Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 58 - the power of emotions

Chapter 58 - the power of emotions

-when it gets big enough, just like now, the Nesks of my people get darker.

-which is what's happening these days.

-many dared to challenge the Yen Labyrinth, only a few made it out. This maze takes your sanity away, those who can't keep an equilibrium between their feeling and reasoning never make it out, they are the ones who feed the collector. I have many souls trapped in here. They're my prey.

-what do people get if they make it out? And how do they get out in the first place?

-if one of my people makes it out, which is only achieved if they drop all of their anxiety and fear which opens the road to the exit., their Nesk gets removed, they become a neutral Foy, colored half black half white.

-why haven't I seen one yet?

-Neutral foys are nomadic, they don't hang out in groups a lot, or with civilization.

-only Yellow foys can become neutral ones?

-oh not at all, anyone could, I just talk to their Eraptakor and they neutralise them. It's just a more straightforward process with my own people.

-so the elders are people who went through the maze?

-no, one of them already told you that they get picked after the previous one dies. We select elders based on their self control ability and how much they could stand their ground against the temptation of their black Nesk. There's nothing special to neutral foys. Where is the challenge in self control if you have nothing to prevent you from reaching it? Everything obtained easily loses its worth. What really sets the bar is when you have something constantly pushing you to do something and you keep yourself in check. Some foys chose to become entuned with nature and understand it, throughout the process they discover themselves and obtain the ability to control their reactions to their emotions. Sure you can't stop yourself from getting angry, but you can stop yourself from shouting and fighting, that is what we look for in an elder, the ability to control their actions.

As for the people that get lost in Yed, I do to them what I did to you, they get trapped forever, and every time they emit fear the Anguish collector gets bigger, at a certain size, it start radiating anxiety to all yellow foys, until it gets emptied, sometime it takes it a while to get emptied because it's both giving to the yellow foys and taking from the trapped ones simultaneously. I am the bridge, without my Lathinsé bonds fear wouldn't be able to transmit from it to them.

-what's a Lathisé bond?

-Lathinsé is the embodiment of how strong emotions could interact with the physical, and even stronger, how they could interact with spirits of others. Lathinsé has an effect called "empathy of the soulless", it gives inanimate objects the ability to react to words and emotions appropriately. When you were at the mother of pearl's place you spoke with so much frustration that your emotions radiated onto the cave.

Another thing Lathinsé has is called "Lathinsé bonds", a master would tie two emotional sources together and allow emotions to be either transmitted or exchanged. If you only allow them to be transmitted it would mean that subject B would feel the emotions subject A feels, if you allow exchanging that means that both subjects would be able to feel each others' emotions. I use the first, I make my people feel the fright the anguish collector holds.

-He hides in the back of my head

Doesn't let me get out of bed

If he keeps me scared he's fed

And he starves if my feelings are dead.

-I told you physical magic does not work here.

-emotional magic does.

-Tribakwiyan sorcery cannot change emotions.

-oh sure, but it could shield them"

The perplexor's connection to Alan's brain got cut, Alan created a shield that prevented the perplexor from feeling what he's feeling.

" did you do this?

-you know, I used to think that I need to keep every tribe's culture, morals, and magic separated from the other tribes' teachings, but I realised that uniting them is the best thing to do. We get so caught up with who does what that we separate from each other. What I've done now could not be achieved through my Lathinsé or spells alone, however it is achievable if I utilise both simultaneously.

I know that you can't physically hurt me, you rely on a scary figure to pull on my heartstrings and trigger emotions, the potion I used to calm me down is wearing off, and I'm going to try and cut the bonds that are coming out of the collector, without you stopping me by making me fearful. Used to people feeding you their fears and troubles, now you will be seeing me at ease and tremble. I don't usually pick fights, but maybe this night will be the first ever where the yellow foys get to sleep, soundly.

-fool. Fear is what kept your kind alive for so long. You're quick to jump on this "fear is in your mind" nonsense, I read your memory, if it wasn't for vigilance you could've gotten ran over by that four wheeled thing, if it wasn't for prudence you could've gotten pricked when picking a flower, if it wasn't for anxiety and doubt you would've gotten yourself into trouble, fear is essential for continuity, it is in your nature, and it is wrong not to allow it to float to the surface sometimes.

-fear is essential, but too much of it is bad. When you are scared, you are limited, you can only hope to unlock your full potential if you take risks and step on your heart.


- you're barking loudly, but your teeth don't scare me, they're so dull".

Alan then started feeling the collector, he closed his eyes to remove all material distractions, just like how Quintria once taught him, he focused on the sphere and zoned out the perplexor's screams, he felt his hands penetrate it, Velta started absorbing the anxiety.

"What..what is happening, I was supposed to break it not take it.


-what's happening to me?

-you see, Alan, only an Ehram spirit is a rooted spirit. Before Ehram, your connection to your spirit is not strong enough to withstand the upper levels of Lathinsé, as Lathinsé is the second strongest form of magic after the existential one. For you to be able to redirect emotions, Velta needs to be rooted in you, stubborn as a rock, because for you to redirect the flow of emotions, they need to pass by your spirit, then change direction. The risky part is that while passing by, if your spirit isn't held in place to the body well, the flow may get trapped in it, and Velta isn't, your connection to her is still not fluid. You will end up absorbing the emotions instead of redirecting them, so enjoy the anxiety, of a hundred souls".

Alan dropped to the ground as the energy kept entering his body, he started squirming as if he got electrocuted, his shield wore off, and the last words he heard were "enjoy a trip to a place where you don't come back, the abyss of souls"

The Abyss of souls is a place where hypersensitive people go to if they enter Yed, since they feel emotions and are physically affected by them more than any other regular person, even the Yed walls aren't enough to process their distress, so their soul gets sent to the abyss of the souls, where it gets lost forever, and the only way out, is to let go of your deepest darkest shame.