Chereads / Xynar's reality / Chapter 35 - bitter remembrances

Chapter 35 - bitter remembrances

[A dragon's scream filled every corner of the island of Harwakrous], it was a scream of agony and distress. Esequator swiftly got out of the "central anchor tower" and rushed toward the source; it was Sworvik, next to a stinger tree, his wing were bleeding heavily, it was vertical slit and Esequator saw a swarm of sabotage bugs in the distance, he figured they swarmed at him and made him lose sight of the tree, one that is notorious for having the most and the sharpest needles of all plants, they are of different heights, and if one touched your skin the others will extend or shrink accordingly and reposition themselves at the appropriate angle so that they create one big and very sharp needle for maximum damage, a small fly may not be able to avoid a sting if it passes by a stinger tree.

Esequator waved his wand that doubled as a walking cane, a fluid like "energy" hovered over the injured line and stopped the bleeding while calming the pain simultaneously

"I'm sorry dear, I should've hexed the sabotage bugs or shielded you from them before the day has started, I knew they will be appearing today yet I got caught up, and you had to pay for my foolishness"


The book of creatures:

Volume IV: Nyangotrama and Nyangotramanian roots

section Beta: the island of Harwakrous

part one: fauna

division three: mystical fauna

creature one: sabotage bugs

After a season of goodwill and overall stability in Harwakrous, comes a season where certain magical bugs appear, they are the sabotage bugs; characterised by their ability to perish and loom anytime and anywhere they want within the Island, sabotage bugs appear to make life harder, for example, disturbing the smooth gliding of a Duran (Sworvik is a creature of the Duran family)

First appearance: three years a.r.o (after the rage outbreak)


Sworvik is the only Duran that received stealth training, thus the only one Esequator trusts enough to send for the collection of the Nyangoshrooms, this is going to be Sworvik's second time in all of history to miss a collection date.

In the middle of the night, Esequator went to the ledge of Harwakrous, he then flicked his wand around then slammed it on the sand and started engraving words, every line he traced got mirrored on the Ledge of Nyangotrama, later at dawn, when Artelys and Logachtiges went to welcome Sworvik, they noticed the markings, they read "Sworvik will be absent for this collection and the upcoming two"

Entities were mad because they put all if this work and coordination for nothing

"They could've told us this earlier, before we already put in the work and prepared the baskets"

"unacceptable" Hourer screamed as she started uncontrollably demolishing the baskets. Nobody could stop her, she's the most powerful logachtige, with wrath as strong as her body, they tried hundred of times before but nothing works, so they just stared at her as she destroyed the shrooms, they were going to die before Sworvik's next arrival so they just let her do whatever she wants, anything to make her sleep better at night.

"Hey hey hey stop, why are you doing this" Alan said circling around her

"Get out of my way before I mash you with the Shrooms

-have you always used strength to get your way instead of logic and reason? Do you make others submit via terror? Is that how you work?"

That last sentence made her pause, then redirect herself at Alan, and immediately sprint at him, which validated his point further.


14- Mono: Guenvik peddles

Mono freezes upper body movement for Logachtiges

15- Nomo: Guenvik nectar

Nomo freezes lower body movement for Logachtiges


After getting away from the rest of the Logachtiges, Artelys splashed a Nomo potion at Hourer, she froze in her tracks

" happening to me?

-could you please calm down it's been a good half hour already?

-you dare talk to me in such manner and you want to get away with it"

She grew needles from her head and ejected them like projectiles, Alan dodged them then threw a Mono potion to freeze her completely

"I don't think my manner upset you, the content of what I said did, was it so true that it hurt?"

Hourer let out an aggressive growl

"It's okay, I know confronting our own feelings is hard sometimes, I had to do it when I first came here, it wasn't fun but it was the only thing that has allowed me to move forward, if we do not accept the present, we will never be able to build a future"

Hourer started calming down, Alan kept speaking

"So, care to tell me about the lingering memories fueling your wrath?"

Hourer started talking while having flashbacks:

For a new Logachtige to be born, an already existing Logachtige needs to drink a Cerast potion


3- Cerast: Kadea elixir,

Cerast is a plant growth potion, if Cerast is used on a plant it insures its rejuvenation, continuity and growth


Since Logachtiges are basically giant moving logs with a few leaves and branches here and there, the Cerast potion amplifies their power, using a Guenara rock with the potion is an even better power amplification technique, a Logachtige then plants their "hands" into the ground, their hands and feet grow inside the ground, then they sprout out to form a new Logachtige, as a result, the Logachtige who made the other, or the Birthing Logachtige, wouldhave used a lot of their magic, and will not be able to use any Guenara rock until three months later, their leaves also shrivel and die, it takes some time for them to fully heal, as to the new Logachtige; or the Birthed Logachtige, they start growing like a normal Loga child.

The Birther and the Birthed have a deep connection, they could feel each other's agony, distress, joy, or any strong emotion. Some are so entuned they could even feel the faint of feelings, and Hourer is one of them, she was extremely close to her birther, Diov.

Her great empathetic abilities weren't the only powers that made her standout, she also bottled great strength. During a shroom miscount when Sworvik unleased his fire at the Logachtiges and went to kill some of them, he targeted Diov, and fired an extremely vicious purple flame, one that he always used to end a life, Hourer stood in front of the fire and shielded her face with a log wall she created, the wall withered quickly and Hourer got burnt, usually five seconds of contact with the purple flame lands someone in the grave, Hourer took it for ten seconds and did not die. In the history of Logachtiges, she is the first to ever survive a direct Sworvik attack.However, the attack left her with an extremely bad mark on her face. Although she was the best of her kind which should've gotten her praise, Hourer got discriminated against because of her unusual looks.

"And they were the only one who never feared my deformity

-what deformity? You look normal to me

-THIS deformity"

Hourer dropped a mask that was covering her face making it seem normal, under it was her real face, it was damaged, grey, burnt and pierced everywhere. People feared her but Diov made her feel normal, and accepted, he also encouraged the rest to see her how he does.