We got out of the locked stadium,
I shook hands with the man beside me and begin to talk with the others.
All of them said gratitude as they approach me which made my heart flutter.
While having a conversation with the crowd I heard dev who is beside me scream.
"Its brother!"
I took a turn and saw a sealed wall on the entrance dev used to get here.
Dev rushed to the wall yelling, he try to clash the sword with it but it was no use, the steel wall was too strong that the blade broke into tiny pieces.
Seconds after a creaking sound came below ground before I fell into a hole.
it was so sudden that I was unable to react.
I try to grab anything but as I touch my surrounding, my hand twisted breaking almost all my fingers
A sound my body created the moment it hit the cold hard floor.
I couldn't let out a single word, everything happened so fast
I could feel pain spreading everywhere paralyzing my whole body.
I was silent until the room lit and I saw a pair of red eyes staring down at my paralyzed body.
"Pass the mission to survive"
A familiar voice echoed in the surrounding.
"Survive for two minutes or you can kill the monster, do what you think is right"
After those words, the red eyes were rained with light and I saw how it look.
A humanoid green body, it looks like a human except it bare large fangs and razor-sharp claws.
(it's like a goblin but larger)
It growled at me and tried to run in my direction but an invisible barrier stopped its movement.
It scratches the invisible wall trying everything just to get closer,
I struggle to stand up while the monster was blocked but my body wouldn't respond.
I could feel danger getting closer and it did.
The barrier broke
The monster steps out of the Barrier and begins to slowly approach me, humping at my top.
It scratch my face and then my shirt before opening its mouth and showing its pointed teeth,
He bit me in the neck and I couldn't help but yelp.
"" I spoke feeling the pain enveloping me entirely, I try to push him out but my arm wouldn't listen.
I could only endure it and wait for two minutes to pass by.
If the voice I heard earlier was true, then I can survive if I wait for two minutes, if it's true that is.
With my eyes slowly closing, I opened my mouth which is still movable for some reason.
I bit the monster's long pointy ear, green blood dripped straight to my throat and it taste horrible that I wanted to puke.
but I endure and I could feel the monsters bite loosening,
"Krrg!" I hear it groan just before biting my neck with a force that I feel drained.
I wanted to improve, change my future and it ain't gonna end with this...
I won't let it
I bit the monster's ear with all my might, that it actually bent and the monster let go of me, retreating holding his ear with both hands.
I felt relief that it all ended.
"I survive" I muttered
But I celebrated too soon, multiple red eyes appeared from afar
and my body trembled as it came to light.
Ten or more of those monsters appeared in front of me, with a thirst to kill.
Two no maybe three it couldn't be one,
Minutes passed.
My body was beaten up, my face turned blue, and what I wore was stripped down by the million cuts and bites my body received
My eyes were slowly drifting off, it was so heavy heavier than the long sword I grabbed earlier.
I could feel pain no longer, but I could still see the monsters grouping around my body,
Eating my flesh scratches to make me bleed.
as my vision went black the scene shifted.
I could feel a cold body in my arms, sorrow envelop me entirely and I couldn't help but cry.
The scene shifted once again, two tombstones I was surrounded by people crying while I stare at the two pictures
they're mom and da-
The scene shifted multiple times showing different scenarios with all making me feel the same two emotions
sadness and anger.
It flooded my head and then I realize,
'so this is why I wanted to be a hero'
I opened my eyes and saw myself standing tall in front of me is a firm muscular back.
I thought it was another scene that was randomly put in my head then I heard a voice muffled by the microphone.
"The test was out"
I couldn't listen to the voice properly,
I checked my body, My shirt was undamaged, my jeans are okay, I couldn't feel a single scratch,
I look to the side and saw dev and his brother Kevin
They smiled at each other, Kevin tried to approach dev but a barrier stopped his movement.
Seeing it dev tried to break the Barrier to get to his brother, while his brother did the same
The both of them push the invincible wall hoping it would be pushed back.
They're so desperate to get close that I saw their fist bleed as they smack the Barrier with all their might but it only left a smudge of blood on the invisible wall.
I shifted my attention to the loud voice coming from the stage.
For some reason I was in a wide room, the floor was made of wood, the walls were made with the same material, hundred people stand with me, and almost all watched the guy that was at the center of the stage.
"what you experience earlier was a test, it's used so we can group you according to your 'talent"
The guy on the stage searched the wide room he smiled and said
"Ann fifty-eight points, she's the highest among all of you"
"rain is twenty-nine....
He recited everyone's name, there are hundreds of us and of course, it took a long time until I was called.
"Allen scored six"
Six, I don't know what the average standard is but I think six is a little too low.
