Chereads / DARK_PARDISE: The_Deadly_Fate / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: A City of Iron and Blood

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: A City of Iron and Blood

" This world keeps getting intriguing."

Exzi stood, unable to make a move as the demons slowly walked into the light. Exzi brain was calculating every possibility that he could use to escape, with his life intact of course. The crawler senses the danger that was coming to its rider. It took a defensive stand, ready to fight back.

" One wrong move and I'm dead." He became skeptical.

The demons approach exzi a step at a time, like a lion sneaking on its prey. Exzi was out of ideas and out of options, he thought of summoning Calexiel but didn't.

He then decided to armed himself at least, so he reached for his pistols, but slowly, not trying to provoke the demons.

Everyone was now moving at turtle speed, the atmosphere smell of death. The demons strike first, Exzi reaches for his pistols as fast as he could but was jumped by a demon, that almost throw him off his crawler if he didn't have the seat belt.

The crawler was strong and agile than he expected. It was able to hold its ground, giving him the chance to shoot the next demons that jumped him.

He was now a little bit hopeful that he could survive against his foes because he wasn't fighting alone; the crawler was fighting off the demons like a live cheetah protecting its master.

The demons grab the tail of the crawler and throw it with brute force, slamming both the crawler and exzi into a wall. The knots in Exzi's back weakens him.

He had no choice but to use his powers now, at least some of his powers, but he still couldn't risk teleporting, he had lost a lot of energy and the injure were great. With his super-strength, speed, agility, and ability to heal; Exzi was now in a position to fight his enemy head-on.

Exzi pets his crawler that was furious for getting hit, It took a stand of attack, waiting for Exzi command.

"Good girl. Now let's ripped these corpses to shreds."

Exzi gives the command.

Exzi being a skilled gunman, aimed only for their heads and hearts. Albeit they are not alive, he figures if they could stay dead, that will be the best way. His handgun was so powerful it blew open their heads and left holes in their chest.

There was blood black as ink splatter all over the sand, Exzi saw eyes, pieces of brains, intestines, and other organs splattered everywhere. The sight terrified him, although he had killed before, but never as brutal as he just did. He felt as if he was standing in a slaughterhouse, his bodies were covered from splashes of blood.

The demons had reduced in number, with over thirty corpses lying on the ground, but there were still over forty more demons to fight.

" Where do you guys keep coming from? I can't keep draining myself like this."

Exzi felt exhausted and out of breathing, so he lay his hands on his chest to calm his heart down, then it strikes him like a bullet to his head. He suddenly realizes he had no heartbeats, Exzi instantly felt dead already.

" What is this? Why is my heart not beating? Am I dead already?"

He freaked out, He couldn't remember when his heart stops beating.

" Of course I'm dead, that's a stupid thing to say. Then how am I alive if my heart is dead?"

A fast attack came at him while he was distracted, but he was protected by the crawler's quick defense.

He suddenly recalled that his objective was to escape, not to kill every demon that tries to kill him. The cave was pitch black, and Exzi had no source of light, but he also had no other option but to head into unknown territory, if he wished to escape. He shortly realizes why Mr. Black meant when he said he hated the place.

When He was about to head into the cave, he saw the demons he had already slain, awoke with their destroyed body parts regenerated.

" What the f*CK? You got to be kidding me. No no, please don't do that, it was difficult to kill you guys."

Exzi couldn't believe his eyes. All his effort had gone down the drain.

He turns quickly and heads straight into the dark cave, not knowing what to expect inside. The demons persistently chased him into the cave.

The crawler moved as fast as it could, the dark cave was pit black and dead silent. Since Exzi was blind at the moment, the crawler was his eyes, he trusted it animal instant to guard him out. The crawler went as fast as It could, searching for a way out while trying to outrun the demons. Then the crawler abruptly halted, it could sense the presence of evil, Exzi also senses the same evil. presence as he did earlier; it was coming from ahead of them.

He fell into panic and it wasn't his style. Since he couldn't see, he couldn't tell how close the demons were, and how many were there, and that terrifies him. He despised being in a state of absolute disadvantage.

