find out about this, you have your masked no one would recognize you. Aziz tried to convince him.

While deciding whether he should fight or not, some of the gang members spotted them and attack. Exzi had no choice but to fight, it was unavoidable now. They didn't use their swords but their hands to fight against the gang members.

Aziz and Lu Chen were also good at hand combat. Aziz using his boxing skills and Lu Chen used his kung fu skills to take down every attacker they encountered.

Exzi had always been used to fighting, his whole life on earth he had to fight to survive. But it was much fun fighting with his new friends.

Ha-rin signal them from behind the bar and told them to follow her. Aziz and Lu Chen were already familiar with the passage because they used it often to escape from fights like the one they just escape. They went through the door behind the bar that led them to a hall that had neon crystal sticking on the metal walls. They came out of a merchant shop that sold jewelry.

The jeweler was an old Japanese man wearing self-made glasses holding a ruby. He was wearing an ancient-style kimono.

"How are you doing Mr. Kito?" Ha-rin walked to him give him a warm hug."

"How've you been Mr. Kito?" Aziz spoked

"How's the shop?" asked Lu Chen.

Mr. Kiyo was content to see them. He was quite a fund of the Rivyndan guild.

"Where have you boys been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"We haven't been accepting jobs request all over the place," Aziz told him.

"Mr. Kito this is Exzi. he's the new member of the Rivyndan." Aziz said.

Exzi took off his masked and greeted Mr. Kishowing respect.

"Hello Mr. Kiyo, you have an exquisite shop here." He said in Japanese.

"Your face reminds me of someone. So I believe we are going to get along." Mr. Kiyo told Exzi.

"Mr. Kiyo we will visit another time, right now we got some stuff to do," Aziz said. He turn to Ha-rin and hugged her. "Ha-rin always a pleasure to meet you."

"Aren't you worry they will wreck the club?" Exzi asked her.

"They are going to pay for everything they damage, and I mean everything." She answered with optimism.

"She's not lying, they always pay. I don't know how she does that." Aziz assured him that she wasn't just talking big but it's true.

"I know how she does it." Lu Chen stated.

"Of course you know. said Aziz.

Ha-rin walks to Lu Chen and kisses him deeply. Exzi just froze and smirked.

The moment they left the shop, Exzi felt it was now appropriate to ask the question that was just on the tip of his tongue.

"Rivyndan. Did you guys name the guild after Rivyn? Even though she's cute but the guild can't be named after a girl." Exzi told them.

"Rivyn is a zabann'tzi word that means Divine Hope," Aziz explains.

"And Rivyndan means Divine hope of glory." Lu Chen added.

"Okay, that sounds reasonable," Exzi said.

Exzi tour of the iron city was full of excitement and there was more to the iron city than Exzi knew. They took him to some weapon shops, magic shops, brothels, and local taverns and shops, and a fight center. Exzi couldn't get enough of the city, it was more beautiful and entertaining than he was told by his father and Mr. Black. The live style of the city wasn't so different than the lifestyle of earth.

As they were on their way back to the guild, a group of Slavers passes by Exzi, hitting them out of the way. Exzi felt offended but he restraint himself from getting into a fight.

"Assholes." Lu Chen whispered to himself in Anger.

"Who are those losers?" Exzi asked.

"The Pet keepers of the western zone, I don't know what they are doing here," Aziz answered.

"They enslave weak people who have given up on returning. The girls are sold to the brothels as whores after raping them." Lu Chen hated everything about them.

" And people just let them do it?"

"No one can interfere because they are backed by the fallen angels, and the fallen Angel are worshipped like gods." Aziz Explain.

"I want to meet these fallen Angels. The sounds ruthless and that's interesting." Exzi said with a smirk.

"There only way to meet them is if you have a death wish or want to worship them," Aziz told him.

As they were walking, they saw the pet keepers sexually harassing a girl that was buying fruits. Their leader tried talking to the girl, she refused to talk back, and that upset him. He tried taking her unwillingly but she fought back and that landed her a slap in the face. He shoved her to the ground and kick her in the stomach.

"This is the last chance I'm given you to go with me willingly."

She tries to run but he grabs her by the hair and yanks her back.

" If I can't have you, no one will." The leader threatened her.

" You will never have me." The girl opposes fearlessly, with her body in a state of Anguish.

" Then I'm going to forsake you." He told her in Anger.

He kick her in the face, which made her bleed through her nostril, her mouth, and ears. The kick hit her like a rock in the head, her head was bursting with pain, she temporarily lost her sense of hearing. People just stood and watch without the intention of stopping him.

"He's going to kill her," Exzi said.

He knew the term he used was a Gan'drrakah term for saying you are going to kill someone, his dad said it often before taking someone's life.

"Don't get involved, remember what Rivyn told you." Aziz stop him because he knew what would be the outcome of fighting or killing the pet keepers.

"This is not a useless situation. I can't let him kill her knowing I could save her." That is not my style."

" Your style is going to get you to kill you know that?" Aziz told him with concern for his life.

As the leader was about to slay the girl, Exzi blocked his sword with his, he skilfully throw his sword into a wall. Exzi put his sword away, he didn't plan on killing them because of what his mother said.

He fought eighteen armed men, unarmed, and came out victorious from using only his body weapons, which were his arms and legs. He also used his super speed and strength to triumph. He did as he plan and beat them up till they bleed and pass out. Aziz and Lu Chen just stood watching the fight in amazement. They knew of the consequences so they couldn't interfere. An unknown man stood among the crowd observing Exzi closely, it was the same man that went to the dragon flames guild fire tower.

After the fight, Exzi took the girl bleeding girl and carry her on his back.

"They wouldn't forgive for what you did to them." Lu Chen told him.

"Those guys? Did should be thankful I didn't kill them."

" You should have. Here in the Iron City, the is a blood for blood law."

They follow the location given to them by the girl. She was dying gradually, and Exzi was terrified. He suddenly recalls the moment his mother died because he failed to heal her. The crystal in the middle of Aziz's metal bracelet started to glow, but they were too distracted to notice. They all ran as fast as they could, with the girl on Exzi back.

"Will I be able to save her." He thought.