As viki has expressed his willingness to work for their family, the old man is rejoiced inside of him for his communication skills and his charisma.

If viki were to be known that the old man is thinking the reason for him joining into their family is due to the old man's charisma; he will definitely go insane. He clearly has his ideas of joining their family, because he has nowhere to go; definitely not because of the old man's charisma.

"Okay, now come with me I will introduce you to the family and from this movement you will be little su personal guard. You will get food and shelter from the family and you will get a monthly salary of 5 bronze coins, what do you think?" asked the old man.

"I am okay with it"

He clearly doesn't pay interest on the money as he didn't experience the world. He doesn't know that the world runs around the money. But even so the old man is generous, he offered him 5 bronze coins. Even for family doctor he gets only 3 bronze coins. He has to be generous or else viki will be snatched by others. He thought that viki will not agree so readily, his happiness has increased even high.

"Okay, come with me I will introduce to the family and I didn't introduce myself, right? I am patriarch of the pandava family, I go by the name Raghavendra. You can call me as like before as senior, as we both are cultivators, okay come with me"

"Okay senior"

Both viki and Raghavendra moved out of the room and Raghavendra sent the one who is standing outside of the room to let the elders of the house and the ones who present at that time in the house to gather at the meeting ground as soon as possible. After that he led viki toward certain direction in the house, seems to be towards the meeting ground. It took only one minute for them to arrive there because they are cultivators for the normal peoples will take at least 20 minutes to reach the meeting ground, well normally cultivators also will take five minutes, but he is testing viki's speed and he is shocked by the fact that he is able to keep up with him and he is also not out of breath. Raghavendra is feeling quite happy as sucharitha will be safe in viki's protection.

Both of them waited about for about ten minutes and the peoples who are at present in the house all gathered. They all discussing why the family head has summoned them. Sucharitha is also present in the crowd and seated in a special seat. Everyone seated on their places and there are five men seated in the front in a special chair and looking at the stage.

"It seems everyone is present here; I am going to announce the new personal guard of our family's young lady. The young boy next to me is going to the personal guard for sucharitha. That's all you are dismissed" said as he is moving out of the stage.

"What? that's all"

"Is he able to protect young lady? he seems to be same age of young lady"

"isn't he the one who is took into the home to treat for injuries and he seems to be about to die at that time. So how is he fine after only 5 days"

"What strength did he have to be the personal guard of young lady"

"Family head will not take any decisions simply; he may have his reasons"

Like that everyone discussed among themselves and from their conversations we can understand that they strictly follow their family heads word and how much importance they have towards their young lady.

But sucharitha is looking stupidly at her grandfather and waiting for his explanation. But it seems like he didn't want to explain and he moved towards the five men who are looking at him.

"Come with me I will give an explanation to you all and little su he will be your personal guard and you had always asked for your age kid to be with you. So, he will accompany you, so I am taking my leave" said the old man as he leaves along with the five elders.

"Kid I don't know why our family head appointed you as personal guard for our young lady, but if any harm falls on our young lady you will be dead"

"that's right if anything happens to young lady you will be dead"

Like that every single one leaved a threat before moving out of the meeting grounds and don't know why a little girl is and even the 3 years little girl who still smells of mother milk is also threatening him; which only make him laugh. He understood one thing that is every single one in the family treats sucharitha as a goddess and precious treasure. After everyone went out of the meeting ground only sumithra and viki only presented and both of them looking at each other.

"So, now tell me what is going on here" asked sucharitha.

"Young lady it…." As viki is about explain in details to her he is stopped by the little girl.

"I had said it clearly to you my name sucharitha"

"But young..."

"Hey now only I said my name is sucharitha and not young lady"

"But yo…"

"Stop, stop and listen here you have to call me sucharitha and you are not old than me so why are you calling "young lady" like an old man"

"But I am worker in your family and according my knowledge…"

"Keep your knowledge to yourself and don't call me like that and you can call me as sucharitha and what is your name"

"My name is vikramaditya"

"Okay, but I will call you as viki is it okay to you"

"Off course no problem"

"Now tell me what you and grandfather talked and why he assigned you as my personal guard and repeat like my grandfather as you are of the same age so he assigned you as my guard. So, tell me everything" asked sucharitha.

Viki told every thing to sucharitha and every detail in their conversation.

"What you are a blood condensation peak cultivator. Even though you and I are of the same age your cultivation is very high and I am very low, so tell me can you teach me in cultivation" asked sucharitha with bright eyes.

"Okay no problem but my training is very hard can you bear it"

"Off course I will bear and do you think I am weak, viki don't underestimate me and bring it on" said sucharitha with confidant smile on her face.

"Okay, then go and change your clothes into tight ones and bring me to the place you cultivate regularly"

"Why I need change my clothes into a tight fit ones and I didn't hear it anywhere" asked as she looked at him with a doubt in her eyes.

"You will know when I start the way of my teaching"

"Okay you come with me" said as she started to move towards her room.