Exzi fire a shot straight ahead of his only path, The spark of the bullet shortly light up the path, Exzi was able to get a glimpse of the demons that were blocking his path, and they were many.

He opens fire, killing as many as he could. Exzi felt nails sharp as claws penetrate his jacket, and sank deep into his flesh. The claws missed his heart only a few inches. then it clawed its way down to his stomach.

Exzi screamed as the skin was being clawed out. He shoves the demons of him and unto others. He was in excruciating pain that he felt he was going to die, again. Another came from behind and clawed his back. The crawler fought off as many as it could but was overpowered by the demons. Another demon jumped him and clawed the right side of his face.

Exzi was bleeding excessively. His body wasn't healing due to his loss of energy. He knew he had no option if he wished to survive, so he called:


Time froze. Like a ghost, She appeared with purifying light that brightens the cave. As usual, only exzi was not frozen.

" You finally summoned me."

Her face was as pleasant as always.

" Why do you only call me when you are at a point of death?"

" I first have to protect myself, and if I reach a point I can't go on alone, I ask for help."

" Use the orb, it was made from a Heavenly object, that Is much powerful than you will ever imagine. Use the santic of light I thought you."

" I don't think I have the strength to chant a santic at the moment."

Exzi was completely drained of energy.

" I thought you bonded with me so I can be your guardian?"

" True."

" I don't think you know what a guardian is."

" I do. But I thought I could do this on my own. But I was very mistaken."

Exzi still trying to keep his smile, to show her that he didn't mean to worry her."

"What if you had died?"

"I know you wouldn't let me. I have faith in you," he said softly.

Then the wounds began to get affected, the pain started to increase.

" Can you please heal me, these wounds hurt more I would like them to?"

" Sorry Exzi, but I can't heal you."

"Why?" Exzi was disappointed.

" I can't interfere with the fate of your life."

Calexiel explains sadly. Angels are powerful but there is greater power they can't tamper with.

"That's very comforting to hear. Can you at least let me killed these demons while they are frozen like this?"

" I'm sorry I can't, like I said, I can't interfere with your fate." She repeated.

" What does that even mean."

" What was fated for your life will happen no matter what. Only Father can change it."

Calexiel felt sad that she couldn't help, now when he needs her.

Exzi who had hope that Calexiel would help him, was now hopeless when she said she couldn't.

"You do know when you leave I'm dead? These demons would rip me to shreds."

Then Calexiel whispered in his ears few magical words.

"Is that?"

" Yes, it's a prayer. It will guard you to safety. So pray with faith, as fast as you can."

As soon as Calexiel vanishes and time continues, exzi pray quickly. He didn't know what to expect, so he repeating it until it worked. The orb flew out of his jacket and into the air, while it was floating in the air, it absorbs the crawler. Then Exzi saw the symbols on the orb all started to glow, with a bright golden light. The light was so bright and powerful that it burns every demon that was much closer to it.

Exzi was yet again astounded by what the orb was capable of. The demons were afraid of the power of the golden light, like vampires fears of the sun, they all retreated. Exzi gathers his remaining strength to find his way out.

"Hold the orb, let it guard you."

A voice of Calexiel whispered in his head.

Exzi obeys and grabs the orb, it pulled him with light speed through the demons that were ahead. Exzi felt like he flying without control, all he did was scream. The orb flew like it was being pulled by a magnet.

The orb didn't take Exzi out of the cave as he expected, but it took him to an ancient site of the cave. The orb drops him on ancient ground, this place had a pool with crystal scattered all over it, some sticking out of the walls, and out of the pool. Exzi saw ancient drawings on the cave walls, along with writings and symbols he couldn't translate.

The orb flew and enter a hole in the upper part of the cave. The hole was a perfect shape for the orb, the writings on the orb were also written on the walls around the hole.

The moment the orb enters the hole, the cave lights up; every crystal in the cave glow with different colors. The pool also lights up from the crystals; Exzi looked up as the writings and drawing on the cave walls all begin to glow. It was magical, bursting with colors.

Then Exzi notices something stranger, there was no way out. He couldn't find the way he came in. He then realizes he was still deeply wounded and drops to the ground.

