Chereads / Finding out the TRUTH! / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: present and past

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: present and past

Even though, she was deeply asleep, as soon as it was time for subhi (morning prayer) it's like someone is always there to wake her up.

She stood up, out of her bed, stretching, while she said her morning azkar, "allhamdullilah lazi'ahyana ba'adama ama'tana wa'ilaihi nushur"

Immediately, she entered the toilet, performed ablution and performed her prayers,

After her morning azkar, ahe went to the kitchen, did all her chores and within twenty minutes, she was done.

Then she immediately, went to the laundry room, picked up all their uniforms,

she quickly pressed all the uniforms, with so much attention, because they was a day, she burnt Hanan's trouser,

That day was the worse day of her life, after all the abuses, she was starved for almost the whole day, and was asked to iron alot of clothes, that day she couldn't even go to school.

Today she woke up with so much good energy, she wouldn't want anything or anyone, spoil the good mood she rose with.

She was going out, while Hanifa was coming in, they almost stumbled into each other, Alaina quickly moved back,

"good morning sis hanifa"

She greeted, with a smile fixed onto her beautiful face,

Hanifa was shocked to see that Alaina was up already, and was even done ironing, that means she was done with all her chores, since ironing was the last thing on her list of chores, she couldn't even answer her greeting, "wow"?! She thought

"Am done ironing your uniforms, should I take them to your room?" Alaina asked, with the same expression,

"Yeah! Take them" she said gently.

She came to the room to see, whether, Alaina, was there or not so that, she will accomplish what she and hanan intended yesterday, night.

Their plan was, if she couldn't wake up early, which they prevailed very certain she won't, they will take a very cold water from the fridge, and wake her up with it,

Then, she will have to do all her morning chores with her wet clothes,

But to her greatest surprise, Alaina was the first to wake up, in the house, even though, she was the last to sleep.

She felt, pity for Alaina and herself, she yearned for the good old days, when all three of them were besties, how their love for each other grew every day, why did everything change?!

"Because of that silly reason of Mummy"! Gosh!

Hanifa! Hanifa!! She heard her sister crying out,

Hanan, am here in the laundry room,

"What happened, did u see her"?! Hanan asked

"Yes! She woke up before anyone in this house, we that even slept early, and were not as exhausted as she was, just woke up, while she was here working, and now she will even arrive to school earlier than before "Allah is always on her side" Hanan thought, this is their third failed, attempt to make her late to school,

"are we doing the right thing, following mum's steps, in hating and maltreating Alaina"? Hanan asked her sister, who was also thinking of the same thing,

why are we doing all this things to Alaina? is she not our sister? did dad not ask us to love and care for each other? why did we change?

Hanifa didn't know which of the questions to answer first she just smiled and patted Hanan on the back, everything will be fine in Sha Allah, let's talk about this when we come back from school.

they hurried to their rooms, took their bath, got dressed, and they headed to the dinning to have their breakfast, before heading to school,

Alaina was already on her way, when a taxi cab, stopped in front of her, Hanan came down from the car, held Alaina's hand into the cab, she was so confused but couldn't say a word,

they all got down, Alaina was heading to her class when Hanifa, handed her a one thousand naira note, and hurried to the assembly.

"what was happening"? "why are they being nice to me today"?

she hate it when she doesn't have, answers to her questions,

Arrgh! she mumbled


Abdullah! Abdullah! Zain called out, he was lost in his thoughts again, "oh God! "Abdullah!? thirty minutes have passed again, it's an hour already! let's get going please, she's not coming today"

"Zain!? what should I do now? I really want to see her, my love for her is increasing in multitude wallahi!" Abdullah said, his eyes, filled with tears,

Zain, felt pity for Abdullah, he knows this was abdullah's first love, and this type of love, was a very special kind of love, that's very deep" what if he never, sees her again? Zain thought, ya rabbi! it won't be good, he dismissed the thought instantly and try to console his friend,

don't worry my friend, in sha Allah you will see her, I know what to do, just trust me, he winked at him.

zain's wink was always a relieve to Abdullah, ever since he met him, whenever something came up, and zain said trust me and winked, he always comes up with a positive solution.

Abdullah said, "okay Zain let's go back to the hostel I have a terrible headache"

"you just go, I want to figure out something" zain said

"Alright, take care"


"Alaina, I you coming down from the same cab with your Sisters, this morning, are now in good terms!?"

shamsiya, Alaina's best friend asked, with so much excitement,

"siya"? as she call her, I hope so, but I am not sure, I just wish that's what it is" alaina said.

Amin, in sha Allah, that's what it is, just believe, siya said.

alaina smiled and they continued eating their lunch, as it was breaktime,

immediately the bell rang for they stood up and headed back to their classroom.