It took 25 minutes to reach her room and viki didn't entered the room as she is going to change her clothes. After 2-minute sucharitha came out with a tight black training clothes.

"Okay, now bring me to the training grounds"

"You said we are going to cultivate but why are you asking me to bring you to the training grounds"

"You will know once you come with me"

As he is not telling anything sucharitha also didn't pressed on it and lead him towards the training ground. The training ground she took is her personal one, so there is no one present.

"Now do 100 sit ups, 100 pull ups, 100 squats for 6 times"

Sucharitha looked at him stupidly.

"What are you looking at do it now, this is how I had able to enter into the yuan condensation realm"

"really, just by like that? Are you not messing with me? I also do what you had told me daily and not just 100 but I can do it for 1000 times, I am doing it for 6 years already but I didn't see the results and you are telling me to do for only 100 counts"

"Just do what I say and if you are able to do 100 only then you can talk all these"

Sucharitha looked at him ten seconds and without talking she started to do what viki has said. As she is about to do the work out viki slowly released his aura and increased pressure on her as the time passed and because he had experienced his heavenly tribulation some of the heaven pressure is mixed in his pressure.

Sucharitha thought it will be easy but as she is continuing her workout it has becoming more and more hard. Before she reached the 30 counts, she started to feel aching in her muscles; which is only occurs when she is in the 500 counts in normal times. Even so she continued and when she is in the 60 counts, she started to breath heavily and when she reached 90 counts, she is feeling breathless and by gritting her teeth she finished hundred and fall limply on the ground grasping for the air. She is fully drenched in sweat.

"What are you doing continue"

"Wait a minute, why is it very hard this time and can it really work"

"Like I said it is how I had breakthrough in my cultivation, so get up and start the next one"

Like that her training continued and after finishing her training she fell limply on the floor and tired heavily and is about to sleep on there.

"What are you doing go and clean yourself and don't you feel hungry after all these"

At that time her stomach made a sound and sucharitha stood up, didn't show any embarrassing expression and slowly moved out of the training grounds. Everyone who are appeared on their way back asked why she is like that and someone even shouted at viki for why she is like that, but after hearing from sucharitha that she has done workout and somewhat severe this time, so that is why she is like that.

After she took bath, she went to kitchen and eat stomach full and everyone is surprised by the amount she had taken.

This routine has continued for 3 weeks and after 3 weeks when she is doing workout as viki is using his pressure. Then suddenly the surrounding world energy hummed and started to move towards sucharitha and entered her body, she didn't notice it and continued and viki also didn't remained her but after sometime she also feel something is changed in her body and observed herself and when she felt the qi flowing inside her body, she let out a short cry.

"Viki, I had entered qi gathering realm" said enthusiastically.

"I know" said viki with a smile.

"Finally, I had entered into the qi gathering realm, so do I need to continue this exercise"

"Absolutely, until you fill your meridians with the world energy"

"Okay, now I will go and inform grandfather about it"

"No, you have to continue and after completing go and clean yourself and eat fully and then you can go and tell your grandfather"

"Are my personal guard or my teacher"

"I am your personal guard and you made me your teacher"

"Okay vikramaditya teacher I will continue with the training" said sucharitha with a teasing smile clearly, she is happy for being able to enter qi gathering stage.

"Okay student sucharitha continue your training" viki laughed for her teasing.

He clearly feels indebted to sucharitha and he is also happy for her.

Sucharitha continued her training and after cleaning herself she went to eat food and after that she has informed to her grandfather about her being entered into the qi gathering realm. Raghavendra is also surprised after hearing about it and when he heard that viki is the one who trained her in a very simple manner, he is astonished by viki's methods and when he remembered that viki is cultivated by a master, he credited it to the master.

After that day sucharitha practiced even harder and harder. Like that she filled most of her pseudo meridians with world energy.

After some days viki felt that the speed of her filling seems to be becoming slow and after some thought he remembered that he is being fully trained her in the closed place and that may be the reason for her current situation. So, he asked her about for going out and also said the reason. Sucharitha immediately agreed with him. So, she asked him to take her to forest for some adventure. At first viki didn't agree but as she continuously pursued him, he agreed. Sucharitha stopped viki as he is about to go to inform her grandfather as he clearly will not agree. Viki also felt that it will be okay to not inform as he is able protect her from any danger. Sucharitha changed her cloths into somewhat poor quality and sneaked out of the house with him.

After that they both moved toward the town gates and as she is panicking on how to sneak out of the gate, because if any one finds her identity it will be troublesome. As she in her thoughts viki lifted her and run at full speed out of the gates in a blink of an eye.

She is out of the town gates before she could blink her eyes. She is thoroughly shocked by viki's speed, he is faster than her grandfather.

Viki put her on the ground only after she is back to reality and she didn't seem to be mad at him being lift her without her permission and it looks like she doesn't know anything regarding male and female, pure heart girl.

As like that they entered the forest slowly.