" I think is safe now to bring rivyn out."

He thought about the risks of getting killed for putting her in his orb, but he had to release her because he figures she might know where they were, and how to get out.

" Orpy, Rivyn. The orb drops to the ground turning the cave dark. The cave only lights up if the orb is in the hole. The orb opens and released the rivyn. She was furious as he expected, or even more furious.

The moment Rivyn was released from the orb she took out her hand blade and attack Exzi, she placed it to his neck, a few inches deep into his skin.

"You dare to put me in a saintian orb, do you have any idea on how it feels to be in there."

She was furious.

" I don't know, I haven't been there before."

He kept making jokes even though he was bleeding excessively. His body wasn't healing, and that scares him.

After a look around, Rivyn realizes she was far from where she was knock out. She couldn't figure out her location, it was her first time being there.

"Where are we?"

" I have no idea, the orb led me here when I was almost killed by zombie demons. I figure you would know where we are."

"You enter the valley of the forsaken? How stupid can you get?"

Rivyn couldn't believe he would dare to enter the den of the forsaken.

"Those things are called forsaken? What is a forsaken?"

" That is what you would become when you're killed outside the tournament. So if you don't want to become one, don't do anything stupid than you already have."

Exzi suddenly felt chilled, he had no idea what would happen to him if he died; but now that he knows, it terrifies him.

Exzi repeated the prayer, the orb flew into the hole and light up the cave once more. Rivyn was astonished by the cave lightning. The crystals' glow was like that of an Arora. Rivyn finally had a clue of where they might be.

"I think I know where we are, I can't believe I'm here."

She was astounded.

" Where is here?" Exzi wondered.

"This is the Axmin Sanican."

"The what now?"

Exzi couldn't translate the words coming out of Rivyn mouth.

" A sacred place of light healing. This place is filled with divine life. Can't you feel it?"

She was stunned with a feeling of deja vu.

She slowly walked and scan every drawing, symbol, and writings embedded on the cave walls. It looked strange but somehow familiar to her, Exzi was in anguished, that he wasn't as astonished as Rivyn by the writings on the walls.

Exzi gathers all his strength, pushing his body to heal faster. He felt his skin burning, like fire was being added to his wounds. Meanwhile, Rivyn was a reminiscence of her first time seeing a cave-like the one they were in, she remembered her visit to the " Saintian Sanican" when she was only a kid.

A sudden scream by Exzi brought her mind back to the present. She saw that Exzi was badly wounded, she took a look at his wounds and could tell what was happening to him.

"It's poison, from the forsaken. How are you not dead?"

She was puzzled, she had seen people die instantly, from a bite or scratch of a forsaken. Strangely, Exzi was still alive after receiving multiple wounds from them.

"It will take more than zombie poison to kill me. Trust me." He bragged.

" You are stronger than you look. But I don't think you will survive the poison, because no one has ever survived an injury from a forsaken, with a minimum of two healing crystals."

Exzi strains himself to heal, but it was harder than it should be. Rivyn thought she was hallucinating when she saw Exzi skin healing itself, but the wounds open up, each time it closes, due to the rapid effect of the poison.

She back away from him in a state of panic, she couldn't believe her eyes. What shouldn't be possible was happening before her very eyes. Exzi kept becoming more mysterious to her.

"What are you? "

" What do you mean? I'm human."

" No human or monster I know can do that. We all need healing crystals to heal our injured bodies because our skin can't heal itself."

"I'm mixed breed, half-human, half Drexan."

Exzi being a half Drexan didn't shock her, but the chance of meeting one in Gan'drrakah was very unlikely until Exzi came.

" What, how is a Drexan birth in kasaban. That's impossible."

" Have you heard of Drexans before?"

" I'm from zabanna, the Drexans were allies of my tribe."

" You're a leskaran."

" How'd you know?"

" Your eyes. I guessed from the first moment I say them"

She turns her head away from him, avoiding eye contact.

"My father is a drexans from zabanna, but I was birth by my human mother in kasaban."

