Zain couldn't wait to reach the hostel and tell Abdullah everything that he and Firdaus had discussed. 'I know he will be so happy to hear this' zain thought with a smile on his face.
"Asalamu Alaikum" zain did teslim as he stepped into the room.
Abdullah who was deep in thought did not even notice zain's entry into the room,
"Abdullah"! zain called out and patted him on his back before he came back from his deep thought,
"don't worry my friend, in sha Allah your problem will soon be solved", zain said smiling,
Abdullah looked at him with a smile too, he moved closer to where zain sat and said, "tell me please, I know that look"
"Okay", he gigled "I talked to firdaus, and she said her sister is okay, she just didn't drop her at school today" nothing bad happened"
"Allhamdullilah" Abdullah said, with a heavy sigh of relief,
zain continued "I also asked if she was married or engaged but she said she is not in place to tell me if she is engaged or not
she suggested we should meet with their dad if you are serious about her, and you want to marry her,
got her phone number and home address, so Abdullah, the ball is in your court if you love her as you said, you should do the right thing and make her yours"
"thank you, thank you, my friend, I do love her and in sha Allah I will do what is right" Abdullah said with his face all glowing with happiness.
" So when do you think we should go and see her dad? Abdullah said excitedly, like a child who got candy.
"whenever you want to go buddy," zain said
"Okay, let's go this Saturday, it will be more convenient for them too since it's a weekend, what do you think?" Abdullah said.
"Yeah, it's okay but we will have to call firdaus and ask if they have no plans on that day," zain said.
Yeah, yeah, that's true. Abdullah agreed.
"but I don't think I should call her now, I have disturbed her enough today" zain said looking at Abdullah
"okay, let's call tomorrow instead then" Abdullah said with a shrug.
At around 2pm, Abdullah and his friend zain, were in front of the house of Dr. Bello, who was the father of Hasiya and firdaus.
they didn't wait for long when a boy of around 12years old came where firdaus asked them to wait, she will send her little brother 'haidar' to come and directed them into the house
"Asalam alaikum" haidar said to them
they both answered "walaikumu salam"
"I am haidar, yaya fi 'as he calls her' asked me to come and take you in"
"okay, haidar let's go then" zain said with a smile.
he directed them into the sitting room and excused himself to call Dr. bello and tell him his guest are here.
they were sitted for not more than a minute when an elderly man 'Dr Bello' came into the parlour
"Asalam alaikum" he said before he sat down, with a wide smile on his face, that gave Abdullah and zain solace, as they were both nervous as to what will be the outcome of this visit,
"walaikumu salam" they both said at the same time, and added "Good afternoon sir"
"the afternoon is hot though but Allhamdullilah, it's good too" Dr bello said with a shrug, adjusting his seating position.
"how are you young men doing?" the man said with his bright face.
"fine Allhamdullilah" they replied together.
"Okay that's good mashaAllah" the elderly man said
"my daughter firdaus, told me some young men wanted to see me today and it was important"
"hope All is fine, young men" he said looking a bit worried.
they couldn't believe it,
'firdaus didn't tell him the reason they wanted to see him?' they both had the same thought in their head.
'how am I going to tell you am madly in love with your daughter and I want to spend the rest of my life with her' Abdullah thought in his head.