Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 41 - peace emits havoc

Chapter 41 - peace emits havoc

"Calm down, please. No one will hurt you here, Harwakrous is an Island of peace

-peace? PEACE? you were the one repeatedly sending this dragon to tourment those poor souls and you dare call your place an island of peace?

-first of all, this creature is of the Droma group, I never heard of the dragon group before. Secondly, the matter is more complicated than you think, it was never my decision to have it be like this

-then who's is it? God?

-goddess, to be exact.

-I don't get it..why would she do that to her own people?

-come with me to the Tower, I'll explain everything to you there.


Goddess Qyn's punishment to the Logachtiges is..well, me, Esequator, I am the punishment. Qyn created Harwakrous far enough from Nyangotrama so that it would never be seen by any Nyangotramanian person no matter what happens. Harwakrous has five towers, this one, the central anchor tower; the central anchor tower is what keeps Harwakrous here, because it is a floating island, it doesn't come up from the depths of the ocean. The four other towers are polar supportive towers that support the main one, they also serve the purpose of being the four bases of the Harwakrousian grewt energy wall. It is a wall of energy that surrounds the island, the energy is alive, the moment you come in contact with it, it reads you, your intentions, your purity, your ancestry, and your spirit, and you Velta, have been deemed worthy of entering the sacred Island of Harwakrous. The energy prevents me and lots of other creatures from exiting because we're meant to remain here, even when it allows Sworvik, it only does it because it knows he is to come back, shall the day ever come that he betrays the energy, it will know before he even thinks about it.

-if this energy is this strong and selective then why did it allow me to pass? My intention when I came here was to destroy whoever tortured the Nyangotramanian people

-the occult energy knows what we don't, it knows the future, even though you came here with vengeful intentions, the energy knows that they have came out of a pure heart, you only wanted to fight so you could protect people, thy spirit is pure, and the energy recognises it, it knew that once you hear me out thy intentions would be changing.

-but, they haven't"

The ground started violently shaking

"VELTA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Yelled Esequator

Alan started speaking, but not in his voice, it was a feminine voice that had lots of echo to it, it was as if it was multiple voices stacked on top of each other. He said "if this Tower is what is keeping the Island up, then down it goes, I will be breaking the "slaves of fire" curse

-Velta you don't understand, you're not even close to hEr strength, if you dare change something this much shE will make you perish instantly.

-Velta is about change, Velta saved the Quantum shifters from extinction, Velta reunited both halves of Neris, and Velta will now sink Harwakrous"

Alan then floated outside and performed the most violent terraforming he's ever done before, the ring he got from the terraformers starting glowing, Alan circled around the island ripping off the land as he passed, when he removed the land surrounding the four polar supportive towers, and also the central anchor tower, everything immediately collapsed except for the towers themselves, the towers were immune to his attacks, nothing fazed them, when creatures saw the ocean water, they turned into energy dust, not even touching it, just being directly above the water made them disappear into the abyss, and now all that's left are five floating towers. Two of Alan's Guenara rocks shrunk. He went back into the tower and dazed, he mumbled under his breath "what happened?", he saw what looked like an Artely im front of him, it looked more like a hallucination than a real one, and then he fainted.


"When entering the sacred island of Harwakrous, your spiritual development is greatly elevated, for example Sworvik is elevated from an angry lunatic Droma to a sensible calm one, since you Velta were in the upper levels of Iquila, you got elevated to Ehram, the fifth stage of spiritual development. To get to Ehram, the spirit usually evolves in a certain pace the body is capable of adapting to in time, but this change was so sudden that your human couldn't, you took over, and you single-handedly destroyed all of Harwakrous, except for its vital parts.

-who is Velta? Why do you keep calling me by that name?

-Velta is the name of your spirit. Velta took over for a while, your body is starting to adapt a bit which is why you're now awake

-I was angry at you, and I did want to end this, but I never thought I could do something this big, Harwakrous isn't small at all.

-yes but you knew its weak points, you played smart Velta, you played smart.

Alan went to the bottom of the main anchor tower, it had four doors each directly facing a corresponding polar supportive tower. He got rocks from the bottom of the sea and made eight connecting paths, four between the central tower and the others, and he made every polar tower connected to the two near it, then he dazed again before finishing all the paths

"You are too weak to perform any magic, if you tire your spirit more your magic will be blocked temporarily until Velta heals

-the least I can make paths. I was strong enough to destroy an island, I could make a path" Alan forced himself to finish and he did, the he collapsed for good.

When he woke up, Esequator was hovering his hand over him, and his hand had a blue energy mist covering it,

"What..what is this?

-discovery energy, and it's returning empty. Alan, your connection to the cosmic energy of the universe has been severed, your Sahasrara has closed, and your Ajna is really weak, you will not be able to perform any magic for a while.

-what?.. why?

-as I said, Sahasrara is blocked, Sahasrara is the crown chakra in your body, it is the bridge between your spirit and and the cosmic energy of the universe. Without it, Velta cannot absorb the universe's energy to be able to synthesise magic out of it. Ajna is your third eye chakra, it is the chakra that strengthens your relationship to Velta, it got severed. Not only is Velta unable to create, she is also barely able to talk to you, the body-spirit connection is practically lost and the chains have grew thick yet again"

Xynar kept its promise, the curse it has promised since the beginning of Nyangotrama has activated, if Alan didn't lose his magic that moment he would've been able to perform Gwantavision for the first time, but now, he lost all of his progress. Luckily, Velta remembers the magic she already knew, so when her and Alan connect again he'll be able to do everything he was previously able to do, but since Velta just started understanding Gwantavision, and Alan cannot be the portal through which she can get around the material world to learn more, she may forget the little things she learned, because she hasn't uncovered all of Gwantavision secrets yet, and until a spirit learns the magic fluidly, they may forget it.

"Come with me, Alan.


-the Specter of Truth.