Exzi was annoyed with the fact that he had to answer that question repeatedly. The poison had spread through most of the parts of his body, and he felt it slowly reaching his heart. The pain he felt was unbearable, so he crawled belly flat until he was able to enter the pool.

The warm soothing water relaxes his tire muscles and increased his body temperature, given him the energy he needed to self-heal. They notice something magical about the pool, his blood turns to water the moment it gets in contact with the water in the pool; the water wasn't stained by blood. When he had already relaxed in the water, he took off his jacket and unmasked himself, hiding his tattoos from Rivyn with his back facing her. He shut his eyes and place himself in a state of self-healing, allowing his body to regain lost energy.

" It usually takes me at least three hours for my body to be completely healed. So don't wake me up under any circumstances, or I have to rest for another three hours. And one more thing, feel free to escape."

Exzi instantly fell asleep when he whispered the name of his guardian "Calexiel. Rivyn immediately search the cave for an exit put to her surprised, there was none.

" How did he get in here?"

She whispered to herself. She turns to Exzi and notices the tattoo on his neck glowing with blue light, and that gives away his secret. Rivyn spotted the tribal tattoos on his neck that looked like vines. Exzi was unaware of his tattoos glowing with blue light, Rivyn came closer to take a closer look at his tattoo and saw that Exzi had fallen asleep. She was curious to see his tattoos, but more curious to see the face behind the mask.

She walked up from behind him until she reaches a distance that she could see the tattoo that went around his neck like a choker, it was third dimensional. She saw the vines that looked like it was coming out of his heart, it was a rose vine. She still couldn't picture his face.

" Hey, Exzi. What kind of tattoos is that?"

Exzi was fast asleep, She walked closer to a point that she could only see a side of his face. She admires the shape and his facial features, even though she could see a side of his face. He has black and silver curly hair. She stood at the edge of the pool, leaning over to view exzi face more clearer; but while leaning over, she lost balance and fell into the pool, splashing water everywhere, Exzi was already fast asleep to wake up from the water that splashed on him.

Rivyn got furious that she fell in the pool trying to get a view of his face, she was soaking wet, but felt a sudden calmness from the water that made her stay in; She took off her hood and scarf and allowed her body to consume the energy from the pool. She was now able to see Exzi face more clearly from close up. She got drown in his beauty that gleam from the light of the pool.

"Thank goodness he's asleep already, or this would have been very embarrassing."

She felt embarrassed. She went close up to him.

"I see why he act all cool, he's cute."

she said, glad that he won't hear a thing.

She drew much closer to picture what the tattoo was, when she got close only a step away she could see the tattoos more detailed. It was a tribal tattoo Of a rose vine that came out of his chest and goes around his neck.

" A body that heals itself, a tattoo that glows, you keep getting weirder by the minute."

She was now interested in getting to know more about Exzi. She went back to her spot and doze off.

Exzi appears in the cross-realm, a dream realm, this is where he comes every time he's completely drained of magic and begins to heal. It was an endless beach with a colorful sky that reflects the water, it had palm trees. This is where Exzi feels the safest, the wind was gentle, the water was warm like the sand, the wave was calm.

Exzi woke up on the sand like he always does, he took a deep sigh and place his body in a state of relaxation, he felt the warmth of the comforting beach sand.

"I miss this."

He shut his eyes to nap but was shortly interrupted by Calexiel. It was strange that the was someone other than Exzi to be there.

" Hi there, can I lay beside you?"

The voice of Calexiel woke Exzi up instantly, he was surprised to see Calexiel because he was always alone, but yet again, she was an archangel. He was glad that he had company, and it was his second favorite person. She stood dazzling in the warm sunlight in a white dress, barefooted in the sand.

" What are you doing here?"

" I came to see you but you don't look happy to see me. Calexiel said with a tender smile.

" Of course I'm happy to see you. why wouldn't I be? But how are you here?" He gives her a huge smile.

" I'm an archangel of the Heaven, show me some respect. Maybe you don't want to see me because you have found someone new."

" Who? Rivyn? Why would I leave my Angel for a girl I barely know?"

Calexiel smiled, she always liked his jokes and how he treats her like a friend and not someone mighty.

