Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 43 - Xynar's curse

Chapter 43 - Xynar's curse

-can I talk to her? Please.

-you are Alan, she hears every word you say, she feels every emotion you feel, spirits feel you, the opposite doesn't imply. Your words affect her, Alan, and so does your aura, if the body gives up and shuts down, so will the spirit.

-what is there to be optimistic about? I lost everything.

-you lost nothing, you still have Velta, and if you help her heal, she will help you

-we've never been so far, how can I help her?

-when you are the furthest from each other, you know how to become the closest, distance creates yearning and longing, distance is what create that craving of closure. Now that you want Velta more than ever, you will start doing everything in your powers to connect with her

-but I'm lost, I don't have the slightest idea on what to do or where to start.

-that's why I'm here. I will be initiating the reconnection and you will finish it at Touh

-the fifth Island? No, I'm not stepping foot there without my magic.

-that's actually a good point, I will not be spoiling anything but Touh is quite.... stratified

-in what way?

-you'll find out. For now focus on Velta, she needs you. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, feel the air piercing through your lungs merging with your blood, feel it"

Okko went behind Alan, grabbed his face by one hand and positioned his neck up, then pressed the thumb of his other hand onto Alan's forehead, and closed his eyes, the contact point sparkled for a bit, Alan's pupils expanded and his mouth opened wide


Alan was looking at his younger self, he was looking at little Alan, roughhousing with his mom and giggling, back when she was alive


He was looking at early teen Alan, playing video games with his best friend


He was looking at the late teen Alan, caressing his girlfriend's hair


He teleported in time and place and saw all of these memories replay. "These are all of the people you were attached to the most, Alan"

He then saw the time when his mom died of suffocating when saving him from a house fire, he saw his best friend jumping and kicking the chair, ending his life with a rope, he saw his girlfriend leaving him.


He screamed and woke up, slithered out of Okko's grip drenching in sweat.

"In your own words Alan, we have to accept the past for what it is, whether you like it or don't, it did happen"

Alan broke down in tears

"Everyone I ever cared for, they left, it's like I'm never meant to remain attached to anyone

-exactly Alan, exactly.

-what do you mean exactly?

-the crown Chakra is the bridge to the cosmos, and it is blocked by worldly desires and attachment, you can only open the crown chakra if you fully detach yourself from everything you want and love in this world.

-why? Love is beautiful, attachment is beautiful when you're attached to the right person

-the only person that you can guarantee will remain by your side forever is yourself, the rest is uncertain, you need to be able to detach yourself quickly, and preferably never attach in the first place. Get on your knees again Alan, I want to trigger something else in you"

Okko held Alan's face in the same position. Alan got visions of every time he genuinely thought about suicide, every time he gave up on something he was doing, and every time he felt numb and stagnant. Alan violently woke up again, not as aggressively as the first time.

"It wasn't as painful because your third eye chakra is not blocked, it is only severed. If it would've been blocked you would've lost total connection to Velta, a blocked third eye chakra makes its person full of doubt and regrets, it removes the person's inner wisdom and leaves them lost

-I did lose my wisdom, I lost it the moment I chose revenge. Revenge would've never fixed anything, it would've just destroyed someone on the outside, and destroy whoever took their revenge on the inside, there is never a winner, we all lose.

-indeed Alan, you needed to learn that the hard way, but at least you learned it. I want to let you in on a little secret about your magic, specifically terraforming.

-that was kind of a staple, I enjoyed it, and gotten really good at it.

-no Alan, you haven't.

-I'm sorry?

-you are nowhere near close being good, you see, Terraformers have their spirit connected to the earth element, they can feel the particles of the ground, the soil, the rocks.

-I can feel that.

-but you can't control it, you only ever moved rocks and soil, sand exists in soil, glass is made of sand, lava is molten rocks, lots of metal has traces of rock in it, back when terraformers had their magic in minds and not revenge, they used to be able to manipulate all of those things, move and reshape them as they please. Ancient terraforming is nothing like the current one. Modern terraformers have replaced their search for knowledge with the reach of many material gains, we tried to talk to then but we were quick to find out that there is no use in arguing with someone who doesn't want to prioritise birthing of creation, they lost lots of their abilities over the years, the price they had to pay for their favouritism of materialism. However, expansion of rock manipulation still exists in every single terraformer, it may be dormant but it's still there, and it's in you too Alan, when you reconnect with Velta, allow her to understand the extensions of rock and soil, and she will guide you toward acquiring the ability to control them.

-that' come it never crossed my mind? I was so good at controlling rocks and soil but I never had an expansive vision, I wasn't as wise as I thought.

-recognising one's lack of wisdom is the first step to achievement higher levels of it.

-When explaining the seven portals to me, Ecaura mentioned a portal called Chi, and its move was called the Wayx, it allows someone to control water, and the portal right after it, Hannee, and its move, Liths, is all about heat, is this related to what we're talking about?

-of course Alan, the only magic that's present in all four parts of AZ in one way or another is elemental magic, as a matter of fact, you will be experiencing water and fire manipulation first hand in Touh. Water is the main component of our bodies, whether it's blood, Logachtige water, or other forms, a master water manipulator is able to control bodies, leaves, extract water from thin air, and do a lot more. Fire manipulators can move ash, and air manipulators can fly if trained for long enough. What do you say we keep reconnecting both of you?

-right now?

-of course, I have everything we need here. There is a potion I've been gatekeeping from everyone else in here, I would love to share my knowledge, however I'm aware that a potion this powerful will be misused if it becomes known, it is called Qyn's breath, crafted from the purple emittees..