Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 63 - wrapping up

Chapter 63 - wrapping up

I have also learned, that I would rather walk alone than let people throw dirty confetti. And by that, I mean that I would rather go through dark times alone than go through them with someone in my life that doesn't treat me the way I deserve to be treated. And yes, I deserve to be treated with respect and love, and it is not wrong for me to require such things to be given to me, after all, if I don't let people know how I want to be treated, how can I expect them to treat me right?

And finally, I have learned, to let go;

People's words are a reflection of what they feel, the hurting are hurt, and the nice are happy, it's a very straightforward observation. If someone has an attitude, it's because they're silently suffering an internalised war that's eating them from the inside out. I have learned to drop grudges, and only perceive words as sound waves floating in the air, I have learned to detach the words from their meanings, and take everything lightly, as the hurting spirits are hurt, and it is not wise to take everything they say to heart, that is too much on my heart, and after all, all they're saying is finally in vain, it did not make me, and it will never do, so why care about it.

People's treatment of you is a reflection of their perception of their own self worth.

Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.


7 days of winter solstice: day 0: elevation

Xynar's goal from all of Triqwen is to show Alan how the absolutes of each side work and think, how two dichotomous entities exist within the same place, and how they influence and shape their environment via their mere existence.

-Xynar intervention-

First Ora, then Au, then Ujoul, then Iquila, then recently Ehram, and now, we reward Alan with the all mighty Yawthom

Yawthom: the existential spirit. Yawthom spirits do not learn magic, they create it, they can reshape matter, make it perish or generate it. Yawthom is the level Gods Qyn and Sov are at.

A Yawthom spirit can only generate the same amount of matter it once destroyed, because if generation and destruction were unlimited the world would be in great imbalance.

Alan has been deemed worthy of bearing such responsibility, and we wish him, a great continuation in his journey.

Xynar's intervention is over.

Alan's spirit has officially elevated to the final level of spiritual development, Yawthom. The skin of his body thinned and got a blue hue to it, because his spirit took over so much it manifested into the real world, his body no longer acts as a physical barrier between his spirit and the rest of the world.

Alan could not figure out how to deal with such power, so he returned to Ecaura

"Alan, you are aware of the great fight of Qyn and Sov every one thousand years. It lasts a month, it is composed of two fights, one at the beginning of the month, and one at the end, corresponding to the day of winter solistice, the winner of the first fight is usually the winner of the second one, as the loser of the first fight gets too tired to perform well during the second.

Qyn has used her wishes before to introduce elemental magic to her people, and to add Fuili Amoeba to her waters, alongside other things.

As a Yawthom spirit, it is now your duty to participate in the fight, for you, have also got the chance at winning, and maybe even putting an end to this fight that has been as old as the creation of AZ,

-how am I expected to match the omnipotence of the gods?

-you already do, Alan. You are more powerful than you think. You only lack one thing, experience. If you want to defeat the gods, you got to see how the gods behave, and you can do that through observing their people, you have to travel to Stilitra, Ompodelf, and Xymadroma, to better understand Qyn and Sov

Stilitra is made of one main land, and four sub-islands with each belonging to an element. The mainland elemental volcano being in the center

Xymadroma, the second quarter owned by Qyn, is made of two islands, one floating in the sky, one underground full of magma and lava, the Nihilist you spoke to originates from there, and the Guardian of the Sky originates from the sky island.

Ompodelf is...quite different, you'll see it when you get to it, I recommend leaving it for last.

Now that you're half body half spirit, you may levitate freely, without even using Kawazma.

I will direct you to Stilitra, where you will be learning about the five elements. When you reach the water island, ask for Yemoja, when you reach the earth island, ask for Asase Ya, when you reach the fire island, ask for Shango, and when you reach the air island, ask for Oya, when you finish your visit at the main island, ask for Ala. Good luck in your journey, and may the wisdom of the elements guide Velta and yourself to a higher state of being.

-what should I expect from the elements? Is it wisdom? Because I feel like Triqwen has done a good enough job at that.

-tell me about your time in Triqwen, I'm quite curious to know about your encounters with the six creatures.

-they have all taught me valuable lessons on how to be, and how not to be. They have embodied the extremes of light and darkness, of black and white, of haze and clarity, they have taught me that the middle is the correct point to stand on, and that sometimes the middle is a bit to the left or right, that the middle changes with the changing of the situation. They have taught me that the bad needs to be present inside my soul, as does the good. They have taught me that rightness isn't absolute, it's dependent on many factors. They have taught me that it is up to me to create meaning in this meaningless world, and fill my empty blank pages with words, and build houses of memories inside my maze of a mind.

-I see that the encounters with the creatures is still as I remember it. Once you've met all six, you acquire great wisdom, and you did, Alan. You truly deserve the Yawthom spirit Xynar has granted you, or should I say, you have granted yourself. As to what to expect in Stilitra, you will learn about the origins of shifting, the first shifters, the elements, what amplifies and weakens each, etc. Meeting the elemental guardians is a once in a lifetime experience that I advise you not to miss.

-I look forward to it, Ecaura. Other than that, how has life changed? With Glabitra and all.

-it has been wonderful, I don't miss the portal of Chi that I have lost. Me and Glabitra are entertaining the idea of birthing a new quantum shifter, soon. It has been wonderful reuniting with someone my kind, and I will forever be grateful to you, Velta, for making it possible

-it has been my honour, I leave you for now, before heading to Stilitra, I have some unfinished business at Tribalchotomous that I need to take care of.

To be continued...