He speaks casually with her, flirts with her, and he had even hugged her and held her hands. He had touched and smelled the pleasing scent of her hair and even kissed her cheeks.

He held her hands and looked her in the eyes with no fear that she's an Archangel.

" Babe, You know you're my only girl, and raven beauty can not be compared to you."

Calexiel returns the smile, his humor was one of the many charms she likes about him.

"Let's take a walk. while holding on to her right hand, they both stroll through the sands barefooted.

" Now that you've arrived in Gan'drrakah, I guess you realize how brutal and dark it is?"

" I admit, it's more vicious than I thought it would be. But I still believe I can win the tournament."

" Of course you do, that's why Heaven choose you to be its champion. You're very persistent and determined."

Calexiel complimented him.

" Guess the divine realm does think highly of me. Tell Father I don't plan on letting Him down."

Calexiel stops and looked at Exzi with eyes full of sincerity.

" Why don't you ever asked for a reward? Don't you want anything?" Calexiel was curious.

"Being recognized and chosen by the Creator is more than any reward I could ever ask for. And what I want the most, Father won't give me.

" What is that?"

The environment suddenly became quiet, Exzi could only hear the calm flow of the wind, it was as if everything else has frozen.

"You. If Father ever wants to reward me, I will only ask for you."

Exzi confessed his feelings to her. She could tell from his eyes, he was sincere and pure about his feelings.

" Why do you want me? They are billions of beautiful women on earth that would love to be your spouse. And when you win the tournament, you will obtain the power to travel back and forth throughout the four of the seven eternal realms. The more...

"Four, why Four? Why not all seven?"

Exzi interrupted.

" Because you are not allowed into the inferno realm, also you won't be able to return to Gan'drrakah, once you leave."

"And I'm not permitted to enter the divine realm, right?"

He finished her sentence predicting which realm was the last, the realm he wishes to go the most. She could tell that he was disappointed.

" Knowing that you won't be permitted entrance to the divine realm, do you regret being the champion of Heaven?"

" You know I don't do things to regret. Look on the bright side, at least I won't be sentenced to hell for eternity."

He chuckled, but Calexiel couldn't.

" That's what I admire about you."

" I think you admire much more than that, but you're too holy to say it."

She burst into laughter.

" Trust me, there's more to admire."

" What about Zryya, and Rivyn?"

Exzi hesitated before answering, he knew it was a difficult question to answer because he had no idea about what will happen with either of those women along the way.

" Zryya. I don't know if she's alive, and if she is, I'm going to save her as promised. And Rivyn. I don't know anything about her, yet, but there's something about her that I feel I should figure out and help her along the journey."

" What about Josephine?"

" I will start my search her in the iron city."

" It seems like I'm not the only woman on your mind?" Calexiel joked.

"Sometimes, I wish that you were allowed to love with a passion so that you can learn to love me too."

" Just trust in Father, He knows what's best for you."

They continued walking, with Exzi still holding unto her hand.

" Calexiel. You still haven't told me what my Heavenly mission is?"

Raven awoke after few hours of sleep, her body fully energized and well-rested. She hadn't slept that comfortably for like forever. She looked up and saw that Exzi was still soundly asleep, so she took the opportunity to test whether his skin was like hers, or different. She drew closer and without realizing, she was right in his face.

She started her experience with his arms, she smoothly rubbed and squeezed his skin, there was nothing different about it. When she was done with his chest and arms, she thought could tell he was muscular and in perfect shape. For the face she was much gentler, she smoothly curves her fingers along the edges of his face, like she was sculpting it.

She got bewitched by his beauty, and got stuck gazing at him, then she thought, why did a guy like him give up his wonderful life to come to Gan'drrakah for a girl he would probably never get to meet.

Then Exzi eyes were shockingly open. Their eyes met, she froze gazing into his silver eyes, and he also couldn't take his focus off her violet eyes that reflect the light of the pool like glass. Exzi seeing Rivyn in the range where he could reach for a kiss, tempted him. He could only think so much, her beauty was extraordinary he thought.

" Like what you see?"

She was now in a state of panic, she jumped back but was caught by Exzi hands around her waist. Then he pulls her close to him, their bodies were squeezing against one another She suddenly felt completely powerless against him.

