Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 60 - soul mending; teachings of the Nitsu

Chapter 60 - soul mending; teachings of the Nitsu

For a spirit to elevate to Ehram, there will be a time in their path where they get to see the truth about their species, the nitsu stealth is the group capable of elevating the spirit, if they see that the spirit got affected by their words, they will conjoin into the Nitsu, and direct the spirit to the Ehram level. We have gotten a great response from you so far

-but I didn't say anything

-look at yourself, Velta"

Velta looked at herself, her hands were full of black patches and cracks

"What happened to me?

-you Velta are empathetic, you sensed the pain of your human's wrongs, everytime he treated someone badly, and every time you saw through him someone being treated badly, our words are moving you, and that is what we are looking for, steadfast sensitivity, sensitivity that time and misery do not numb out.

We will finish by a talk about soul mending, and you will either morph into sadness or remain as you are, don't fear us, as we the Nitsu are here as the liminal guides and guardians.

Decomposition souls are seen by you everyday, whether you know it or not, whether you feel it or not, agony and distress live inside the hearts of many, anxiety embodies a lot of people, and fear hovers over those who appear strong, negativity is the greatest human epidemic, and the greatest human blocker, and yet you could sometimes forget to talk correctly, and by correctly we mean lightly, it is easy to get caught up in one's own misery and get led astray from the right, an eye for an eye would leave the world blind and reciprocation has never been nothing but an amplifier to problems not a dimmer.

Anger is a poison to the soul, and the angry soul conveys it to a healthy one, it is contagious, and it withers the souls it lingers inside. Anger, it remembers its person, and the more frequently the person lets it in, the easier it becomes for it to creep inside the mind.

You cannot control how you feel but you can control how you react, and the more you're in control of your reactions, the more you'll be in control of your feelings, be gentle with your kind, as most of them are already fragileand broken, be the beacon in their abyss of darkness, be the grim reaper of their negativity, and be one with your emotions.

We, the nitsu have made a final statement, and we discerned that Velta has shown empathy that made her worthy of elevating to Ehram, we will be guiding Velta to the Ehram portal, as one.

The stealth condensed into one singular gigantic entity, the entity got on its knees and extended its palms to Velta for her to hop on. After she did, it flew up so fast it felt like they teleported, and there, Velta was put in a path of light, and it led into the heart of Velta, a bigger Velta, one that's grey, the Nitsu said "You were able to understand that dichotomy in this world has existed for reasons of compatibility and completion and not schism, therefore you have earned the "absolute", a shade perfectly in between the extremes, the black and the white, may any decision you make in your life be grey.


A beam of light shined through the middle of Alan's forehead, it was blazing hot it left its imprint on his skin, and it looked like a third eye. His third eye chakra and crown chakra got fully freed again, he's the most connected to his spirit he has even been

Alan put his hand in the direction of the perplexor, and said with Velta's voice "you wanted to end me, and I do want to take revenge, but I will be sensible, and I will spare you, for if I would dig a grave for you I'd have to dig one for myself as well. However, I will not let you take over, anymore" Alan redirected his hand to the Anguish collector, and a blue beam came out of his hands, it entered the collector and neutralised it.

the Perplexor looked at him and said "Congratulations, Alan, you passed the test, of the Labyrinth perplexor. The Nitsu stealth although independent, do team up with me, if someone stays in the maze for long enough they will appear to them, and overwhelm them with information, and test their response, the person will then either get annihilated or elevated, depending on the reaction. Only one has passed the test before you, wiseman Jyu. Congratulations, Alan, and farewell"

Alan got teleported outside of the maze


-yes, Alan?

-can you hear me?

-I've always been able to, Alan. But now, you can hear me, too. However, you won't be needing it much, we'll be communicating subliminally way more and way better than this, via telekinesis, this new chapter awaits its pages to be filled.

-speaking of pages"

Alan went and grabbed Xynar, most of it has been written, the remaining pages were not much, he concluded that his journey was starting to come to an end.

"Well, it's been a great journey, it will end when it ends, for now I need to pay a visit, to the mother of pearl's opposite; the lord of souls".

A sphere of black scattered gravity defying shards of matter was in front of him, as soon as he entered its premises, he lost all of his weight and became free to move within the sphere, he floated to its core, and there was land with large black spikes, in the middle was a shrine where the lord of souls lied.

"The lord of souls

-Alan and Velta, welcome.

-you know my name?

-of courses, once someone enters the sphere of souls all of their information gets transferred to me; memories, identity, properties, especially properties.

-what do you mean?

-you see, Alan, nobody visits me without paying a visiting fee afterwards, and you have something I want

-what is it?

-your active third eye, not many have it, and it would be a great addition to my collection.

-your collection?"

The Lord waved his hand, and Alan felt something summon in front of him, once he looked back, he saw lots of items organised inside glass-like spheres

-no two people are alike, somebody always has some distinctive feature about them, I find that feature out, and take it, as I shall own the greatest collection of all. It is of great serendipity that you are the first person I meet with an active third eye. Thus, thou shalt give it to me.

-why though? Does owning other people's stuff add value to your life?

-of course it does, it is good to want more, to be greedy, not to settle for low, and not settle for normal, to aim high and only accept high, everyone is selfish, everyone wants the best for themselves, what's wrong if I greed over a thing or two?

-well, everyone is selfish, and everyone does want the good for themself, and they have the right to, but not at someone else's expense, if bringing yourself ecstasy means bringing a great ordeal for others, would you do it?

-of course I would, if they were in my place they'd not think about it for one second, why should I be the empathetic one? That is how life is, in order for it to be balanced, one needs to have, and one needs to need.

-but not all, if one percent of people have it all and all of the rest are in constant quandary, barely managing to make it through the day, where's the fairness in that?