Then I was escorted by a man, he wear a white robe-like what doctors use.
As we exit the large room I saw everyone that was called by the guy on the stage also being escorted out to either this entrance or the door on the opposite side.
As I exit that place another room greeted me, it's a lot smaller than the stadium where I was unknowingly standing
Eva whose wearing the same all-white doctor's cloak was waiting for us, she have her arm resting on the polished table with a small monitor at the center.
Her silence greeted us then the man that was guiding me and the others spoke.
"they're here" there's a hint of awkwardness in his voice
He and Eva locked eyes until Eva spoke breaking contact.
"Fine but I'm telling you, back up is crappy, I almost di-
the man looked at us and said.
"We should talk when-
"sure, run away" Eva said, the man didn't respond and left the room.
"Ahem, you guys can sit....there," She said pointing to the ground.
We awkwardly followed her word and sat on the cold floor.
"Kay let me just grab this" She grabbed the monitor that was placed at the table before clearing her throat.
"Ahem, as Newcomers they're too many of you guys, you all saw it didn't you, at the other room hundred of people are waiting"
A guy from the crowd of people that were sitting on the ground raised his hand before quickly putting it down.
Eva ignored it and continue.
"what you experience at that time, being escorted to this school like a place, that was an illusion..kind of"
She swipe the monitor and said
"you didn't need to know anything about this, do you? let me explain what's important"
"Jeez I'm wasting time" She mumbled which everyone heard.
"Say your name aloud but add abon at the beginning" she stated and some followed her instruction, they did spelling the word slowly like a baby pronouncing a word for the first time.
Allen was one of the people that followed her instruction
"abon..... Allen"
"abon lia-
"abon james"
"abon bonon bon"
"Stop!" Eva's voice hit us like a splash of water, she immediately got everyone's attention
"I said stop" She said and silence followed.
there were a few squeaks and coughs but it turned to silence after Eva looked where the sound was coming from.
"Aboneva" She spoke and her eyes glowed brightly.
"add it in your name" She said The light in her eyes diminished and turned to its original golden color.
"say it properly this time"
Allen followed Eva's instruction
"Abonalen" He muttered
He felt something being put against his eye, then a stone bar appeared in front of him blocking his vision
"I can't see!"
A word that was followed by screams and panic.
"What is this" Allen heard while someone bump his body multiple times he couldn't see it cause of the stone tablet blocking his vision,
A man who suddenly saw the stone appear out of nowhere was in shock, he took multiple steps back and his body hit someone
That someone was Allen, the man have a rather big build so the moment his body hit Allen, Allen slipped and his face was the first to hit the ground.
From Eva's perspective, she saw the crowd of people wrestling with each other the first victim was a girl that was pushed to the very edge of the room by the people that was blinded by the stone tablet.
The second victim was Allen that has his whole body flat on the ground.
Seeing a third victim, Eva finally decided to speak.
"Calm down"
She didn't scream, of how many people were speaking their opinion and shrieking in panic Eva's voice wasn't that clear it was covered by the saying of many people.
Everyone stopped its like their ears were trained to listen to Eva even in the loudest room possible.
"Now sit down"
Everyone sat down at the same time.
"What your seeing right now is your bloodline, as the name suggests you need to put blood in it"
She searched the room, Eva couldn't see the tablet Allen was seeing nor everyone's imaginary tablet, but by how their eyes focused on their front and not her, she guess they succeed in seeing the tablet.
"how, do I need to cut myself?" someone from the crowd asked
"Just touch it with your finger," She said.
Allen pointed his finger at the floating stone as his finger and the stone connect, red ink traveled
creating the word.
The stone crumbled and his body that was on the ground suddenly stood up,
he looked in every direction and saw a colorful scene.
The fire traveled to the roof like a rainbow, water sprinkled, and breezy wind attack everyone in the room, everyone except Eva.
It's like magic.
"I can use fire!" One shouted
"I'm burning!" A guy panicked running out of the room.
"Calm down, it'll settle," Eva said but unlike before only half or so listened.
They try to calm down while others couldn't help but react,
Seeing scissors for hand a man sways wildly almost cutting the body of those near him,
Allen couldn't focus on anything except the word he saw.
Precognition means seeing the future.
Then does it mean I didn't actually turn back in time?
The scenes I saw, the sadness those memories bring,
Seeing the world end, seeing the last moment of a true hero.
Standing up even when burn to death.
It wasn't real, but things that might happen, this hurts my head by a lot.
Does the me from that future have this...precognition thing.
Then did he also try to be a hero?
If he did try to be one.....
does that mean if I try to be a hero as well, I'll fail just like him