" Your eyes."

" What's wrong with my eyes?"

" They're beautiful."

She was mesmerized by the words that came from his were lips. She tried to move away but was pulled back.

" What were you looking at? Rivyn."

" Your tattoo. I was figuring out your tattoo?" She stutter.

Exzi just notices his tattoo glowing blue and was shocked by it. Rivyn quickly frees herself from his grip.

"Guess you also had no idea your tattoo could do that. That's encouraging. Does your body have other tricks you don't know about?" She was curious.

" What don't you come and figure it out."

Rivyn got out of the water first, Exzi was dazzled by how her silver hair sparkle from the reflection of the water. He was mesmerized by her beauty.

" Are all zabann'tzi girls extremely beautiful? or is it just you?"

People of zabanna are referred to as " Zabann'tzi "

" Are all kazaban'tzi guys this flirty? or is it just you?"

ExI found her reply cute.

" I like you already."

" I don't."

Rivyn hasn't given him any ideas, but Exzi didn't care, he just kept his cool.

" Get up, we need to find a way out of here. Raven was determined to not stay there any longer than she already had.

" Why are you in such a hurry? We just getting to know each other.

" I don't have time for this, I have somewhere very important I need to be at, and if I don't make it in time."

" Sa'mzi dan." Raven threatened him.

It's a leska'tzi term that means, you will die.

" For your info, I can understand leska'tzi language, so I know you just threaten me.

" I hoped you would."

" Don't threaten me, I wasn't the one who brought us here. My orb did."

" You property your responsibility."

He felt the seriousness in her voice, and she was very uneasy. Desperate to find an exit, she searched every corner of the cave but was unsuccessful. Exzi got out of the pool fully healed and energized, ready for any and every foe he encounters. He wore his jacket and masked, he told Rivyn he knew how to leave the place. She was in more of a hurry to leave than she was a few minutes ago.

" What are you waiting for? let's go." She pressures him.

"You need to come closer. He told her.

She came to few steps closer, trying to maintain a distance.

" Closer.

She took another two steps closer, still trying not to get too close.

" Closer. It won't work if you are that far from me. He told her.

She took another two-step closer, now they were only three feet apart.

" Closer.

" How close? She asked.

Exzi couldn't tolerate her stalling anymore, he grabs her by the waist and pulls her to him unwillingly, now their bodies are pressed against each other. He could feel her fear of being too close to him, her body was shivering and her heart was racing. He looked her straight in the eyes.

" This close. Now close your eyes."

" Why?"

She asked, a little nervous about what Exzi thought intention; even though she had her nose masked on, she was still frightened.

" Do you want to get out of not?"

She closed her eyes because getting out was more important than anything at the moment.


Exzi called for his orb, turning the cave dark once more.

"Relocate. Exzi chanted.

They teleported out of the cave and outside, onto a two-way path, it was already nighttime. one of the paths led to the dark castle that was home to the fallen angels, and it was located far in the northeast and the other is the iron city, which Is located in the west.

" We need to hurry, I don't have time."

They took out their orbs and pop out their bikes, they got on them and headed to the infamous iron city. Exzi asked no questions and just followed her lead. They rode for at least twenty minutes before reaching the entrance of the iron city. A futuristic dystopian city that was completely made of scrap iron with huge glasses for windows; even the road was completely made of iron. The city was light up by different colors of crystal lights, even the metal road had glowed lights used for directions.

Exzi finally understood why it was given its name.

Everything was made of iron or other types of metals. The crystal light beautifies the entire city at night. The city reminded him of the cyber city he visited in Tokyo and hong kong, except for the fact the city is made of iron.

The streets were crowded with warriors, whores, merchants, and more than Exzi could tell at the moment. The main city had four lanes on each road, these roads are used by bikes that run on magical energy. The was not a single car that could be seen, there were only bikes and few crawlers, with no other forms of automobiles. The bikes were in different styles and sizes.

He was stunned by the magnificent beauty of the city view, it had trees with leaves that glow. Almost everyone was carrying a weapon. Exzi saw a few fights and riots going on in the middle of the street, that wasn't be stopped by anyone, everyone just minds their own business, not interfering.

