The sound of pens and papers in the classroom, a norm. Some rolling a pencil, some secretly looking at other papers, some sending signals through tapping of the pens. What a slight to see.
The math teacher passes the stack of paper which is passed down to the last person. The girl sitting in front of Yu Xin got off her chair and placed a test sheet on Yu Xin's desk. "Thank You!" said Yu Xin as she looks at the test paper. The girl who wanted to squeeze Yu Xin's cheek kept her hand to herself and went back to her seat.
Looking through the test paper, 'Eh! Was it this hard when I took papers in secondary school? They are already starting to learn pre-calculus. I should be fine, but I don't have a calculator. I have become too reliant on technology.'
The math teacher then writes down the time on the board. "You may now attempt the questions". Yu Xin picked her favorite pink bunny pencil and started working on the questions with her small hands, but there was a problem. The table is too high, so she took out her iPad to serve as a flat surface.
Wang Zi Hao also started on his test paper, he finished it fast and placed it aside. He then saw Yu Xin solving the question on her lap as the desk was a bit high for her. Wang Zi Hao then left the classroom and came back with a cushion.
"Miss Zhou, could you stop for a while." Yu Xin who was solving the paper with ease hear Wang Zi Hao calling her. She looked up and saw him carrying a huge cushion, she stopped what she was doing and jumped off her seat. Wang Zi Hao then placed the cushion on her seat and carried her up to her seat. "Thank You, Zi Hao!" said Yu Xin, still holding onto her test paper.
"It's bad to have a bad posture when young". Said Wang Zi Hao, who went back to his seat and placed his head on his desk. "You know you can call me by my name since you asked me to call you Zi Hao. You can call me Yu Xin". Said Yu Xin.
Having no response from Zi Hao she went back to doing the test, in a more comfortable posture. Soon, the test ended. Some students looked like wilted grass, while her brothers still look confident. The brothers felt their sister staring at them, they turned to look at her and saw her waving at them. Though they have an image to keep up, they just smiled slightly and waved back.
The teacher who was marking the papers was surprised at some test papers. "Attention! Most of you have passed the test amazingly. The names I announced scored full marks, Zhou Yu Xuan, Zhou Yu Chen, Wang Zi Hao, Chen Su Su, and Huang Jia Yi.
Our temporary student also scored full marks. Zhou Yu Xin well done". Everyone was surprised but then also realise that she is the smart brothers' sister. The only people shocked were the Zhou brothers and Wang Zi Hao.
Classes continues until the lunch bell rang, students started rushing to the canteen to eat. The brothers then help Yu Xin off her seat and said "What do you want to eat? We can go to the more expensive canteen since there are lesser people". Yu Xin grabs her wallet and followed her brothers, but stopped in her steps and said "Zi Hao, want to come?".
Zi Hao who was going to take a nap on the rooftop decided to follow Yu Xin and her brothers for lunch. The brothers signal each other, Zhou Yu Chen held Yu Xin's hand and led her to the canteen, while Zhou Yu Xuan held Wang Zi Hao on his shoulders. Wang Zi Hao, whose eyes are fixed on Yu Xin slapped Zhou Yu Xuan's hand away.
"Don't touch me"
"Then stop staring at my little sister."
"I was just worried she falls and gets lost again"
"Since you will be her desk mate for the week, I hope you take care of her while we are not around".
When they arrived, instead of scanning student cards to make payment. The Zhou siblings were given a free pass, while Wang Zi Hao had to scan his student card. Before he could scan his student card. "Excuse me, he is with us," said Yu Xin. The staff looked at the brothers who then nodded.
The staff nodded and allowed Wang Zi Hao in. Wang Zi Hao insisted on scanning his card, the staff obliged and scanned his card. Yu Xin pouted at Wang Zi Hao, while the brothers sigh and rubbed their foreheads.
Now, their sister is going to pout at Wang Zi Hao the entire mealtime, instead of giving them any attention.