Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 47 - schism

Chapter 47 - schism

Rockshifting is exactly like terraforming, just different names, and one out of every twenty Osors is born with "shifting spreading", for one day, a spreader Osor could distribute the magic of a shifter Osor across ten people, they become temporary shifters. As to Meskyors however, one of every five is born a shifter and a spreader simultaneously, so the two people out of fourty in Osors are just one person out of five in Meskyors.

Pha mumbled to himself "Do I?". Then he calmly stood up and Hayet guided him to the cave Alan was hiding in.

When Alan saw him, his first instinct was to close the cave by terraforming, but he was only able to elevate the rocks by a few centimeters, he is barely connected to Velta.

"Don't worry stranger, I oppose no threat, I'm only here to talk

-you...what? This is the first time someone from a new Island didn't just go absolutely mad when they saw me.

-first time you say? You've been to the other islands then?

-yeah, long story.

-I have all night.

-wait before this conversation could go any further, how did you know I was here?

-mere luck.

-no, no it's not luck, the way you entered shows that you expected me to be here.

-fine, smart one, I saw your spirit when you were discovering the castle. Then me and my spirit retraced its energy and found the body that is attached to it, which is, you.

-you can see Velta?

-yes I'm a spirit viewer, but nobody else here is, so don't worry about it. Now, mind telling me your backstory?


-so the thing you did earlier is called Gwantavision?


-and your other magic is blocked? Because your last two chakras are? And your chi paths are also disturbed.

-also correct. I am visiting Touh to learn the magic of its people and help their curse, like I did in all previous Islands.

-except for Tribalchotomous

-trust me I'm going back, I just want my spirit to achieve the highest possible level of development and for me to learn as much magic as I could because I'll be conquering the whole island on my own, I want to make sure I'm invincible, or as close to that as I could get. Enough of me, tell me how the Touh island functions"

Pha explained the shifter and spreader combination.

" I don't have to learn any magic in here? I could just focus on my old one, this is great! I already know how to terraform, or rockshift, maybe learning how to spread magic may be helpful but I could do without it.

-trust me you may need it here, but I won't intervene with your discernment.

-if I feel like I do I'll learn it. So, are you a shifter or a spreader?

-no, I'm neither.

-so what can you do?

-nothing, except for seeing souls and spirits.

-I find that hard to believe, you have so much spiritual energy surrounding you, it's too strong to just be here for spirit viewing

-why would I lie about it?

-Okko told me I'll find someone here who can shift water and fire, who are they?

-they died, less than one thousand years ago, after the last Linked Portagon fight between Qyn and Sov. Whoever gave you the information needs some updates.

-what? So, there's no fire and watershifter here?


-and what about the slavery I saw today, what's that about? Why do Meskyors do that for the Osors?

-actually the Ososrs are the blue ones, the Meskyors are the slaves.

-you're telling me the more gifted species is the one being exploited?

-this one is going to take some time; previously, after the rage outbreak, the Meskosor creature got put on this island, some lived near the shores, and after thousands of years, they acquired a blue tone to them, those who lived on land remained black. Although goddess sends magic through the water, the magic lingers on land, so the black division of the Meskosor had more magic than the water one, quantity wise, they used it to combat the curse, which in here is called "the wrath of the land", randomly throughout the year, a really big natural disaster happens, not only is its timing unpredictable, but so is its type, a tornado, an earthquake, a tsunami, you never know until it happens. We got the shifting so we can use it to help us survive. The blue Meskosors did not have as much magic, but they had a better one, living near the water meant they were the ones who got the Guenara rocks, the first ancestors of ours used it to enhance their magic, and some could even shift beyond the rocks, like glass and metal, like my sister Geija, the blue Meskosors advanced faster than the black ones. More than one thousand years ago, a rockshifter named Ozoumahi of the blue Meskosors was the most advanced out of everyone, he spent years training, spiritually and physically, and he helped his variation dominate the others, fighting has always been an instinct in this disgusting specimen that I shamefully belong to. When the Linked Portagon fight was won by Qyn, she gave every one of her islands some type of new magic upgrade, for Touh, she removed rockshifting from the most advanced spirit and gave it fire and watershifting, however she did not grace anyone with airshifting but one creature I heard of but don't know anything about. Ozoumahi used his shifting to officially conquer the land for the blue variation, now named Osors, and the black variation, Meskyors, now work for them, and here we are, present day.

-Quantum shifters, those are the creatures that could airshift, I saw it with my own eyes. As to the story, I don't want to question hEr discernment but don't you think shE made a mistake?

-I believe so, Osors may have a curse, but Meskyors have two, and I don't see the fairness in it.

-I'm here to help, trust me, I've done it before, and I'll do it again. I will be guiding a revolution.

-hah, you must be out of your mind, one thousand years of monarchy cannot fall in a few weeks.

-that's what Lois XVI thought.


-someone back in land, let's say they had a similar situation to this.

-and what happened to him?

-you don't want to know.


-we should go to the castle now, father is probably starting to worry.

-what do you mean by "we"?

-you and I.

-will they let me in.

-of course, you just go with what I say, but brace yourself you need to be ready to rockshift

-WHAT? I can barely move a small rock

-it's your only way, don't worry, I believe in you"

Pha then spoke to Hayet telepathically

"Hey Hayet, can you give his spirit a boost right before he rockshifts, he'll need it.

-Fire veins it is.

-thank you"

Alan thought about using a potion, but he wanted to save them, ideally he would want to leave some for the next two islands, he knew he had it in him to rockshift if it came to saving his life, he softly whispered to himself "come on Velta, we can do it, please bind with me as much as you can, our whole fate in Touh depends on this"

"Come on now, we are heading to the castle. Oh and, Pha by the way.
