Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 49 - Pha reminiscing

Chapter 49 - Pha reminiscing

the news totally killed their appetite. Pha valued life so much that his heart started physically aching, he excused himself from the table and left.

"Hayet we need to save them.

-how will we stop them from being treated bestially, without revealing your true identity?

-I don't know. Is there any knowledge any of my past lives could offer me?

-I'm afraid not, you already know all of what I got.

-oh my goodness, we didn't come up with death protection in one thousand years? I think I know what move I'm going to work on now.

-it was never a priority for a Doul to stop the practice, they were too scared they'd get harmed trying to, you were the first one to hate it enough to want to prioritise yourself over it, throughout lifetimes Douls have prioritised self protection, expect for a few who truly indulged in the craft, and only created a move because they wanted to create not because they wanted power, unlike the rest. Most Douls replaced their search for knowledge with the reach of many material gains, and now they're eaten by worms underground, barely any trace of their existence is left in people's memories, that's what happens when you're cynical, when you don't prioritise birthing of creation. You don't need their wisdom Pha, as I, the higher spirit Hayet, offer you my wisdom, the man who loves walking will walk more than the man who loves the destination. When creating, detach your magic from the material world, only think of the magic, not of what you could do with it to others, think of the energy itself, detach it from a'' worldly bonds.

-thank you Hayet, this means a lot to me, your wisdom is always poise and unique, it teaches me to look from another perspective. May we remain bound together for lifetimes to come"

"Who were you talking to?" Alan said, he went after Pha after he got up, but Pha was in too much agony that he zoned out all of what's around him and didn't notice Alan, when Alan heard him speaking he hid and listened to the whole conversation.

Pha opened his eyes really wide, one of his eyes turned a bloody red and one an ocean blue, beams came out of them like a beacon and directly hit Alan's eyes locking him in place, a bit like the effect of TEIR,

"Hayet, memory withdrawal.

-may the element of water cleanse your mind, and may the element of fire combust the remaining traces of this event's memories".

the beams sucked the memories right out of Alan's mind, and the last thing he now remembers is him going after Pha.

"Here you are! Pha, what's wrong? The news about the execution seemed to really bother you.

-vicious empty murder does bother me, Alan.

-that's true, it bothers me too, but escaping is not going to solve anything, you need to face the problem, head to head.

-confrontation has never been my thing, plus I have nothing to confront father with.

-your words, Pha. They hold more power than magic if known how to be formulated

-this isn't some happy fairytale Alan. Father is as stubborn as his ancestors who ruled this kingdom, it's not going to work, believe me I tried, and so did others before me. Plus, he has that little satanic entity buzzing in his ear, Geija will devaluate any words I tell him in seconds.

-Geija? She seems like a nice person.

-yeah right, because she's daddy's obedient special girl, she's currently the only shifter of the royal family, she is a master of fakery, she acts sweet and nice so that she could get what she wants, she recognised that making people feel empathetic towards her will benefit her more than getting them to fear her, but when no eye is observing her, she turns into the dark malicious monster she's always been, she murdered slaves for the heck of it before, she dislocated guards' body parts, and let's not talk about her countless methods of tormenting any little creature. Another reason father fancies her more, is because she has never disagreed with his discernment, just like what happened earlier, she's cunning at stroking his ego, and he likes every second of it, whereas me, I've been nothing but a thorn to his garden, stuck in his neck suffocating him, I've fought with him countless of times about the rules he sets and decisions he takes that are dragging Triqwen to the ground.

Geija is a nightmare, and no one has ever believed little me when I tried to tell them, so overtime I just learnt to accept that Geija is more cunning than I am convincing. It won't be a shocker if you'd think I'm lying too. People have always thought I was jealous of her because she could shift and I couldn't, I don't want to shift, and quite frankly I never wanted any magic, I wish I had a mundane life, all I ever wanted was a thoughtful, or at the very least a normal big sister.

-I believe you.

-why? Who would you? We just met, I could be jealous for all you know, just because I spoke with passion doesn't mean I'm honest, stop bring gullible, trust less, make up your mind after observation not hearsay.

-you know what? Just this, this made me sure you're truthful".


"Do you realise what you've done, Pha?

-yes Hayet, I do. By using memory withdrawal I have deactivated all of my hereditary magic for two days.

-yes. The execution is tonight.

-oh no...

-it is only a matter of time before the human figures out what you can truly do, you're not stopping it, you're delaying it, you should've thought about that before exerting your last bit of magic.

-can you help Velta help Alan to try and stop the execution?

-I will be doing no such thing, the dichotomous spirit of life Hayet belongs to one person and one person only, I could give some boosts but fully connecting Velta with Alan again is something that's not written in my destiny".


Everyone was gathered around the three guillotines that got placed in the center of the first part of Touh, the "peasant area", Alan and Pha were one of the front viewers, so was Geija, she had a sick grin on her face, while Alan and Pha were frightened, Pha's body shivered and tensed up with every step the victims took, he considered them victims, victims of a system that evaluates your worth as an entity solely based on your looks.

Alan's emotions were fluttering, too.

"Is there any magic of yours that could save them?

-yes, a Tribakwiyan spell could, but I don't think I can do it.

-you've got to try, quick".

The three people got placed on the guillotines.

"Three heads on the guillotine, it's going down

The sight floods my heart, it's sad and gnawing

The face can't help but tear up and frown

Save their souls before they start floating"

Because Alan's Chakras were unstable and the magic couldn't fluidly pass from Velta to him, the magic sure got generated, but couldn't go out, so a combustion generated all around Alan, that hurt him a lot and knocked him out. He fell to the ground and started profusely writhing. Pha took him out of the crowd, he was going to close his eyes the moment the blades go down anyway, he didn't want to witness it. While going away, he heard the slicing sound which made him squint for one last time.