Alana's phone kept ringing and it was her Nana, but she chose to ignore it because she was angry at her. After a while of hanging out with Ingigo, Indigo's phone rang and it was her brother Luciano telling her he had arrived.
"Alana, it was nice meeting you but I have to go now. My brother is here for me."
"It's okay, it was nice meeting you too Indigo."
Ingigo left to go meet her brother and Alana was left alone. She looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. She too decided to head home and said goodbye to Mave.
Indigo found her brother already waiting for her in his car with his impatient look and she knew that she was in deep trouble.
"So how was school today?"
Indigo's heartbeat quickened but she composed herself.
"School was well you know, boring."
"Really?" Danzo asked very much amused.
"Well your Dean told me you didn't come to school today."
When Luciano had found out that Indigo didn't go to school he was very mad but surprisingly he wasn't angry when he was confronting her. He felt somewhat calm and that scent mixed with her sister's was getting to him.
It was like the most addictive fragrance he had ever smelt and it was getting to him, he couldn't think straight and his lycan was surely reacting too. He wanted to growl but kept himself in check.
"Dammit, why do you smell like that.?" He finally asked more like snapping at her.
"Smell like what, I smell normal." Indigo said sniffing herself.
"Who did you meet today?" Danzo asked as he couldn't take it any longer. He wanted to get to the source.
"Luciano are you okay?" Indigo was now a bit concerned this was so unlike the mighty Danzo.
"Yes just answer the question."
"You are feeling it aren't you."
"What!?" He asked getting irritated because Indi was surely taking her time.
"The pull."
"What pull?"
"The one you are feeling now. I also felt the same way when I came here. It was like someone was pulling me to them and I went inside that restaurant and I met Alana. What's strange is that she's human Luciano. Really strange and I think she's inside let's go and meet her."
Indigo got out of the car and led his brother back to the restaurant and went to where Alana was only to find empty sits.
"Where's she? I left her here just now."
Luciano was somehow taken about what Indigo had said. He was curious to meet this person his sister was talking about and why her scent was making him react like that. He was sure that it was her because he felt all around the chair she had used.
"Excuse me Mr where is the young girl who was here a few minutes ago?" Indigo asked the men who was seated next to them.
"That one with weird hair."
"Yes and her hair is not weird you old dimwit." Indigo snapped at the men as she didn't like them calling Lana weird.
"No need to bite my head off, she just left."
"Well I guess we missed her Luciano." She sighed remembering that she had forgotten to get her phone number.
"Lets just go home now Dad will deal with you."
Indigo was glad that her father was the one punishing her and not Luciano. Although she loved her brother, Luciano was not a force to be reckoned with.
He was simply ruthless, but who could blame him after everything he went through.
Alana got home late and when she went inside, it was dark. She went to switch on the light and the next thing she heard was....
"Surprise!!!" She looked up to see her Nana, Grandaunt Raiz and her daughter Blaire.
"You remembered guys." She said almost crying because she had thought they forgot. The house was decorated nicely and the cake, wow it was big.
"How can we forget my baby?"
"Happy birthday Alana!!" Blaire went to give her a hug and Raiz did the same thing too. They all sang her the traditional birthday song and cut the cake and opened presents. While Blaire and Alana were catching up Helena and Raizana went to Helena's room.
"I hope that we were successful in locking her wolf sixteen years go Raizana."
"We were Helena and I can't sense her wolf or anything like that in her. She's normal now."
"Thank God."
"Now enjoy your life Helana stop living in fear."
"Yes, you are right, but what if someday she finds out the truth about her true self and identity, Won't she hate me?" Helena couldn't help but fear the unknown
"She will not Helena I don't know why you are so scared."
"Now let's go see the kids."
They went downstairs to find the kids laughing and having fun. They joined them and started playing games.
Alana looked outside and saw that the moon had risen. She stood up and went to the window and just stared at the moon. They all looked at her.
"Lana, are you okay?" Helena asked her.
"Yes Nana am okay am just looking at the moon its very weird how each and every birthday of mine there is always a full moon." That was indeed very true. From a very young age she was a lover of the moon. Ever since she was born she would always go outside and make wishes to the moon and just stayed outside. Her Nana would find her asleep outside and take her inside, but this time it was different. The moon was calling for her this time.
"But this time this moon is different, its like it's calling for me." She said sounding almost like not herself.
"Alana come here please." Raizana said calling her back because she was not liking how she was acting.
"No I have to go. The moon is calling for me." Alana said going to open the door but Raizana was quick. She locked the door with a spell. Alana tried to open the door but it didn't open.
"Open the door I have to go outside!" She said now shouting and banging the door.
"Lana calm down okay, let's talk about this." Helena tried calming her but all her efforts went in vain.
Alana didn't know what was happening to her but all she knew was that she wanted to go outside. Something was calling for her then all of a sudden her skin started getting itchy and she scratched it.
"Why is this so itchy?" Alana said scratching herself all over.
"Make it stop. Nana make it stop!" She was now shouting and still scratching her arms then her legs.
Her skin had now gotten red and she was crying, screaming and shouting for it to stop. It was like her skin was on fire.
It was now raining outside and Raizana cast a spell to make her sleep that's how she calmed down. They took her to her room and left her to sleep.
"What just happened?" Blaire asked shocked infact everyone was.
"I believe that was her wolf trying to surface."
"What do you mean?" Blaire asked again because she was now lost.
"Sit down Blaire because what we are about to tell you is serious and should be kept a secret." Helena said making Blaire scared.
Both Helena and Raizana told Blaire everything about Lana and her role in Alana's life. She was shocked but excited at the same time. They were both from the same world except she was a witch.
Blaire was adopted by Raizana when she was young. Her parents died when she was still a child and her relatives deserted her but a stranger took her in and she will forever be grateful to Raizana for that. Her parents well her mother was a witch too.
"So what happened just now was her wolf trying to break free." Blaire finally said processing it all.
"I believe so." Raizana answered back, but she had other suspicions.
"But what I don't get is that, if it were her wolf wouldn't her eyes change. In this case they didn't she was normal except for the itchy skin." Helena said.
"Am glad its over now." Raizana sighed.
"When did it start raining?" They all looked outside the window and they saw that it was raining.
"That's weird because we rarely receive rain this time of the year." Helena thought out loud.
They all went to their rooms to rest but Raizana went to Alana's room. She found her deep in her sleep and she was still crying.
She touched her head and in a comforting manner until she stopped crying. When Alana stopped crying Raizana noticed that it had stopped raining too. Her suspicion was indeed correct.
"Well I'll be damned." She said smiling.
"She truly is an Estanova wolf".