As sucharitha find viki in some distance from where she is, she moved towards viki somewhat unsteadily and stood beside him.

"Viki, what is this thing here" asked sucharitha.

"How do you feel now? Everything is okay, right?" asked viki with concern in his voice.

"What are you talking about? Right why did I lay down there?" asked sucharitha.

"You got scared of the beast and pass out when it is tried to attack you"

"Yes, yes I just remembered and where is that beast? And where the remaining beasts?" asked sucharitha as she had only found a single beast's body.

Viki told everything about what happened after she felt unconscious and didn't tell her of the damage of her medicines and how he transferred the medicine into her mouth. He did it as sumithra taught to him but after he did that, he felt his heart is beating fast when he thinks of it. He didn't the know anything about man and woman relationships. He also didn't bring the poison matter also because in the poison which is vomited by sucharitha has not only the savage beasts poison but also some of the poisonous herb's residual is also present. As far as he observed the pandava family treats sucharitha as their house goddess so he is not able figure out how the herbs poison is present.

"So, that's what happened. So, we only got a single beast and some low-grade herbs, what do we do now"

"First we go to the house and learn about the cost of the herbs we collected and before that we will search this area to look for even more costly herbs"

"Okay let's collect the herbs"

She is more happy for viki's suggestion as because she is fully energetic after she woke up from her unconscious state, before also she is energetic but it is her will to be energetic is high and her body is weak. But now she seems to be reborn and the world energy is entering her body at a terrifying rate but she didn't feel any pain and trouble in moving the world energy in her body.

The duo searched the surroundings for the herbs and find some of the rare ones, which are more costly than the ones they previously picked. The herbs quality and quantity are also high and if they sell them completely, the value is equal to that of the three-month income of the pandava family that is 30 silver coins.

"Okay let's go to the house and look for these herbs value and after that we will sell them in the market, but before that you have to clean yourself and wash your clothes" said viki as he is sorting out the herbs in his bag.

"But I don't know how to wash clothes"

"I will wash your clothes for you. First you took my extra cloths, change into them" said viki as he passed extra clothing, he has with him in the universal bag.

Sucharitha changed into the clothes given by viki and passed her blood strained clothes to viki. (She didn't change her cloths in front of him though)

After that they looked for a stream and viki washed her clothes with liquid, made by his mother. After drying them fully, he returned them to her to wear.

It took them nearly four hours to reach near the town and as usual viki picked her up and run into the city within a second. The guards who are guarding the gates are only in the yuan condensation so how can they find viki.

Without any stop they entered the pandava family and as they entered, they met the family head and sucharitha is not good with lies so viki created a story of them being moved around the town for sucharitha to get relax. By hearing his story sucharitha may also think it is real if she is not with viki. If she doesn't have the ability to determine what is a lie and what is true, she may be also tricked by viki, if there is a person in the world who can find viki's lies are sucharitha only.

After that both of them went into the doctor's room and looked for the herbs cost list. The doctor is not present at that time, so they searched the whole room and sucharitha find the book they are searching and both of them started to read the book naturally sucharitha is not able to remember everything whereas viki is able to remembered market value of the all the herbs listed in no time because he only needs to remember the cost as per the remaining matters, he had already well versed with them. As they just completed reading all the books regarding the cost of the herbs and tidied everything in the room, the doctor has entered the room.

The doctor is surprised by their presence and asked about the reason for their presence. Just as sucharitha is about to answer to his enquiry viki stopped her and said like this to the doctor.

"I am feeling sleeplessness recently and I am here to get diagnosed"

"Okay tell me your recent activities and will give you the needed treatment"

After that viki created another story out of nowhere and the doctor instructed him on how treat his illness. After that both viki and sucharitha came out of the doctor's room. Sucharitha is looking at viki with surprised look on her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Tell me, how can you able to create a story out of nothing, you tell lies without bat an eye, why did you not tell the truth to grandpa ramaya"

"If I tell him the truth of us looking for the books regarding herbs market value, he will question us why they need to go through the book if they want to know about the herbs rate, he will tell us. Say now do you think if we asked about some of the rare herbs, he will definitely inform the family head and he ultimately trace it to us being went deep inside the forest, so I had told him that story" said viki.

It is one of the reasons, but he didn't tell the actual reason because when he is searching for the books, he found some gold coins. Even though he didn't actually see the real gold coin but he did see it in the books given by sumithra. He heard from sucharitha that the amount of the salary he gets paid per month is same as the doctor's salary, so how can he able to get the gold coins, even if he saved his salary for twenty years it is impossible to have that many gold coins. Viki has his doubt on the old man previously, when he sees the poison herb residual in the poison vomited by sucharitha.

