Chereads / Finding out the TRUTH! / Chapter 4 - chapter: 4

Chapter 4 - chapter: 4

"Firdaus"! she heard her name yelled out, as she was about getting into a cab, by a voice, she is not familiar with, she turned to her caller,

"Na'am" (yes)

"Asalamu alaiki,(peace be upon you) am so sorry for yelling your name out like that" zain said,

"walaika Salam(and upon you too) it's okay," she said smiling because at first, she was getting pissed off,

'why was he calling her like that, without teslim and she didn't even know him, but since he did the appropriate by saying teslim, she will listen to what he has to say she thought in her head.

uhhmn" zain adjusted his voice and said, "please firdaus, i need to talk to you about something very important please, can we go under that tree"?

"Okay," she said, as they headed under the tree,

'he looks responsible, and by his facial expression he looked disturbed by something, she had to listen to what he has to say' firdaus thought.

after they both sat down on the wooden chairs provided for students zain said, "am sorry, for bothering you firdaus" he noticed how she replied with a friendly facial expression but I need your help my name is Zaid, by the way"

"you know my name already, so no need to tell you" she said

"Okay, zain what can I help you with"? firdaus said

Zain never liked to beat around the bush, he just started with his main reason

"As Allah has decree, my friend Abdullah, saw your sister and since that day, he fell in love with her" he paused to notice her facial expression, then continued,

"she drops you off at school every morning, but she didn't drop you today, he is very worried, and trust me his intentions are good, he is not playing games, his wish is to marry her, he just wants to see her and talk to her about his feelings, and hope she is not married or engaged, so he knows where he is heading"

She was very surprised and kinda pissed, but maintained her calm,

'how did they know, Hasiya drops her at school every morning, people are creepy, one has to be very careful because no matter what you are doing minding your business, someone is always watching your every move'

she sighed lightly and said,

"Zain, am sorry but I can't help you with that, if your friend is serious as you said, he should come and meet our dad first, that's our tradition, he has to seek permission from our dad before, anything else, and she is fine, he shouldn't worry about that".

'how did he even know they were sisters'?

"and how sure are you she's my sister not a friend"? she said looking into his eyes with an interrogating look.

"Well, your resemblance can't hide seriously, you look so much alike"

" So does that means she is neither engaged nor married"? zain asked.

Firdaus sighed, and said,

"About her being married or engaged, firstly, no she is not married, secondly, am not in place to tell you about that, you will find out when you come to see our Abbi,(father),"

"I have to get going now", she said as she stood up to leave, she was going home when he called her.

"okay, am sorry for taking much of your time"

"it's okay" firdaus said.

"jazakillahu khairan, Thank you so much for your time firdaus, and for listening to what I have to say," zain said with a smile.

waiyaka khair, you are welcome she answered.

"can I have your phone number and the address to your house"?

"okay, no problem" firdaus said.

she dialed her number on his phone and wrote down the address too, in his note, a colour note application in his phone.

"here you go" she said as she hands him back his phone.

"Alright, thanks again" he said.

after, she boarded a cab and left, he also headed to the his apartment, not far from the University gate.