Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 39 - first try for an eye

Chapter 39 - first try for an eye

..and the human surprisingly did, he cut the whole structure in half then separated both halves, releasing the Artely. Pnomal stormed off.

"I think it's best for you two not to have any interaction for a while

-I don't care about him, I'm here to learn magic not to be anyone's trauma punchbag, I did nothing to deserve him reflecting his insecurities and trauma at me. Sorry for what you had to see, I never use my magic to grant myself authority or any unfair advantage against anyone, as you can tell this is the first time I ever used any of my magic in front of you, I usually leave it as a last resort, but it needed to happen.

-you know, it's actually impressive, we haven't had contact with Praying Terraformers for a while, it's nice to see their spirit in someone that's better than them

-I have their ring too,I stole it from their leader!

-Boo? Talk about a jerk.

-you know him.

-before they invaded Tribalchotomous he was living here, we hated him.

-I did too.


"Death has come, it knocked on the door

But this Guenara rock told it to wait more

The grim reaper went back to the shore

He's not at the doorstep anymore

He felt you alive, felt a beat in your core

He felt your soul, he felt it restore"

light came out of the rock, it was a gem green color, it hovered over Ivergloom then entered him. His eyelid's lightly writhed and fluttered, he woke up. Yin visited the hospice at a very late hour of night, nobody was in the room, he smiled then gently whispered "welcome back buddy". His frustration at Pnomal had nothing to do with the poor life of Ivergloom, he acknowledged that and returned to help, and he did, then he left as if he's never been there.

The next day when the spectators came to check whether Ivergloom has left the world yet or not they found him wide awake. He described who saved him saying he's never seen any creature like him before, and spectator Wu immediately realised it was Alan.

Spectator Wu called for Pnomal, he didn't like him after what he did but after all he's a spectator and needed to remain professional and push personal feelings to the side. Pnomal was informed that Alan saved Ivergloom and all of the other four patients in the life support rooms, all while he was still hugging his cousin


She was trying to get to the shore although trapped inside of him, she imagined herself free of him, flying and hovering over the place and getting to her desired destination while he is in another, how delightful would it be to finally be free after all of this time, she almost forgot how it feels, she has been chained to a body, the chains made her heavy, too heavy to be able to levitate and escape, she's learning to set herself free from them, not by struggling until they break, she learned that that will never work, as it only wastes her energy, and makes the chains tighter, she's no longer fighting the chains, she's observing them, she's understanding them, they are not her enemy, they are only tying her to him because they know that if they let her loose she'll abandon him, a body with no soul is worthless, and so is a soul without a body, as the soul is what heals the body and helps the brain evolve, and the body is the gateway through which the soul could translate its cosmic energy to worldly emotions and doings to be understood, and as long as he and she are not well entuned with each other, the chains will remain, and will only cease when the body-spirit bond gets established, and his consciousness is no longer the seen, touched, heard, smelled and tasted but is also the sensed, the felt and the predicted, she has always been able to feel what he feels but never influence it, which means he has never felt what she felt, the body-spirit bond will finally enable that, the upper level of Iquila is upon him, and upon her, the fiber-like bonds are growing thicker and the chains are shrinking.


"Just..WHY! IT FELT SO CLOSE" said Alan as he kicked the ground frustrated. He felt that pair of cosmic eyes slip from his grip, he knew he was close even though nothing happened, at least not yet.

"May I interrupt?

-Pnomal being polite, well, that's new.

-I wanted to..

-I haven't said yes yet, and I'm not going to. Plus, why are you up so late? Never mind it's none of my business, I couldn't care less about you or your sleeping habits. Now, you may leave.


-there is no but" Alan then cropped a disk out of the ground Pnomal was on and turned it around to get him to face the opposite direction, then said "Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite. Oh wait, they won't, you probably threw a ruinous potion at them turning their lives agonising, like you do to people of your kind" Alan's voice grew louder with every word he spoke. Pnomal sighed and walked away.


"The almighty scepter of truth, I, your humble protector, ask you to grant me knowledge of a rejuvenation potion for Droma wings. Traditional healing is strenuous and time consuming, a Nyangoshield is the best way to protect you, and I wouldn't want to risk not having one up for two weeks

-the specter of truth shall grant you knowledge of the Pedra potion, crafted from the Stepra roaming souls"


The book of creatures:

Volume IV: Nyangotrama and Nyangotramanian roots

Section Beta: the island of Harwakrous

Part one: fauna

Division three: mystical faune

Creature six: Stepra roaming souls

Creature six, of division one: real fauna, is the Stepra. Stepra is a moose like creature with nine tails. The female has two wings. Upon death, the female Stepra's soul loses her wings and gets reincarnated in a new life, as a male, as for a male Stepra, the soul gains a set of wings and they start a new life as a female. Goddess Qyn is the only entity capable of reincarnating creatures of hers, sometimes she rejects Stepras, so they remain as a soul forever, roaming around Harwakrous, and can only be seen at a random hour every day.

First appearance: 9001 years a.r.o (after the rage outbreak)


Due to him staying up so late, Alan slept in, for the first time in a while. When he woke up, Orahy told him that new scribbles appeared on the shores, they announced that Sworvik's upcoming arrival is just three days away, and both creatures have accepted that they won't be able to provide the necessary number of shrooms in time because they didn't think this would happen.

"I guess this is an opportunity for me to finally uncover Sworvik's secrets, what he does with the shrooms, where he goes after fleeing from here, and everything about him"


Their predictions were correct, they couldn't get the shrooms in time, and Sworvik was on his way, they were able to tell by his high screeching noises that have always been heard echoing shortly prior to his arrival. He landed, and Alan got his first glance at the Droma; his body was colored in puddles, splashes of red and blue, both of his eyes wadere pearly white, he h two giant wings, and six limbs, his tail had 2 ends, one fully red one fully blue. He looked around and saw no shrooms, so he screamed extremely violently and flapped his wings lifting himself up, then he opened his mouth...