Exzi kept following Rivyn's lead, while she was only focused on reaching her destination. She had no time for distraction. After a few turns around the city blocks, they stopped outside of what seem like a motel. Rivyn got off the bike and storm through the door, Exzi was right on her tail.

When he entered he saw six-person under gunpoint by a group of berserkers, they were over fifteen, all carrying guns, swords, and other deadly weapons.

" Rivyn, so nice of you to join us. I was just about to make your guild members into forsaken members if you know what I mean."

Said the head collector of the dragon flames guild. He looked like a middle-aged Chinese man from medieval times, who weighed more than three hundred pounds. His guild members were all vicious.

" I have your payment Qiang chu. So please put down the weapons, it's not necessary.

" I hope so. So who's the newbie. Your boyfriend?

"No, he's just.. before raven could finish her sentence, Exzi interrupted.

" I'm her boyfriend-to-be, and what are you? Chinese Santa." Exzi provoked him.

" You funny. Rivyn, that will be double because of what the boyfriend just said."

Rivyn was irritated with him always extorting money from them. She took out a small bag of crystals from her cross bag and give it to him.

"I said double. one for you and the other for a pretty boy." Qiang Chu insisted.

" Do I look like his mother? I'm not responsible for him."

"Damn, That was cold babe, but you're right, you're not responsible for me. So if you guys want your money come and get it."

" Seem like you're in a hurry to be forsaken. Make it quick."

He gives the order to kill Exzi but Exzi wasn't a bit scare. Rivyn asks Qiang to let Exzi go, and that he was new to Gan'drrakah, but Qiang didn't care. He got angry at Rivyn for defending a newbie that disrespected him, so he punched her in the face, Exzi got furious.

Qiang was about to hit Rivyn again, Exzi interferes, blocking Qiang's fist with his palm.

" That's enough."

Exzi used his super strength to punch Qiang away from Rivyn, he crashed against the metal wall."

He tried to help Rivyn get off the ground but she rejecting his help."

" Stop, I'm fine."

Rivyn said, still feeling the pain in her face. Exzi saw that she had a small cut on her face.

" Are you he's not your boyfriend?"

Qiang asked her while getting up from being humiliated in front of his minions.

" Not yet, but nobody hits my future lady in my presence."

" Damn, that was quite a punch."

Said one of the hostages, a 25 years old American with blonde hair.

" You can't just fight anybody you meet in Gan'drrakah. Once you start with blood, you must end with blood. That is the only law and way of the city of iron.

" Then he shouldn't have shed your blood."

Exzi was annoyed.

Rivyn saw that Exzi was not joking around, he was about to teach them a lesson for hurting her. He stood his pose, ready for hand combat. His foes were now pointing their weapons at him, ready to take Exzi apart. He had to take out his sword to level the field.

The first man that strikes at Exzi was split in half from the wist. He attacked the two men from behind with lightning speed, cutting off their heads, clean off their shoulders.

Everyone froze, they were shocked at how fast he was able to kill three berserkers without breaking a sweat.

Rivyn was amazed and terrified at the same time, what was Exzi capable of? she thought.

Exzi stood viciously with his sword dripping with blood. He felt strangely overwhelmed by his anger like he never did before. He couldn't calm himself, he felt like an overpowered light bulb that was about to bust. He tried to calm himself at best as he could, he knew what would happen if he let his anger takes control, it would be a massacre.

Qiang was furious with Exzi so he took out an orange crystal from his pocket and put it in his mouth and chanted.

" Exzi, get down!"

Rivyn shouted, warning him of the magic that going to be used on him. It was death magic.

But it was too late for him to get out of the way, dragon fire shoots out of Qiang's mouth, blowing Exzi out along with the door, onto the streets. For the first time, Rivyn shed tears for Exzi, when she saw him lying dead in the street smoking like barbecue.

Qiang looked at Exzi like he was another fool who tried to at tough, not realizing where he was. Then rain suddenly began to pull from the clouds.

" Welcome to the city of iron and blood."