"You can find if people were lying or not, right?" asked viki.

"Well, mostly I can tell if one is telling lie or not, why did you ask me"

"Did you ask the doctor why he is treating you; as you are daily visiting him for health check"

"Grandfather told me to don't ask any questions. But I didn't ask him about the treatment reason, but I asked him about the medicinal herbs names he is using, at that time he will talk about them for sometimes and sometimes he remains silent and didn't answer my question as if he is hiding something from me"

"Did you feel safe around him or not"

"Now that you mentioned it, I do feel quite uneasy around him"

After answering his questions sucharitha looked at viki strangely and asked,

"Why did you ask these questions?"

"Nothing just casual"

"don't lie to me and tell me the truth" asked sucharitha.

"don't ask for now and I will tell you the detail after sometime" said viki with a heavy look on his face.

By seeing the look on viki's face, she didn't persuade him anymore.

"Okay rest for today and we will go to the market by tomorrow morning" said viki.

"Okay, you take rest" said sucharitha.

Both moved towards their own rooms and sucharitha directly went to the bed, whereas viki is cultivating using the combined circulation art of both time and space. But the surrounding world energy not sufficient for him to continue his cultivation, as he is in the peak of the blood condensation stage, he needs more concentrated world energy to breakthrough to the next realm. So, he is forced to stop from his cultivation. He also went to bed.

In the morning after sucharitha finished her breakfast she informed her grandfather as she is going out to the town. Raghavendra reluctantly agreed to her request and reminded viki again and again.

As they moved out of the house viki asked her if her grandfather is this much reluctant to send her even out of the house to see the town, how is she able to get to where viki is injured as it is clearly near the forest. To his question her reply is that she had argument with her grandfather and she run out of the house at that time and when she going to be picked up by her family, she saw viki in the bloodied state and walking unsteadily. By hearing her reply viki felt like strange game of the fate, he clearly took a random direction after he drink the medicine liquid.

Sucharitha didn't took the carriage to go into the town but walked along the streets with viki and both went into an empty street and disguised themselves and moved towards the shopping district, it is suggested by viki as sucharitha is well known person in the town.

After some turn, they entered a fully crowded area. Here the peoples are moving randomly and there are number of shops present, peoples are bargaining back and forth with the sellers.

Viki looked for an empty space and started to construct a small tent with four stick to support the tent and spread a blanket and took out the herbs from his universal bag and arranged them neatly on the blanket. He took a mat out and said sucharitha to sit down. After that he went and started to shout.


Like this he continued to shout for ten straight minutes. The other vendors looked at with unbelievable look as he is shouting like that for ten minutes without a gap is he still a human, but after some thought everyone realised that he may be a cultivator, because only a cultivators can able to shout for ten minutes non- stop without getting a throat pain. As like that the surrounding peoples, who came to buy goods from the shopping district realised it. They were happy because if the person who is selling herbs is a cultivator, the herbs will be definitely fresh ones. So, after they realized it, they flood before viki's shop.

As everyone is rushing, viki told them that, there are enough herbs for everyone and controlled the crowd's flow. Everyone paid the amount without any bargaining as the price set by viki is one coin below the market price so no one tried to bargain and almost all the low rank herbs were sold out within half an hour and sucharitha who is collecting the money is beaming with face full of smile. As it is her first time experiencing this type of experience, she is so excited. Same as per viki also, he also doing it for the first time. After all the low rank herbs were sold out sucharitha and viki is able to take some breath. By now the total income is 500 hundred iron coins, when converted into aluminium coins it is 5 aluminium coins.

But there is no one to buy the high rank herbs and as they waited for two more hours and only two peoples came to buy high rank herbs and he got 3 aluminium coins and from this one can see what is the difference in the income of selling two high ranked herbs to that of selling a hundred low ranked ones. As he is waiting for the customers, he felt like some one is pulling his shirt and saw sucharitha looking at him with a pitiful look and at that time her stomach made some sound.

"Sorry, I forgot. Let's go and eat something delicious food" said viki with awkward smile.

He totally forgot about the lunch for sucharitha. Viki put the remaining herbs he put for display into the universal bag and kept the tent as like it is because they will come and continue their business.

As he is searching for the place to eat lunch, he saw the crowd gathered in the direction he wants to go, he took a detour and is about take a step he heard a very familiar voice.