"Do you think you are the only one who is able to use yuan qi, take it" roared viki at the beast.

He used his yuan qi on his sword and from the yuan qi, chaotic fluctuations were being emitted along with a feeling passage of the time. Even if the powerful cultivators were to observe this yuan qi they will not be able to identify them as the combination of space and time elements. viki is able to use these two different elements separately also. In the past year of their journey he didn't used it for not more than one time because if he uses either of them it will be troublesome as if he uses the space element, the area attacked by him will become filled with chaotic energy and yudhisthira is unable to purify it. If he used time element the attacked part will be aged and the energy will be completely lost. So he didn't used his yuan qi in the battles, it is also one of the reasons for him not being able to advance to the next realm.

As his sword touched to the jackal front leg, which is covered by it's yuan qi. The yuan qi on its paw got scattered and the blow clearly landed on the leg of the jackal and again both of them were thrown away again and the injuries suffered by viki are also becoming more and more severe. The beast is not in any better condition, the leg which got hit by viki's sword started to become wither along with the place where it took the blow and when compared to the other parts of its body the wounded area had aged at least 2 years. Even if it is somewhat intelligent when compared to the other beasts, it is still a savage beast. So it only felt danger from the blow and it is not able to understand what is going on.

The beast this time didn't try to attack viki and it moved towards the kids who were still recovering their energy after the fight. As viki understood the beast intensions and he dragged his heavily injured body to block its attack. Even though the distance between him and the beast is not less but it is more than 150 meters but as viki moved it seems the space in surroundings are not restraining him and as the beast is about to land its blow on the kids he blocked its attack and got blasted away by the force and in this time the beast didn't used its yuan qi and only used its flesh body and took a heavy blow from viki and it only pushed slightly backwards. But its front leg is started to wither at a rate visible to naked eyes. It is at this movement that it got scared out of its wits. It tried to move the yuan energy to stop the withering but the meridians in its leg were completely got destroyed by the space element.

As the were blankly staring at the beast were woken by the viki's shout.

"quickly run away from here and we will reunite sometime later" said viki.

By hearing his shout just as they about say something they heard another shout.

"don't just go in a single direction scatter and run away from here we will meet with each other in the outside world" said chanakya as he run towards viki.

"what are you doing chanakya, you also go together with them" shouted viki as he see chanakya is running towards him.

"what am I doing?. Don't you see in that I'm the only one who can support you at present. So I am staying. What are you all doing, once the beast come back to its sense it will be to late to runaway from here" shouted at them.

They hesitated for a movement before run away in different directions as chanakya is present with viki so they are not worried about their safety, because chanakya will have a way for any situation and the beast is also seems to be taken a heavy hit.

As the beast come to its sense and noticed that the kids were nowhere to be seen, it become fully enraged. Its initial idea is to let the weak ones in the pack to exhaust them and use the other four to kill them even if they were retained some of their energy but from the looks of the current situation it had greatly underestimated kids strength, to be more precise it is lost because of chanakya.

As chanakya went and tried to support viki to stand up the beast is already neared them with its eyes full of hatred for destroying its plans.

It has rise its another front leg which is not withered and full of flesh to beat them to death. As the attack is falling on them both chanakya and viki is not able to cope up the force and can only look helplessly at the attack and if that a blow landed on them they will definitely get killed.

As the attack is about to fall on them suddenly a blue light is formed around chanakya and blocked the blow. But viki got blasted away from the force and flew away in the direction of less thick forest. The blue light suddenly transformed into a young woman having beautiful face with blue long hair having a sword in her hand. If one looks closely there is light resemblance with chanakya's face and there is a smug on her face. After the light transformed into the woman, she didn't wait a second and slashed the jackal into tiny meat pieces within a fraction of second and looked at chanakya. He didn't even blink his eyes before and after the beast is cut into tiny pieces.